September 2018 Radiotherapy

Swimmer, no wonder you’re tired, there’s never a good time to be bereaved but this must be horrible for you, sending hugs x

Wombat, Anxious & Bibi well done, halfway or even further is a great feeling isn’t it.

Sue, good idea to ask your daughter along, and don’t be shy about telling the rads team you’re wobbly, they’re happy to help. I had sessions where they seemed to take forever to get the ‘numbers aligned’

10 days after finishing & I’m still moisturising and drinking lots & have a lovely red patch to show for it - but I’m not sore.

It’s Friday ladies - last one for this week!! Thinking of you xx

Good morning everyone,


Sue - I do hope the process gets a little easier for you, I have always found the staff very understanding when I have told them about my fears and anxieties. One member of staff simply said ‘we will look after you’ and that was enough to comfort me.


Swimmer - I am sorry to hear about your loss, this forum is a good place to let it all out and people here will listen and understand. 


Maggie, Bibi and Wombat woo - I am so pleased it is nearly the weekend.


This week has flown by, I am feeling a little emotionally numb at the present time and I wonder whether I may burst somehow when I finish. Emotions can be so unexpected at times, they are never planned and can come out of nowhere. Bibi, you have a tough day, I hope you reward yourself over the weekend. 



Good morning, how is everyone?


Are folks going to move over to the October radiotherapy? :slight_smile:

Good luck to everyone this week - hope the weekends been fun & restful. You’re so nearly there…

Two weeks after finishing and my energy levels are back to normal, such a relief, and just in time for my trip to Spain. I’m still very pink and have one very patch, where my bra sits, but it’s not sore.

Still think of you guys going through it though.
Sending healing vibes
Maggie x

Hi everyone - I had a great weekend - our coffee afternoon was a great success and we raised almost £400 so are very happy.

I am tired though and it’s only Monday! 

I had a rads review with a nurse after treatment on Friday and it was good to chat with someone and be able to ask questions. My skin was fine but over the weekend I have started cooking and it’s quite pink in parts - keeping up with fluids and moisturising so hoping it settles down. 

Anxious you are nearly done !  Have you any more treatment ahead? Are you nervous about treatment finishing? I think it will be weird to be ‘let go’ after treatment. I still have Herceptin injections every 3 weeks for a while yet so will still feel attached - will be seeing oncologist every 3 months till that finishes as well. 

Maggie enjoy your sun holiday and have a good relax. 

Have a good week everyone xx

Anxious-soul -I’d say I’m pretty self sufficient and ressiant, and I found the daily comments of the radiographers very reassuring and emotionally helpful. It’s such an alien environment it’s hard (& unnecessary) to rely on your own resources. I’ve also found this thread hugely helpful - thank you ladies ?

I was tearful, tired and elated all at the same time after the last treatment. Took me a few days but I soon got used to having no hospital- it may be easier to walk away if you’ve not had chemo?

Well done Bibi, terrific fundraiser!!

We’re sailing to Spain first thing tomorrow, which is also my birthday, so a double celebration ?

Maggie x

Oh Maggie happy birthday and Bon voyage xxx

Anxious you finish a day before me… I can hear that bell calling !

I have a sense of prickly heat - very urgent need to scratch!! The radiographers were great - they have given me some acticool to use to ease the itch ?

Here’s to great week lovely ladies ??

Have a Happy Birthday Maggie and a great holiday. X

Happy Birthday Maggie - what a great way to celebrate - have a fantastic holiday x 

Anxious yes I do think the Herceptin contributes to my tiredness - especially the first few few days after it - also affects my digestive system .

I also find the reassuring words from the radiologists make me feel secure.

Good luck to you both Wombat and Anxious for your last week - you will be soon ringing that bell xxx

?? hope your final day goes well - ring that bell really loud - it may take a while to adjust but you will find yourself again Anxious. Thank you for all your support xxxx

Go ring that bell Anxious sole. ! This is the beginning of your New Normal. I believe we will never be the people we were before our diagnosis - too much has happened to us and we understand ourselves a little differently now.
But celebrate the end of this chapter and look forward to the next - !!! Xxxxx

Hi anxious I am now one day behind you as I had a day of yesterday as the machine was being serviced ! I will ring it loud and clear tomorrow.
I will also go onto that thread… see you there xxx

Hi Anxious Soul


Just here as one of the ‘recent Rads finishers’ to say congrats, hope you ring that bell today loud and clear… - and as Ladybowler said, keep up with the fluid, exercising, and moisturising…


It definitely peaked for me at about 14 days, fatigue hit occasionally too, but nothing major…it’ll all be fine for you. Emotionally, I found it a bit of a struggle, but get yourselves over to the After the Bell thread, advice and support is invaluable at this time, (as it’s been right the way through),  so keep together, and look after each other…


Take care 




Ring thos eves Annxious-Soul, what a lovely post, so glad you’re seeing some positives.


Anxious ringing for you - well done for getting through - you will celebrate when you have had a rest xxx Goo luck xxx

Green Damsel - I am always asked how I’m feeling that day, they don’t ask about my skin - I assume they are looking and monitoring. When I went red the first few sessions they got the rads nurse to see me and she came back the next day to check how it was. I had a rads check after 2 weeks and she said she would see me again before I finish - I’m having 20 sessions.

Well done Anxious sole what a day you have had. I am sure you will celebrate when you are ready xx

Green Damsel - they ask me how I am and they look at my skin - I went in 1 day and they had a sign up saying skin check today - they always ask how I feel and if there are any issues. They have prescribed hydrocortisone cream and given me cooling gel pads as I have developed a very itchy rash which I guess is a form of prickly heat. - deep joy. They then said it may get worse before it gets better.

I more session on Thursday

I hope your all relaxing this evening and that your having a great holiday Maggie ?!?

? and ?

Hello ladies - bell well and truly rung today ! A friend surprised me and came too as well as my husband and then the radiographers came too- they all made it special and I had a real sense of moving on… wow!
What an experience…, so the new normal starts now… having my hair done tomorrow and a weekend away

I will be on here a lot to see how you are all doing and to encourage you all to the end of your treatment - not long now Green Damsel

I really appreciate this forum and all your support

We made it anxious sole ???


Thank you Anxious Sole.
I am so very proud of us both

Thank you Helena xxx
Very much appreciated ?