sentinel node available shropshire/anyone had radiotherapy before surgery

Hi fellow sufferers

I have had a lumpectomy and results are invasive ductal cancer grade 2. My surgeon wants me to go back in Wed to have a wide local excision of breast and lump. i have already lost 1/4 of my breast and was horrified of how i looked so terrified of what awaits.

does anyone know if sentinel node biopsy is available in my area. shropshire.

has anyone had experience of surgery underarm/nodes removed. how bad is it.

has anyone had radiotherapy treatment before surgery?

has anyone had reconstruction at the time of surgery.

if i lose half of my breast then i wanted reconstruction at the time of surgery but told i would not be able to have that before radiation. and they do not know at this stage if I have to lose the whole breast.

I feel as if i am being rushed through this and do not have all my questions answered, fear of the unknown is making me unable to think.

Hi Chris99

Welcome to the forums, I am sorry to read of your recent diagnosis. I am sure that you will receive lots of support and information from your fellow forum members very soon. I also wanted to let you know that Breast Cancer Care have published a Resource Pack, it has been designed for anyone newly diagnosed with information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and various treatments, it is available via the following link or by contacting the helpline:

I have also added a link to our breast reconstruction booklet which you may find useful too:

You may find our helpline useful to call during this time, they can talk to you about our other support services and also offer support and a ‘listening ear’. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm, Saturday, 9am - 2pm. I hope you find this helpful.

Best wishes

Hi Chris I live in Shropshire and was treated at Princess Royal[Telford]for op and all chemo etc at Shrewsbury.My surgeon was Mr Usman and oncologist Dr Agrawal.I have found them both excellent,very supportive and willing to discuss all aspects of treatment.I had node sampling and was told sentinel node biopsy was not available but that if he had a problem with getting clear margins or there was any node invovement in sample he would do full node removal and check.If you want any more info do pm me,I’d love to help if I can.The bc nurses are amazing!Love horacexx

Hi Chris,

I too live in Shropshire and like horace was treated at PRH & Shrewsbury, under the care of Mr Usman and Dr Agawal. Like horace, I found both gentlemen excellent. I presented with a small lump in October 2006 & had a WLE. with lymph node clearance. I wasn’t offered sentinel node biopsy. Got clear margins and nodes were clear. Had chemo followed by rads. Underarm not painful - just numb which only feels weird if I am actually touching it - rest of time, feels no different to other side. Appearance of breast is not brilliant - but I still have a cleavage and can wear what I want. Have thought about recon, but don’t like the thought of scars on other parts of my body and worried that I wouldn’t be able to spot trouble in the future with an implant.
Interesting your thought about being rushed. In retrospect, I feel that I probably was too; but at the time, just wanted to get rid of the problem. Have often thought that if I had chemo before op, then maybe I could have got away with lumpectomy.
There seem to be a few of us Shropshire girls on this site - anyone fancy meeting up?


yes i certainly would love to meet up, i am in Wem. we could organise meeting at say a pub within reach of all concerned.

I have been reading about having recon at the same time as the op. and how fat can be taken from the bottom just under the cheek so no scar visible either and used to fill the void left by the WLE. maybe i sound vain i dont know, I am 59 and some people think i should not be bothered but i like my breasts and want to keep them.
I am seeing my gp tomorrow for their opinion. I rang the helpline on this site and they said another week will not make any difference to the final outcome, a thought i already had.
my lump was quite large and the WLE may be inadequate, if i was to have a mastectomy then i want to know who i can see about waking up with a new boob. my surgeon is only a surgeon with no other specialist skills.

my lump also looked fine on the mammogram and scan it wasnt until they decided to do a needle biopsy just to be safe that malignant cells were found. what gets me is how would they feel if someone came along to give them a needle biopsy into the testicles without numbing the area first.
my lump was like scar tissue hard and knobbly and yes i screamed out and mr hussein who did the biopsy apologised saying he had to force it through all the hard thickened skin.

when i had my lumpectomy mr przyczyna told me i would be having it by a local no general anaesthetic was offered, he also failed to give me enough of the pain killer and i could feel something like needles sticking in me, i know he was cutting at the time and the anaesthetist kept telling him to give me more. when he was cauterising the bleeds i nearly jumped off the operating table in pain so i am not too confident in him.

take care

If we do manage a meet soon I could go into more detail but my scar is about 5inches long with a short bit at right angles where they took the nodes.Its not toobad to look at no need for recon.I am in Wem too and would love to meet you.I am horacexx

Did you get my message chris?

Sorry to miss you this morning chris.All the best for your op and do get in touch if you want to meet up some horacexx

Hi Ladies, I’m also in Shropshire, near Newport, under the care of Mr Usman and Dr Agrawal, as JaneyB & Horace say
they are both really good and bc nurse Pat also brilliant, I was diagnosed with bc on 5th Nov 07 followed very quickly without much thinking time, by WLE to remove Grade 3 lump, lymph nodes also removed but only one affected, numb arm a bit weird though.
Currently having the chemo (FEC & Tax) and onto cycle 3 of 8, to be followed by rads, would be intrested in meeting up with other Shropshire ladies, btw I’m 50. Best of luck to you Chris99 hope all goes as well as it can.

Hi Sandra I too had FEC and taxotere and my bc nurse is Pat J.I’d love a meet sometime if anyone wants to suggest time/place.Maybe a pub lunch?Hope it went well Chrisxx

Hi all
sorry for not being online, see my recent posting.
I did not have the Op been too busy trying to arrange a second opinion.

I will meet you at the Treacle mine think i know where it is Tues 11 march if you can make it about 10, I am new to Wem.
I am 59 dark hair it comes from a bottle these days

I will post another message heading shropshire ladies to meet something like that and maybe a whole gang of us trouble makers can take the cafes by storm ha ha

thank you for your earlier message it inspired me to seek alternative treatment from the one offered and i am now happy with

take care everyone

Hi chris I will be in the Treacle Mine at 10am Tuesday.Looking forward to seeing horacexx

HI, sorry have been offline,
I’ve seen your posting Chris and well done to you for seeking second opinion, its best to go into things with as much knowgedge as you can gather.

I can also make the Treacle mine on Tuesday 11th, I’m newish to Shropshire so don’t really know Wem very well as I’ve only been there once but sure I’ll find it

I’m dark short hair (sort of spikey) which doesn’t come from a bottle because its not mine ! saving a fortune on hairdressing bills at the mo’ lol

see you there looking forward to meeting up


Brilliant,the Treacle mine is a very small sweetshop/cafe on Wem high street.It has wonderful coffee and a lovely atmosphere.Look forward to seeing you.If any more want to join us we might have to rethink the venue as the Treacle Mine is very small,up to 4 would be great.Love horacexx

the more the merrier, we can always go to the end of the street to the pub and have a coffee, soft drink, great.

see you tuesday

Hi all,

Would have loved to have made it on Tuesday but am working. Hope you all have a brill time and maybe if you meet up again I’ll be able to join you then.


Hi janeyb

we are planning to arrange to meet in the future in grinshill say for lunch I am going to put something on chit chat and fun to see who else might like to meet up and then we can arrange a date

take care

Hi Girls,

Glad it went well today. I could do Friday 11th April for lunch- sorry so far in advance, but am self employed and my diary is rammed.


Hi Girls,

Don’t know what happened here! I replied and now all the other posts have disappeared! Glad to hear that today went well. Can make Friday 11th April for lunch - sorry so far in advance, but am self employed and my diary is rammed.


Aha- they hadn’t disappeared - I am just a new page!