September 2016 starters

I’m almost jealous that people have started their treatment! Is anyone doing EC-T chemo?

S x

Thanks everyone.

Sue, I’m glad you’re doing ok after last chemo.

The anti sickness don’t appear to be too effective at the mo. Started to feel quite nauseous at just gone 4 and have not moved from the sofa. Unfortunately just spent the last 10 mins being sick, which has made me feel slightly better.
I did ring the nurse and she told me to also take the back up anti sickness which I did but still ended up being sick. I’ll see how I get on throughout the night and tomorrow and if no better I’ll see if they can prescribe an alternative
Thanks again
Sarah x

Joan - thanks for the towel tip. Glad you’re beginning to feel better. Hope I can start next week! Interested to hear how everyone gets on with the cold cap. I was also wondering whether I have to give up my choir singing for fear of infection. One choir is quite small (30) but the other is about 80 people so I’m nervous about infection risk when I start chemo. Xx

Hi Ladies

It’s good to hear how you are all doing.
Joan, I agree that the anticipation is awful. I have had my pre assessment and heart scan and bloods. Also met the lovely lady who supplies wigs and she had BC 3 years ago. I felt a lot better after seeing her. I’ve decided to go blonde!
Sarah04, hope sickness improves.

Wishing you all luck. I’m going to go shopping for all the chemo essentials this weekend in readiness for Monday. Xx

Hi Sue,

Thanks for your message. You must be so so happy your chemo is over! You will be back riding you horse with your hair blowing in the wind in no time :wink:

A quick question for any cold cappers… I read that you should not wash your hair after for at least 24hrs or more. I happen to call the paxman people last week (about something else)… who mentioned that contrary to all the advice on forums, other sites etc…you should always gently wash the hair straight after chemo to avoid matting due to the conditioner. I don’t know what to do now and any advice would be appreciated.


Hi Cathy,

Sorry to hear if your uti, I hope you have recovered now.

May I ask if you washed your hair straight after cold capping or left it a few days and if so how many days please?

S x

Just tried to private message you but it’s not letting me saying you don’t have it enabled or something !
Sarah x

Oh weird… How do I activate it? Do you know?

Now you’re asking. I think you just go into “my profile” and click on enable private message? X

Hmmm I had a look and cannot see anywhere saying ‘enable private messaging’. I even went on your profile to try and PM you but can’t see how to do that either :frowning:

How bizarre! Oh well, texchnology is not my strong point! My email is (removed due to Ts and Cs) if you drop me a hello and I’ll email back x

Thanks Sue. Don’t feel too bad today other than a little odd!
Just going to boil the kettle for a ginger tea!
Sarah x

Thanks sue.

Ps mobile view now working phew!

Thanks ladies
S x

Hi Madmac
I have had my second chemo put back a week to give my bloods more time to recover as they were still too low. I was also told on Thursday that my next dose ( on monday now) will be reduced by 20% to see if it helps my recovery for next time.
This happens all the time I am told, and usually need to fine tune dosage to an individual.
V xx

Hi Sue - H-S, I have now moved over to this thread, having got my results back from the Endopredict testing I now have to have Chemo which I was really hoping I did not have to have, so start my first one on Wednesday.


I am all over the place emotionally, and dreading what these drugs will do me  and how I am going to feel.  I know eveyone’s tolerence is different and I hope it is going to be a pretty smooth ride but not looking forward to the journey!:womansad:


Have read some of your posts below so will take note in event that anything should arise after treatment.


Once agains thanks Sue for your invaluable input to the forum.


Hi Madmac22 you are not alone trust me. After having really bad days on day 5,6 & 7 I started to feel a bit better last Friday. However, I was due to have a CT scan that morning but when I went into the Chemo unit for my port to be accessed by BP crashed to 87/49 and I was immediately given oxygen and fluids. My BP picked up really quickly but the oncologist decided to run a series of blood tests on me and wow! My Neutrophils had dropped to 0.1 and I was admitted immediately. I have been on intravenous antibiotics and saline drips since Friday but today have come off the drips and I am now on oral anti-biotics and hoping to go home tomorrow. My neutrophil level today is 0.8 which is so much better apparently.

The oncologist has now said that he is thinking of dropping one of the three mixes of the FEC treatment for my next two cycles and then giving a lower dose of T for the remaining three cycles. He has also said that he might do the ‘T’ side every 7 days instead of every 21 days. I am seeing him again on Wednesday to discuss this as my next chemo is scheduled for 21 September (same days as yours I believe). Hoping to get home tomorrow but cannot praise the hospital staff enough.

Another thing that I learnt whilst in hospital is that we are all eligible for free prescriptions now but that our GP or Consultant will need to complete a form for us.

Hi Joan - so sorry to hear what a tough time you’re having and hope you get home soon. Xx

Hi Joan
So sorry to hear of all your problems. Hopefully the different doses will help.

I had my first treatment today, just feel shattered at moment as only slept for one hour last night, probably because of the steroids. I feel like I am just waiting for the side effects now.

Hope you get home soon.


Kath x x

Hi ladies,

so very sorry to hear that some of you are struggling so much. Please, if you have not already done so - talk to your treatment team and your breastcare nurse, so that your medications can be adjusted to make it easier the next time.

With regards to G csf injections. For those, who do not know what they are -


G-CSF is a type of growth factor. Growth factors are proteins made in the body and some of them make the bone marrow produce blood cells. G-CSF makes the body produce white blood cells to reduce the risk of infection after some types of cancer treatment. It also makes some stem cells move from the bone marrow into the blood. Stem cells are the cells in the bone marrow from which red blood cells, white cells and platelets develop.

The full name for G-CSF is granulocyte colony stimulating factor. - END QUOTE

In some areas they are given as standard, in others only if necessary, as they are quite expensive.

Usually, if you are prescribed them, you get to take them home with you to keep in the fridge and to administer yourself. However, you can talk to your local medical centre and see, whether it can be arranged for them to be administered there. This is what I did, but the practice nurse had to prescribe the injections to be given by qualified staff. Over the weekend my local community hospital took over - and when I could not get out and about anymore - the community nurses did it for me.

Hope this helps.

And hugs to all 

Sue xxx