April 11th is fine for me,I’ll put it in my diary.How about the rest of us ?Princess18 should be in on this as she is a shropshire lass.
Will put April 11th in diary and try best to get there, but this will be 4 days after first Taxotere so won’t be sure how I’ll be feeling
Hi sarndee,
Really hope you feel well enough to come. If not, no problem, there will be other days.
If I can give you a bit of a short term perspective- this time last year, I was bereft of hair, wondering what life would be like on the other side and it is absolutley amazing how, day by day, you cope and move on. Eventually you get to “normal” again. I now have hair -lots of it and I have my life back - hang on in there and you will come out the other side.
Princess 18 has replied through a pm that she is available on April 11th and would like to join us.Sarndee hope you can make it there is a good chance but if not then there will be other times.Chris have you an op date yet?Any more shroppy girls out there?horace[Val]xx
hi everyone
not been on for a while as I have been trying to sort out my referral to another hospital.
I have seen 2 surgeons at Birmingham City Hospital, one being a plastic surgeon and they are both great, I feel so confident in them that I now realise what a butcher my first one in Shropshire was. I was immediately given a plastic folder with loads of information and some extra relating to my situation. I and the other ladies share 3 BC nurses who are lovely.
I wonder if it depends on whether you are NHS or private which surgeon you actually see in Shropshire.
I will not be there April 11th as that is the day I am having further WLE and sentinel node biopsy, more deformity!!. Cannot make up my mind what reconstruction to have but do not have to think about that until I get the results of the nodes. If I lose the weight I had started trying to lose I could have both boobies done and implanted but not sure about silicone.
Sandra, hope you are OK I know you had your last fec on Monday.
Horace nice to see you are signing Val now that we all know you are a girl.
keep well everyone
Hi Chris99
I’m not in your area but I’m 51 and had SLN biopsy prior to mastectomy, axillary clearance with 27 lymph nodes removed, and immediate DIEP (tummy flap) recon. ~Armpit is worse than the breast surgery! I have been advised to have chemo followed by rads and tamoxifen. I was told rads were not advisable after recon using an implant but I knew I didn’t want one. I’m pleased with the the recon, early days and it’s still firmer than the other breast, but in a sports bra and t-shirt nobody would know any different. The sports bra seam goes across the nipple so the fact that the recon has a circle of tummy skin instead of a nipple and areola doesn’t matter. I have a scar from hipbone to hipbone but it isn’t deep, I got a tummy tuck too, and the downside is temporary soreness from the tight corset that I have to wear for 3 months, and a permanently numb panel from just above the navel to my pubic area. Stressed now as seeing oncologist tomorrow to learn more about proposed chemo. I hope your WLE and SLN go well and you have plenty of advice regarding recon. Lyn x
Hi Lyn
thanks for the info.
When i originally saw the plastic surgeon he said i could have an immediate recon using my own tissue from the back and no implant, I am not very tall and only a little over weight so he could not do the tummytuck one.
when i saw him and the breast surgeon this week he said I should not have the recon because it might die as a result of the rads. if I need them.
but you have had a recon and are now having rads and chemo so they must think it will be ok, i am a bit confused as to why he changed his mind its just another question i forgot to ask. it might be because I had invasive ductal carsinoma and the fear is that if there were any infection after the surgery it would delay the chemo.
Hi Chris,
Good luck to you for your surgery, and so glad you’ve found a surgeon you can have confidence in, it does make all the difference and was such a shame that your experience in shropshire was so bad, can’t comment on recon as know little about it, was luckly enough to get away with a wle with little to notice when dressed!
Pleased my last fec is over and done with, half way there now, been feeling a bit down and sicky this week, but on the up again now - not looking forward to the tax but I’ll tackle that one when I come to it on the 10th April and beyond . . .