September 2023 Chemo Starters

Pinklilli :heart: neutrophils dance required :heart: (it’s what May17 gang did and passed down and always helped) so you pick a tune and everyone on the thread dances to it in their kitchen it’s the :dancer:t2::dancer:t2:dance so you let us know the tune ( you must tap along to it too unless you just stand up and bust some moves where you are in a&E) extra points for this btw :heart: :two_women_holding_hands:we got you :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Fluffy face, my nurse said moon face is named, and will take from weeks to a few months sometimes, I had to take steroids 12 per day for 5 weeks after the chemo stopped, so definitely for me will take a while to get back deflated :blush:.
Radiotherapy didn’t make to me any trouble than tiredness, skin looks normal, but we are all different, I expect the worst time and I found so easy. Hopefully the next five sessions left , will run fast and with no harm.
Good luck and all my best.
@pinklilli3s I am sorry you don’t feel well, hopefully you will receive adequate treatment than you feel better, I am thinking of you :revolving_hearts::pray:


Love it! I’ve got BBC radio 1 in my ear!! I busted the move. I seem to be reacting well to antibiotics. Blood results marker for infection shows 0, which means no sign of infection. But neutrophils low so They’re repeating blood test and urine sample. They’re going to keep me overnight and monitor if pain in back comes back. next few hours will tell if out of woods yet. Partner will make way from London to bring overnight bag.


Pinklilli then your mission while you are in is to do different dances to the loo and back, first one is Macarena style :joy::joy:see how many strange looks you get :joy::joy:if you can get a nurse or anyone to join in, extra points for that :+1: hopefully neutrophils bounce back a bit overnight for you :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::sparkles::sparkles::two_hearts::two_hearts:Shi xx


:heart:when you get your chic fluff faces, leave it, it settles, you just have chic fluffy faces for a bit :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Good news you are responding to the antibiotics. Sorry you have to stay in overnight but it’s probably best. I had a 5 night/6 day stay in hospital with an unknown infection. I hated it, it was the longest I’ve ever stayed overnight. But I knew it was the best place for me. Luckily I took an overnight bag with me but though it was only going to be a night or two, so husband had to bring in loads of bits I hadn’t thought off, not to mention extra clothes/nightwear. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Lol! I am hoping I can grab some sleep . Unlikely as still in A&E. In a proper bed and asked my partner to bring my pillow a bit of comfort from home and chargers, clothes…
They are a few older men and they’re kicking off in the ward!
Doctor ordered a batch of test, chest x-ray, MRI, they mentioned spinal infections, metastases or kidney stones. My CT scan was clear 3 month ago so should not be metastatic after 3 months of chemo :crossed_fingers: could also be UTI or buldge disk but no pain in leg - they literally have no idea.
Infection all the markers are low. Temperature is a bit high.
MRI may be tomorrow now. The pain is still slightly there…I just hope it’s nothing serious and they find out what it is


So also for you it was unknown infection? How did they clear it and know what antibiotics to give?
They be ruling out the infection but need to do repeat bloods and urine sample.
Blood may be tomorrow now . I just hope I was in a ward or room rather a&e everything beeps . TBF it might not be much different somewhere else. The nurses and doctors are nice


Hi Pinklili, so sorry to hear you’re in hospital and hope they get you sorted very soon. Sending hugs


Hi frazzled, fabulous news on cancer but can understand your upset about picc line entirely. Hope their minds are changed on that score.


Thank you naughtyboob. Yes last scheduled chemo today but I have really mixed feelings. Feel almost scared to be finishing it.
How is radiotherapy going for you?
And recovery from chemo?


Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:one of the trillions antibiotics I received must be working as I feel more like a dull ache than like a kick in the lower back
I think they suspect kidney infection or UTI
I think they gave me Ciprofoloxcine. Vitals taken every 2 h. Good. But not good for beauty sleep feeling exhausted.
At least now got moved to a private were it’s quiet, away from germs, am isolated :raised_hands: TG. The nurses are being excellent and super attentive. Going to attempt a shower they’ve wrapped my left arm in plastic bag to protect cannula and hopefully squeeze some more sleep before someone shout “MORNING MORNING GOOD MORNING” :joy:

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:heart:pinklilli hope you’ve managed bit of sleep, let us know how further tests go :+1: they usually give everything a good check over to find infection :+1: but you do go into :rocket: mode because they don’t tell you why they are doing them. :two_women_holding_hands: we got you and now your in private ward, mission is to walk to the loo like a sand dancer :joy::joy:extra points if you do the hand movement too :joy::joy::joy::+1:sending :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

They gave me a broad spectrum antibiotic on the first day and as the temperature wouldn’t go down they did more bloods, water and poo tests. Swapped to amoxicillin and gentamicin together and the temperature seemed to drop. They believed mine was a UTI but the tests were inclusive.

So glad you are in a private room and that you feel a bit better.
I know what it feels like to have 2 hourly observations and then putting 2 hours of antibiotics up at 10pm. Once they’ve finished you are due another obs in an hour, so I asked if they could do it then to give me a bit more time to sleep. I relied on eye,ask and ear plugs.

Take care🥰

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@daffodil1 good luck today’s with chemo. I was so emotional and cried quite a lot. We had to travel the furthest over 50 miles so that was stressful. I couldn’t ring the bell as it was an outreach clinic. It’s a weird feeling finishing chemo, everyone will be different. Take it as it is and embrace whatever you feel🥰

First radiotherapy done, slightly tingling in the boobs last night, I applied some cream Dr Liz O’Riordan had on Instagram, I got a freebie.
The R1 is a cooling mask leave on 20 minutes. Then R2 is a 3 times a day moisturiser and continue for week after treatment.
No redness so far. About to leave for today’s session. I did notice a bell in the radiotherapy deposit I may ring that nest Tuesday.:bell::bell::bell:


Very similar to you. Thank you that’s helpful. It now feel like a dull pain in the back… A bits similar when you’ve had a UTI in the front from stinging, and it’s gone down and it’s a “quiet” dull pain…it’s more like a 1 now.
Yes had Gentamicyn,Teicoplanin 330mg, Ciprofoloxcine 400mg and more Teicoplanin through the night. Plus fluids. They’re not ruling out that I could have passed a small stone, given that movicol increase mineral quantity in body.
The chemo nurses from McMillan came by and were sooo nice, check up on me and repeated physical and breathing tests. All clear. Helps the my oncologist is also based here as well as private so they know him! It was actually nice to speak to them as I didn’t have to explain the cycles nor the drugs etc… they understood everything :raised_hands: they didn’t do poo test. This morning’s doctor was arrogant and telling me that 37.2 is not fever. Yes for me it is when I’ve been taking my temperature for the last 4 months every day and it’s usually and systematically 36.2 bang on or rarely, 36.4, anything around 37 will be a temperature for me. Had to remind him I know my body better than him, that he should listen and given extremely neutrophils it can’t be ignored and mentioned his behaviour to the chemo nurses :joy:
Provided MRI is today I could be out of here w a course of antibiotics for 5 days- read that -not sure it’s an infection but we’ll give them to you anyway, right, meaning in my view and chemo nurse view, you have to broader your spectrum of analysis, not just look at numbers but how patient feels, and they told me I did the right to come in. So probably is / was a macro infection. I used to suffer a lot of UTI when little, literally repetitive that I developed resistance and allergy to some medication like penicillin (amoxicillin) and some others.

Anyway I can’t wait to go home and sleep. Hopefully MRI is today :crossed_fingers:. The portion for food are ridiculous and week 2 and started to feel “food” normal am starving :rofl: Thanks to my little gang of supporters to help me through this shit. Fingers crossed the MRI is fine and I go back to my life ! Xxxx


You must!!! Send us pictures :heart: :partying_face:

Good luck today! Yes I know what you mean about sense of security when on chemo you’re looked after. Even during my break I couldn’t help but think what if and then talk myself out if don’t be daft Gwen, ok that’s normal thoughts but you’re not born with negative thoughts so don’t do this to yourself and keep moving forward. Big hugs :hugs: :heart:


Hi @naughty_boob , glad to hear you have had 1st radio done and not too may SE’s . I also won the radio cream on Instagram! I’ve got it at the ready for when I start mine . Hope it works :crossed_fingers:t2:

Hope you get to ring the :bell: :hugs:xx


@pinklilli3s so sorry you are in hospital! Fingers crossed for your MRI today and you get home soon :hugs:

I am three weeks since my last chemo and two weeks since my MRI. Still no news as oncologist is taking it to the MDT meeting tomorrow for discussion . Can’t help feel this isn’t good news .

Also have results of the heart tracker . I have a junctional tachycardia and need beta blockers to slow my heart down. Apparently not chemo related but only happened since chemo so I’m not sure .

Feeling tired and emotional and will be glad to get the MRI result , one way or the other , at least I’ll know :grimacing: