September 2016 starters

Hi Hazel
Thanks for that. I’m having Herceptin too so perhaps the scan will be the same. I’m in South Wales.
I’m seeing the chemotherapy nurse Monday so I can check this out.
Hope you are doing OK.

Kath x

Hi All

Coming to the end of day three now and apart from a lot a tiredness I am feeling relatively good - no nausea and so far no mouth problems - fingers crossed.

I had to see a cardiologist today as apparently FEC-T can affect your heart so I had an ECG today - clear - and some blood tests and have an echo-cardiogram arranged for Friday. These tests will then be repeated after my third cycle of chemo. I didn’t know that this was to happen until I arrive for my chemo session last wednesday - it seems that them sneak all these extra tests in at the last minute so to not scare you with too much information all at once.

I felt great this morning when I actually washed my hair for the first time since my cold capping, little things :). I don’t really know what i expected during these first few days but to get out in the fresh air an

had have a walk really made me happy today. Can anyone tell me what I should be expecting from day four onwards just so that I canbe prepared (I know that we are all different but to hear others experiences would be good please).

AND if just heard that the new Bridget Jones film is out on 16 September which is during my ‘good’ week so hopefully I will manage to go along to the cinema for this.

Have a lovely weekend and keep well xx


Thanks Sue and Blueash - so useful to get a bit of an insight into others and their experiences. Finished my steroids today so expecting a bit of a come down tomorrow but nothing planned :slight_smile: Luckily I am able to work from home as and when I can so I am very fortunate in that respect. I did go out today with my other half for a drive into the countryside and it made me feel so much better too. One down five to go!! Its my grand-daughters eight birthday tomorrow and despite not having much appetite at the moment I WILL be having some cake.

love to all xx



Hello All,

I will be starting chemo on the 15th. I am ever so slightly freaking out. I will be doing the fasting before for 4 days and 24hrs after chemo so am hoping for reduced side effects.
Anyone else starting around this time? My schedule is EC-T+carb for 24 weeks total.

Ps I lost my mum in May this year ? And then by fluke found out about me which I am of course thankful for but was hoping would not have to have chemo. I really don’t know how I am going to do thi without my mum. I also have a nearly 7y old daughter.

Thanks x

Hello SJ
So sorry about your mum. It is very tough when still grieving to then be given a diagnosis of BC.
The very person that you want to confide in and take comfort from when going through treatment. It feels and is so unfair and unbelievable that you have had so much to cope with in the one year.

I also lost my mum last year and my father in law 2 weeks before my bc diagnosis. I can sympathise and know i felt bad i was puting more stress on my kids and family this year. But I will get through this dark tunnel with their help and will come out the other side . Possibly a better person too.
I am on the August thread I started my first Fec T on 15th and due my second on the 12th September. I can tell you the unknown and waiting is harder than reality. There are side effects but you will cope they do not last the whole time, you have days that you feel totaly normal. I have found the medical team really do look after you and are there for you very quickly .
You are also entitled to counceling if you think it would help. Your Bc nurse would organise this.

Hugs and take care of yourself ? V x

Hi all.

So chemo pre assessment was today. Ended up being a 4 hour appointment. My veins are no good so I’m back in on Wed to be (hopefully) fitted with a Picc. Is this a good thing ? The nurses kept apologising that I would need one but I’m not sure why?!

Blueash- they tried me with a cold cap fitting and I’m slightly worried that the top of the cap eg near the crown didn’t seem to be flush to my head. It almost felt like a gap or air between the two. They tried several sizes so I had a fair few to go at but il wondering if this will make it less effective? Presumably it will. Between my rubbish veins and my odd shaped head, it’s not been a particularly good day!
Sue, fab news you’ve got through your chemo. I did post the other day (actually I didn’t as I forget to press post!) I bet you’re so relieved. I know you will continue to post on here but I’d just like to say thank you for all your wise words.
Sarah xx

Thanks Sue.
I think I’d prefer it to having my veins butchered each time!
The nurse said some people put bags over their arm whilst showering.
I guess one saving grace is that I’ll be able to wear long sleeve tops once the weather turns. The nurse did say a top will fit over it quite comfortably.
Sarah xx

Hi everyone that replied (sorry I will not put all names as trying to do a million things at once to sort daughter for bed Grrr)… Thanks for replying.

My mum passed away from BC and that’s where we discovered that she was BRCA 2… I didn’t faf around and got tested straight away and was +ve and decided to have a double mastectomy. It was during the mammogram/US that I was found to have early stage… What a shock no lump etc. So I had the surgery in August and recovered straight from waking up from the op… Honestly I didn’t need any pain meds and was moving my arms around perfectly normal! They removed 3 sentinal nodes of which 1 was inside the breast next to the BC so contained it (I don’t like staying the word) so they discounted it… And from the other 2, one contained it and he other was clear. My surgeon said they would normally perform a complete lymph node clearance but because clinically and my pet/CT scan was clear… She was happy for me to just do the chemo and then have a chat later.

I just turned 40 this year. I am really trying to look at this as a blessing from my mum as otherwise I would have plodded on with life and it would have been very different next year. I have all the support in the world, my mother in law is coming to stay with us for my entire treatment, my dad will do all pick ups, drop offs and taking fighter to her after school clubs… My private insurance company are paying for a housekeeper/cook/nanny for 25 hrs a week for my entire treatment period… So I really can’t complain and just have to concentrate on getting through the treatment. I think my way of dealing with things is just to get through and then NEVER think of this again!

Sue, yes I will be getting a port cath fitted next wed (I asked them about it). Thanks for all of your links too I will take a look. Ps well done for finishing your treatment, I cannot wait to be there!!

Hi kath, good luck with your first dose and yes we can definatley swap notes!

Hi blueash, thanks for the fasting info… I think I must have read all the scientific research on the fasting theory there is!! I have lots of willpower and if being hungry leads to lessened or no side effects and greater efficacy of the chemo then god damn it I will do it!! Also will keep weight down from steroid use!

I hope I got everything… Anyone in London?

S x

Thanks Sue. I would never have given cling film a thought but good idea! I may order the sleeve though. Thank you for the link x

Hi all 

I am having a central line fitted tomorrow and first chemo tax on Thursday 8th. I am using a cold cap. Feeling nervous !!!

Thanks Blueash. I’ll do my best not to touch it! X

Hi sj

I’m from June thread but must say I pop on all the threads as you learn so much… it’s great ?

So sorry to hear your sad sad story but you will get through this, your family & friends sound wonderful!

Good luck with everything & just to say live quite near London xx :heart:

Thanks Blueash for the advice. I don’t really fast regularly but I do go somedays without eating until evening so I am hoping this will stand me in good stead.

I will take a look at kristas research too.

Ps I am doing the cold cap too so thanks for the towel tip… I will add it to my bag :slight_smile:

S x

Hi Terriannes,

Thanks for your message… Not sure how to private message yet be its not enabled yet as Sue said. It would be great to know where you live in London!

Yes it’s a sad story but I have to look at the positive side that I would not have known and that my dear mum left me this last blessing.

Just want to get this done and move on!!

Hi sj

I’m not able to pm yet either although I’ve been on here quite a while! Anyway I’m in Romford xx

Oh dear! I may have to wait a while then. Romfords quite a distance from me unfortunately… I am near crystal palace.

S x

Oh what a shame ? Never mind we can speak on here & when it’s all over we can meet halfway!!

Lots of love cx

Of course! Lots of celebrating to do.

I am glad I decided to join a forum… I was really not going too but you all seem like a lovely bunch and it’s so much easier talking to people who are going through he same journey.

S x

You bet sj ?

I’m also glad I joined this forum it has really been a fantastic help to me and everyone has different tips so always something to learn. It’s also good that people understand what you’re going through as although my family are brilliant no-one really understands like you lot! So it is a great support for me ?.

Anyway I’ve had 4 out of 6 chemo so far (after mx & aux clearance in April) had 3 fec (not too bad) now on 3 tax (not too good) and got 2nd tax tomorrow so I’m nearly done my chemo then got radiotherapy. So at least I can see a light at the end of this f****** awful terrible journey!!

Sleep tight ( I might not as buzzing from all the steroids!!)

Love Terri xx

Hiya new to this site so unsure how things work lol. Starting my first fec chemo today not sure wot to expect xx