September 2018 Radiotherapy


Can’t believe it’s finally over - I know there is a way to go yet but tonight am enjoying the thought of not spending 3 hours a day on treatment ???

Well done Bibi, ringing bells for you ???

Thank you all - will be around for a while - hoping I don’t get any adverse reaction and start to get energy back- how are you all coping after rads?

4 weeks tonight since I finished and my energy levels are back to normal & my skin is still tanned but no longer red or dry. I lost a layer of dark skin, like a tan pealing, and it’s felt ‘normal’ ever since. No adverse effects from returning to deodorant, perfume or swimming I’m pleased to say.

Helena is right, keeping up fluids and moisturising really helps I think.

Enjoy tonight Bibi, it’s a date to celebrate ?
Maggie x

Good morning everyone,


Bibi - how are you feeling today, with today being very different?


DamselGreen - how was your hill walking? Did you do many miles?



My diprobase cream is now in the fridge as I have come out in a mild rash and the coldness is soothing against my skin. :slight_smile:





Glad to hear you are all getting energy back.

Today waking up felt great knowing there was no more rads - had a nice day mooching around the Motorhome Show at NEC for a few hours - didn’t buy a new one though - mad prices - but always fun having a look.

Decided I’m going to decorate next week and have a good clear out - fresh start coming up! 

I do have a bit of a red patch developing near my collarbone :frowning: So am moisturising madly but trying not to rub. 

Take care xxx

What a beautiful morning - been enjoying my garden - before this I would  have carried on all day but I am realising I need to pace myself otherwise I am too tired for days afterwards. So that will also be my plan for decorating Green Damsel ? small sessions and enjoy them.

I use my Fitbit to track my distance or even the phone using Map my walk - I like the Fitbit to track steps as I don’t have to carry phone around the house/garden then. Walked about 6 miles in Dovedale last week and that was just about right at the moment. Going back out with my walking buddies tomorrow for the first time since before surgery in July - but will probably be a short stroll and lot of cake and coffee and chat to catch up- looking forward to it.

I must admit I forget to do the exercises now as I feel I have full movement back with only very occasional twinges. 

Red patch on collarbone looking a bit iffy and skin breaking down a bit - is it best to still keep using Aveeno do you think?

Enjoy the sun while it’s here everyone xx

Hi everyone- hope your holiday is a real rest and recuperation for you Green Damsel - have a great time.

Hope you managed to find a jacket for this weather Anxious.

Im still feeling good, skin is almost back to normal , didn’t have any effects from last Herceptin so keeping ?that continues. I have rejoined my gym and am really looking forward to getting back to yoga and swimming regularly ?

Just enjoying having no regular hospital appointments and spending time with friends- have booked a little trip to Edinburgh with one of my daughters so I’m excited about that. 

My bank travel insurance won’t cover me for anything related to breast cancer so I’m going to look for another policy - did you find a good one Green Damsel? I figure since I’m on Letrozole if I did have any problems with bones they would say it was related to that, and if I had a heart problem they would say it was the Herceptin so I’m just going to look for a different insurer. 

Been decorating the bedroom - felt the need for a fresh start so starting there- just going to put all stuff back in this afternoon and then off to see the Alan Bennett play on at cinemas today with some friends. 

Have a good day everyone xx

Sun and a pool sound very relaxing Green Damsel - enjoy !???‍♀️

Will look at those insurance ompanies thanks and see what they can do for me. 

It was a play called Allelujah - about the NHS - very topical and very good - it was the live streaming they do at cinemas which is great if you don’t live in London - get to see some good stuff.

Have a good week everyone 

Hi Ladies. Just checking in to see how you are all doing ? Hope you had a relaxing Christmas ?

Hi Anxious Sole. Glad to here you only have 2 more herceptin jabs- onwards and upwards.
I am back to work and all ok. Having menopausal symptoms - 2 menopause seems a bit greedy !!!
A bit of pain under my arm and some in my boob but I believe it is all the nerves knitting together.
I hope you lose the flu symptoms and enjoy being back to work. Xx

Hi Ladies

Happy New Year, hope you all had good Christmases, I did far too much and ended up in bed for 48 hours over new year, but it was nice to see so many people and catch up.

Two menopause’s is at least one too many in my view - the only upside of having BC at 48 is the side effects of Tamoxifen and the menopause will all hopefully roll into one 5 year period & most of my friends are periodically forgetful & a tad warm too.

I had my final review with the Oncology team this week and it was great to be signed off as ‘done’, thank you all for sharing, this thread has really helped me.

I hope everyone had a warm and healthy start to 2019.

Maggie x

Ladies it is like saying goodbye to old friends… thank you all for your support and I hope we all continue to prosper and most importantly have FUN !!! Love and hugs to you all xxx