September 2018 Radiotherapy

Thanks for the kind thoughts Maggie and Anxious Soul - am feeling a bit anxious but not too bad - Bodyguard tonight and Vanity Fair - been watching River on Netflix which I can recommend - lots of distractions on Netflix - Orange is the New Black got me through chemo. 

Yey for you finishing tomorrow Maggie ?? - hope you recover over next few weeks well - have you any more treatment or are you finished? 

Good morning everyone,


I am feeling a little anxious this morning, I will have to try and keep busy and catch up on Bodyguard.


Bibi and Wombat woo - we can do this. :slight_smile:


Maggie - after your treatment ends I do hope you have some lovely times walking your dog and whilst outside get to kick those autumn leaves. And I hope you can continue to pop by here. :slight_smile:


Whilst going through treatment I had many gifts from family and friends and the two gifts that I really appreciated were a bunch of daffodils mixed with yellow tulips and a bag of jelly beans. As I lie zonked in bed going through chemo both these gifts stimulated my senses. 


Anyone else have have any gifts that they really appreciated whilst going through treatment? :slight_smile:

Have fun dropping your niece off Bibi. And good luck to everyone having or starting treatment today.

Wombat, I treated myself to a chocolate bar most days, ? ,

Looking forward to ringing my virtual bells tonight & will check in to see how your all doing - this forums been a real support to me for the last 3 weeks x

Hi everyone,


An hour delay today, got through it though. 


Bibi, that is a pain regarding meeting rush hour traffic - not what you could do with.


Maggie, you finished?


Tired zzzzz



Wishing everyone the best to those heading into treatment today. :slight_smile:

Good luck with today’s treatments ladies.

Delays are a pain, hospital waiting rooms are so dull really. We had a water fountain and a coffee machine for the really long delays.

They were a little behind last night, but walking out
with no more to do felt amazing. ???

To answer your question about gifts I was very touched when a friend sent me some ‘easy’ books, as I was struggling to concentrate and mentioned I couldn’t lose myself in a story. Same friend sent my hubby some tea pigs as he’s a tea drinker which was very thoughtful.
Maggie xx

Congratulations Maggie - what a great feeling that must be ???

Good luck to everyone today - I’ve already been to one hospital this morning for a bone density scan - bit of a rest and then to a different one for rads and then out to the theatre - hope I’ll stay awake ?

Question about skin reaction - how quickly did you get any reddening of breast - did you get any ? 

I am quite surprised that after the first rads I have some redness - obviously will ask this afternoon but am worried about how Im going to get through 20 sessions . 

Well done Maggie ??? Remember to still take it easy for the next few weeks while things work their way through your system x

Maggie - brilliant I so hope you enjoyed your fizz xxx

Bibi - my breast went red after the second zap! The radiographers said some people have an initial flare very early. So I guess that is us ?

Anxious sole - I hope no delays today x

Bad day today feeling tearful, angry and weary - I start counselling next week so hopefully that will help

Have a lovely relaxing evening all ??. Wombat x

Hi everyone,


I was quite anxious this morning but settled as the day progressed, no delays with the treatment and they seem to be going quicker, not so much adjusting, not so much asking me to move here and move there. 


Bibi -  as of yet I have no redness to the skin.  I can understand your concern and I hope you get some reassurance/ advice from the staff.


Wombat woo - I am sorry to hear you’re in a difficult place, I do hope the counselling works out for you and he or she has the compassionate approach you deserve.


Maggie, I am guessing you may be indulging in some more fizz. :slight_smile:


No chocolate here today so I guess it is going to be full fat rice pudding. :slight_smile:





Hello all. Quick question. Have any of you experienced nausea after treatment ??

Not sure if it is the roads or the Anastrozole

Thank you xx

Rads not roads ?

Hi everyone- radiographer said they wouldn’t expect to see redness after only 1 so got to see what it’s like tomorrow- they are checking if it’s warm ( it is) and swollen - not so much - so will see what they say. Wombat Woo did yours get any worse? 

I have had some nausea and also find walking up slight hills and stairs makes me a bit breathless - can’t tell if it’s just my general unfitness, the Letrozole or the Herceptin.

Sleep well all 

Bibi it didn’t get any worse but stayed red. No swelling that I can see.
Sweet dreams xx

Hi Bibi - oh, I do hope the redness has settled, keeping fingers and toes crossed for you.


I am already looking forward to the weekend when I don’t have to go to hospital…


All the best to everyone heading in for another session.



Hi Bibi,


I was on the feb chemo forum and have just started rads today and lo and behold I also have a bright red boob already.  Bit of a shock as I was told it would be a few sessions before I would see any reaction.  I don’t burn easily in the sun either so this is new for me.  Will ask tomorrow if this is a sign of problems as I can’t see how my skin would cope with 3 weeks of this. I’d been moisturising with epaderm after mastectomy/reconstruction so I can’t see that being the issue.  Hope your redness settles down soon.

Good evening ladies - I hope you all had a positive day
The fatigue appears to be hitting me already 4/15.

I wonder if it is the travelling rather than the treatment ?

Anxious - I hope you had a delay free day xx

Hi everyone- and hi Green Damsel - how is your redness tonight?

mine was Ok today when I went for treatment but tonight after third lot it is really red and hot - I really hope it settles - just worried how I’ll cope with rest of the sessions.

Wombat I’m really tired but I think it’s the travelling - an hour and half to do 25miles tonight because we hit the commuter traffic - and I’ve got a later appointment tomorrow. Can’t wait for weekend so I can stay home. I’m drinking loads and moisturising and getting walks for fresh air but still tired. 

Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow 



Hi ladies,

Great to read your progress, only one more day this week and you can all recharge over the weekend.

Like Green damsel I only had a short drive to the hospital, but my Radiographer said the fatigue is due to our ‘immune systems diverting attention’ to heal the radiioed cells, he also said it’s normal to be tired which I found very reassuring.

I’d planned lots of lovely things in for this week, and have enjoyed everything, and also felt very tired as a result. Guess I overestimated how quickly my energy would return.

I’m a little pinker than I was when I finished treatments- again normal I’m told. Still moisturising and hydrating plenty.

We going to Spain in 10 days (until Xmas) and I’m going to stay covered up I think, I got lots of advice from the rads guys when they found out.

Anxiou-soul I’ve used Sainsbury’s online for years and they’ve been great. I’ve got friends who rate Asda, Tesco & ocado too.

Wombat hope you’re feeling better

Bibi, hope your redness has eased & sorry to read you need 20 sessions.

Have a lovely evening

Maggie x

Hi everyone- thanks for the kind thoughts - the redness and heat  is worse after I have had rads and then it calms down. I spoke to a nurse as well as radiographer today - they said it shouldn’t really be the rads but it could be that my skin is just very sensitive or possibly an infection but we are waiting to see how it goes tonight and maybe see doc tomorrow if it happens again. She also advised me not to use Aloe Vera - she said although it cools it’s not very moisturising and maybe I was having a reaction to something in that. I have been  using Aveeno during and since chemo - have only used the Aloe Vera when its been red and hot - seems to be highly recommended by lots of people but am going to give it a miss and see if it helps. 

Jealous of your short journeys- we had another epic tonight - half an hour to do a mile at one point tonight ?

I have asked them to please give me earlier appointments next week so?for me ladies.

PJ’s and fire on for a cosy night now . 

Have a good evening xxxx