September 2023 Chemo Starters

Thank you :blush: hope youā€™re doing ok ? :smiling_face:


I had only the Herceptin last week but keep getting swollen, red, flaky, watery eyes. Thought it was allergic reaction. But has happen after last chemo and Herceptin and again last week. The helpline werenā€™t bothered and seem to think itā€™s allergy, they said ā€˜youā€™re a bit reactive, arenā€™t you?ā€™ Saw GP and they gave me Carbomer (artificial tears) as I already had moisturiser, hydrocortisone cream and Fexofenadine.

Watery itchy eyes could be from the treatment. Iā€™ve previously had similar reaction to nail treatments in the past. Iā€™ve been wearing nail treatment and polish for most of my chemotherapy. Each item was worn alone for a week to ensure no reaction and had been ok until December 14. Canā€™t think of anything else that Iā€™ve used or eaten that could cause a reaction. I even took all nail stuff off my nails for a week with no difference.

The Carbomer felt good on first use but after a walk with the dog in the cold and warm bath, I put more in and they became itchy again. Just got to hope they calm down soon.

I also have swollen ankles that hurt when I walk, I try to put them high on a stool and raise them when in bed. They hardly go down apart from first thing in the morning. I noticed my weight had gone up when I had a MUGA heart scan last week, assuming itā€™s the swelling. Downside is anny exercise I do seems to make it worse. I tried a bit of yoga and they really hurt. Iā€™ll stick to walking the dog for now and hope they reduce soon so I can add in other exercise.


Carbomer and viscotears are the one I use as well eyelids hygiene recommended by opticians as I suffer from blepharitis since COVID last year.
Swollen ankles sounds painful. Could it be the steroids? I swelled massively after last week after not having any steroids for 3 weeks. What did the nurse say? Who cares if youā€™re reactive. Itā€™s not your fault is itā€¦makes me cross when they say that!
Iā€™ve busted my left knee pretty bad from this fall, inflammation of the patella bone but got lucky itā€™s not brokenā€¦it can take up to 3 months to heal . Canā€™t kneel on it so yoga maybe difficult but will try to do some as I love it and avoid those poses kneeling if thatā€™s even possible and may make a difference on the constipation front.

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Hello @naughty_boob ive had really watery eyes too, started the other day about 2 weeks post final chemo. Whenever itā€™s cold I look like Iā€™m crying! My gp gave me artificial tears today too and recommended buying an eyemask from my optometrist. He said it was dry eyes, probably caused by chemo.

I bought the eye mask earlier today and would def recommend (was a tenner). You heat it up in the microwave and it helps melt the oil in your eyelid glands so you can massage it out. Iā€™ve only done it once this afternoon but think itā€™s already helped a little, plus itā€™s massively relaxing (feels like a spa treatment!). Xxxx


Ps. Although I did feel triggered by the modelā€™s beautiful eyelashes on the pic. All mine have pretty much gone! X


:heart:eyelashes will come back usually within few weeks ensure you start putting mascara on as soon as they start appearing it trains your lashes to curly and not just grow straight out, a tip from a beautician who helped me and also see if you can get some little mascara wands they use on beauty counters, these enable you to get at lashes easier as they grow back (if you ask at a counter and why you want them Iā€™m sure they will let you have a few, boots beauticians are usually the ones who are at look good feel better sessions) :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thank you @annemanc i will look into getting some of these. Anything is worth a try.

Hope you are doing ok. Are you having anymore treatment now or have you finished?


Yes I think it is the steroids, I still have a puffy face. Told it can take a few months for it to return to normal. The GP was a lot more sympathetic, they think itā€™s a mix of chemo dry eyes and my allergies.

Iā€™m sorry to hear about your knee, thatā€™s all you need. Does it prevent you riding the horses?


I wouldnā€™t say months weeks perhaps but I deflated pretty quickly during my break over Christmas and could see major differences by 3 weeks. Same this week compared to last week.
Knees - no :laughing: horse riders weā€™ll always try to ride w whatever injuries we have and if we can do it weā€™ll do it even if we shouldnā€™t :rofl: :face_with_peeking_eye:
Deffo donā€™t want to fall on it though. I got very lucky essentially. Inflammation pain could last 3 months so it is what is it as I could have ended up on crutches and not sure how I would have explained that to my mum :joy: :pray:


Am doing ok thanks @naughty_boob :heart: just feel v run down. Watery eyes, ear infection and mangey tongue. But all getting better.

Have got auxiliary lymph node clearance on 30 Jan, then radiotherapy a few weeks after. Post that itā€™s tamoxifen for 10 years and abemaciclab (new targeted therapy) for two years consecutively w tamoxifen.

So yeah lots more to go. Have signed up w a personal trainer to get fitter, both for mental health and reduce risk of recurrence. Feel like I want to channel my energy into something positive. First session tomorrow! Weā€™re also off to Berlin next week for a few days w/o the kids. Canā€™t wait!

Sending love xxxx


@annemanc so impressed you have signed up for personal trainer. I have been considering doing the same with the thought that exercise and losing weight will lower the risk of reoccurrence. I hope your session goes well.

The Berlin trip sounds fun. It will be nice to be somewhere different doing things not related to treatment. I canā€™t wait to be out the other side of next week and looking forward to recovery. I am so tired now, so dread to think what it will be like after the last cycle but at least it should only get better after that point.


Wow @annemanc sounds like a tough time right now but having a break w no kids can only be the best thing! Monkey tongue god I feel you.
Hope the auxiliary clearance goes well.

Iā€™ve used optase for the eye mask and I use mine in the morning to lift all impurities. The optase mask is a cotton one. Little tip when you travel if you donā€™t have access to microwave, I wrap is round the kettle and it heats it up nicely :wink:
Hang in there, every day weā€™re closer to recovery and being cleared :partying_face: canā€™t wait either!! xxx


Hi @annemanc , I have one of these and love it, its very soothing. Hope you are recovering well after final chemo. My eyelashes are thinner ( and my eyebrows!) but holding on. I have read they might go completely though after chemo. Sigh, just when I thought I was finished! :sweat_smile:

Good idea on the personal trainer. Iā€™ve signed up with a pilates teacher to get 10 1-1 sessions. Hoping to do that, walking my dog and also playing pickle ball ( not tried this but fancy it!) in an effort to get fitter.

Enjoy Berlin, itā€™s a beautiful city xxx


Hello everyone
Sounds like we are all doing the best we can. Chemo brain prevents me from replying to you all, I tend to remember the latest posts! Annemanc, have fun in Berlin, sounds wonderful.
Can I ask what your oncologists have said about recovery time? My chemo has been from 7 Sep and last one is scheduled for 11 Jan, followed by RT. I asked my oncologist how long to recover from chemo and was surprised he said 6 to 12 months. I guess it makes sense though after what our bodies have been/are going through.


Hi everyone, Iā€™m glad to read the latest news about your treatment.I see that some of you have had a hard time, I hope everything works out well.
@annemanc I wish you a pleasant holiday in Berlin. @naughty_boob , @pinklilli3s , @copperycat I hug you, Itā€™s wonderful without picc line Iā€™m happy for you.
And I was left with fluffy face, as the nurse told me that it takes some time to return to normal.
I want to tell you that the radiotherapy team recommended to me not to exercise too much because the radiotherapy is set according to our weight. Rest as much as you can, during radiotherapy you will be tired and without energy.
Today I have my 15th session, they extended me with 5 more sessions.
Good luck with your treatment, I know some will start on the 10th, today.
Take care, hugs to you all.:gift_heart::hugs::four_leaf_clover:


Sorry youā€™re still feeling a bit off. Have a lovely time in Berlin, itā€™s a wonderful city with so many things to see.

Good luck for your surgery on 30th, be good to have a break beforehand.

Youā€™re so motivated to be booking a personal trainer, I can barely get out of a chair without achy joints creaking. I was really fit and healthy before all this and is so upsetting that I canā€™t do what I normally would but Iā€™m sure my new normal will arrive soon. Starting radiotherapy today for 5 days so once thatā€™s done and my swollen ankles get better, I will try some more exercises.



My oncology team said 3/4 months when I asked asked my swollen ankle. They said some side effects will stop quicker than others but werenā€™t very specific. Iā€™m still on Herceptin until September and some side effects are similar to chemo. Not to mention I start radiotherapy today for 5 days and was warned there can be delayed fatigue 2/3 weeks down the road. So Iā€™m just taking it one day at a time.

So nice to hear from you. Last chemo tomorrow so thatā€™s a big positivešŸ„°


Wow @Camy_Radika day 15 radiotherapy thatā€™s seems to have gone by so quickly and I start today but only 5 days.

How are you feeling? Another other side effects than tiredness?

I love your description of fluffy face, I hate looking in the mirror as it doesnā€™t look like me. Been 4 weeks and still not gone down. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi ladies
Looks like feel off for the few days could be infection on neutrophils. Itā€™s low despite the gcsf injections which boost white blood count. and theyā€™re being super efficientā€¦am on an IV drip w antibiotics after antibiotics.
Keep your fingers crossed for me :pray:


Oh dear @pinklilli3s sorry to hear your in A&E but pleased youā€™re on treatment with antibiotics. I hope they are treating you well.

I will keep everything crossed for you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: