September 2016 starters

Hi Teri,

Only 2 chemos left I am so jealous! I am going to the hospital today to check out their wigs. I’ve had my hair cut shorter and will also be doing the cold cap but will get a wig on standby.

I’m ready with my fasting regimen so all good to go, I just want to get started now.i do question if I will ever be ‘normal’ again after all of this… But I suppose it is up to me to make sure that I am!!

Hi Mwaah1977, good luck for today and welcome :wink:

S x

So here goes 2nd herceptin and 2nd TC Chemo - half way as only go to have 4 cycles then radiotherapy and tamoxifen. Good luck to all you ladies starting chemo today we are all with you and I hope your SE are minimal xxx

OMG day 5 & 6 post first session of FEC-T and I feel and look washed out! Just when I thought it was all going so well :frowning: I have spent most of the last two days snoozing and just feel drained. Is anyone else feeling like this?


Thanks Cathy and Sue - very reassuring to know!I initially felt that I was doing so well and then this ‘down’ time was such a whammy. I am prepared for it being cumulative but didnt appreciate just how tiring it would be on round 1. I too got a bit 'touchy and arguementative today Cathy and then felt bad because everyone is just trying their best for me but its hard to realize/accept than when you feel so c****y isnt it. Tomorrow is another day and another day closer to seeing this thing off and this is how I am going to go forward from now on. Each day and its different experiences are all new to us all and it is certainly a HUGE learning curve.

Thank you lovely ladies for your support and encouragement and good luck to everyone on here xx


Hi Joan
Hope you start to have the good days soon. I’m starting Monday so I’m very interested in what’s happening with you as I’m not far behind!
After having pre assessment with nurse I’m obsessing about getting a temperature and infection!
Keep us posted and look after yourself.

Kath x

Hi - new to writing in forums! I was due to start chemo after two lots of surgery but second op has left me with staphylococcus aureus so I’m delayed at least til next Monday. Hoping the antibiotics will shift it so I can start. I had geared myself up to start chemo but had to make the psych shift when I guessed they wouldn’t want to reduce my white blood cells. Feel OK in myself - no temp but sore and nice rash. Has anyone had this experience? How long did it take to recover and start chemo? 

Hi RosieR,
Welcome to the September thread. I am on the August starters but I tend to dip in to other threads too for advice.
I took an infection a week after my MX . I don’t know what type of infection, I was not told. I was given standerd antibiotics for a week at home but it never shifted the infection , so i was admitted back to hospital for iv antibiotics for a few days then sent home with another 2 very strong antibiotics to take for a fortnight. This cleared it up. From my surgery to my first chemo I waited 8 weeks, to be fully healed and infection free.

Hope you are feeling better soon

Thanks V. That helps me to be a bit more realistic about timescales. X

Hi Angie - I’m not sure. I have to go to the chemo ward on Monday and depending on how the infection is they may or may not start me. Given that I’m on day 5 of strong antibiotics and it doesn’t seem to be getting better I’m not holding my breath. I’ll be having 6 cycles of FEC-T. I’m not familiar with the treatment initials on your post so I’m just going to look that up. Good luck and I hope all goes well for you tomorrow.

First chemo today. I didn’t sleep particularly well last night. My body felt so irritable. This is the second time it’s happened in the last month. I felt like I wanted to pull my arms and legs off. All very weird!
I’m glad I’ve got the Picc line. I think I’d be more anxious wondering if they would be able to get a vein.
I’m sure I’ve seen people suggesting taking the steroids around lunchtime to minimise disrupted sleep through the night. Is that correct? Will I have to take one today or are they for the days that follow?
Wish me luck !
Sarah x

Thanks so much Sue. I’ll see what the next few days have in store for me! X

Sue - thank you so much for this useful (and scary) advice! I’m glad I know I can do something as I have what they call “good veins” so no offer of a port of any kind. I’ll certainty try the high salt and lots of water. Xx

Thanks Sue. Scared comes with the unknown territory doesn’t it!! I will be on 3 cycles of FEC then 3 of T. I’m also going to try the cooling cap system to see if it works on my (now) short and thick hair. Thank goodness for this forum. I have so many questions and having people’s tips from experience is so great. My delay in starting means I can go out and equip myself with the full chemo kit of hand cream, toothbrushes and toothpaste, bonjella etc etc. Xxx

Hi Blueash,

I have a question again about the fasting sorry! I will be having tax every week for 12 weeks and was wondering what to do about the fasting? Do you think 3 days in total would be good?

Starting next 15th and you know what, I just can’t wait. I have reignited the fight in me and I KNOW it’s going to be just fine! Also I have now got to the point of where I am just plain intrigued by this chemo malarkey! Also I really think as I have put my mind to fast I just know that my side effects will be limited.

I asked the nurse also not to give me the neulasta shots until and if I need them and she said that they will not be given.

Roll on the 15th I say and let’s get this done done done!!!

Good luck to all starting/stared chemo.

S xx

Hi Blueash,

Thanks for your reply. I will take a look at the sites you mentioned. I will be having EC first so will fast as planned for those cycles then I will have a think about the weekly cycles. I will mention to my consultant next week and see what he says.

Thanks for your message :slight_smile:
S x

Thanks Sue, I will take a look.
S X hugs

Hi Kath (and everyone else out in our virtual friendship group)

Im now day 8 post first cycle FEC-T and can actually feel my strength levels picking up and I feel more ‘normal’ whatever that is! I think that I will have to resign myself to the fact that days 5-7 are my low days. Luckily I have not experienced any mouth soreness or nausea so really my biggest SE is the tiredness. Appetite has been a bit lacking but I have been having cravings for milk and cheese and have eaten lots of crumpets and porridge - not the healthiest of diets but at least I am eating.

Good luck on Monday Kath and let us know how it goes. I truly believe that once you have gone through your first cycle and know what to expect then our journey, although scary, is not as daunting. Im now waiting to see how things go on day 15 (possibility of starting to lose hair) but have cold capped so we shall see. I have got a wig in place should I need one and I am actually quite impressed with it - almost as good as my own hair.

Sun is shining today and I feel much better so today is definately a good day :slight_smile:

Round one done. The cold cap was fine. Very uncomfortable for the first 15 mins as everyone had warned me it would be, but not so bad on the whole.
I’m almost in limbo now waiting for s/e to kick in.
I’ve been told to take the steroids 3 times a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have seen other posts which say try not to take them after 2ish which I asked about, but I was told last dose must be about 5-5.30 pm.
Sarah x

Well done Sarah!! You are now on your journey and the end is in sight! I was good for the first four days and then the tiredness hit on day 5 - 7 but I am now on day eight and feel like im coming out the other side. As far as Steroids are concerned I was advised by the consultant to take two twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. However the chemo nurse  said that I would be better taking them two at breakfast and two at lunchtime (to avoid being too charged in the evenings lol) and this worked for me. She also advised to take four a day for the first two days and then two a day on days 3 and 4 to avoid a ‘come down’. Again this worked well for me. I hope that your SE are minimal, big hugs xx

Thanks Joan. I’m not sure what they have told me to take 6 per day?
I feel a bit sick now but nothing unbearable and I’ve already taken my anti sickness tablet so I’ll have to grin and bear it for now.
Thanks for the support.
Sarah xx