Hope someone can reassure me will call breast care nurse but the sentinel node wound is very achy and stingy and red and smelly it’s right near my armpit…just tried bathing with water is this normal ??
Dear Pam
have you got any discharge?
its often a fine line between the body’s natural inflammatory response ( some redness, swelling ,tenderness) and an infection ( redness, swelling ( and heat) pain!) but you do often get some leakage.
Is there an out of hours service you can speak to? Either way you will be fine you know, but you might need some antibiotics. If you can’t get hold of anyone you could ring A and E and ask them if they could check it for you?
If not as you say your BCN will be of help tomorrow, but it often feels a long time till the next day!!
hoping you are ok
Hi. Just to each Runningfree (hello and I hope back to work is going ok?!), I would get advice today. I developed an infection and contacted our local out of hours GP service (111 can help too). They were really quick to respond and I started antibiotics that same day (also a Sunday). They liaised with oncall surgeon for advice also. Fingers crossed you can be sorted quickly x
Oh errrr think I would be calling out of hours surgery. They did tell me if I had a problem and couldn’t get hold of anyone then ring the ward. X
Seems fine since I’ve lifted my arm up on a cushion for a bit and put some sudocreme on…think it was just chapped and warm with the dressing bit like nappy rash x