September 2023 Chemo Starters

Hi @frazzledmcsazza, sadly no, looks like I’ll be here into next week. Best place for me to be honest, with what’s involved in the aftercare. My stomach is still a mess thanks to the chemo, and until we can get that under control, I can’t really go anywhere. Plus trying to coordinate with my parents as they aren’t happy to send me home on my own- and I’m not really happy to go :see_no_evil: Feel like I’m being a bit of a baby but this has absolutely knocked me for 6…



Thanks for the update @plum1 I was just thinking we hadn’t heard from you. I can understand it’s the best place for you, you want it sorted the right way first time and not to have to return with an infection.

Take care. Thinking of you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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@frazzledmcsazza have you finished your injections today? Has chemo finished as well?


@plum1 don’t beat yourself up. You are not being a baby. I have never felt so vulnerable as I have at various points mid-chemo. I am glad the help is being offered and they are being careful with you. Sometimes we all need support so you should take all offers. Sorry it is so hard at the moment. It will get better. Take care and let us know how you are getting on as the days go by.

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@naughty_boob - yes all done. Hurrah. So relieved. Hasn’t really sunk in yet that I don’t have to go again. I am sure surgery, radiotherapy and ongoing treatment will offer up new horrors but for now…I am in recovery. Really looking forward to seeing some hair in a couple of months too. Pretty bored of being bald and having not done much other than get through treatment for last few months I am really looking forward to a bit of normality resuming in a few months. Roll on Spring.


So pleased to hear that @frazzledmcsazza . One step in the journey done. Chemotherapy is tough but you’ve done it. You do need some time to recover. I was so glad that I had nearly 4 weeks before radiotherapy. Like chemotherapy you don’t see what it does to your body but you feel it.

Do you have any other dates yet? Or are they waiting to review after chemotherapy?

You’ll have to keep us informed of your next step.

I like you have just managed treatment and haven’t done very much. I didn’t have the energy to do much during chemotherapy. Like you by spring I’ll be feeling so much better.

First Herceptin at home next week, although i don’t have a time yet and I started Letrozole on Wednesday. So have to wait to see what side effects from these.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi copperycat, I imagine that it will take our bodies a good while to recover from the chemo, and it’s cumulative effects. How are those of you doing who finished chemo a bit longer ago?

Frazzled, really pleased to hear you’re feeling so much better. And last of the injections also done now? My tummy is starting to feel so much better and less constipated than before. Having quite a bit of pain where breast was pre mastectomy though…

Plum1 so sorry to hear you’re still in hospital but really good they are not rushing you home. Hopefully they can get on top of things soon and in the meantime hope you are able to get some rest.

I’ve contacted Maggies about chatting through counselling options…so a good, positive step xxxx


Hi @daffodil1 I finished chemo 4 weeks ago, started to feel lots better yesterday randomly. My taste has returned and I’ve got more energy, plus I feel I look more like my old self when I look in mirror. A bit older than before for sure, but less puffy and wired!

I’ve got my operation a week on Monday, then rads then targeted therapy/tamoxifen to come. So it’ll all change again soon. But I’m enjoying it for now xxxx


Hi @annemanc it has been really encouraging to hear you are feeling a lot better. Although I know I am over the worst I have zero energy and feel a bit low. So your message is giving me some hope that in a few weeks I’ll feel a bit better.


@frazzledmcsazza I felt a bit low after my final chemo too, and really rundown. For me getting beyond the usual three week post chemo loop (as I was on three weekly ECs then Docetaxel) gave me a big boost psychologically as I knew my body had the extra time to recover id never had during active chemo treatment.

Thinking of you, hope you start to get more energy soon. :heart:


Hi Annemanc, really nice to hear you are starting to feel better and more like you. Wishing you all the very best for the next steps you are facing.

Plum1 how are you doing this week?

My last chemo was 11 Jan and I am feeling overwhelmed. I’ve had so many lovely, well meaning messages from people but I’ve had to tell them I’m going to take a little time out for me now as I’m feeling overwhelmed and need a little time to be.


Hi frazzled, I think it’s natural we have zero energy. If I am walking up an incline, I need to stop on the way. I keep thinking we have to try and be kind to ourselves.


Please don’t ever think you’re being a baby…what we’re going through is really really tough. Give yourself credit for making till this far xxx


Hi all looks like the high and lows are parts of chemo. I’ve tried to enjoy this week as much as I could with some gentle riding. I’ve been feeling really low this weekend. Oncologist appointment on Friday, he was very dismissive of all my symptoms and I’ve nerve felt so unheard and unseen…he got me confused w another patient, said my stay in hospital was due to “seasonal flu” when it’s kidney infection/neutropia and was shuffling papers and zipping up his bags whilst talking to me on loud speaker. He was also coming back on his words (w a tone) from before Christmas, saying that I should be operated at 3 weeks not wait 4 to 6 like he previously advised, that’s because I am “young and triple negative” make your mind up :woman_shrugging:t3:
So rude. I complained to the Lead nurse this morning when I came for my bloods. He apologised but I am still so shocked.

I’ve got low grade fever this week and a rash this morning, low hemoglobin 85 so treatment is delayed by one week to allow me to be transfused tomorrow and recoup.
I suspect the rash is a stress reaction body following my partner and I having an intense conversation yesterday about the future or the lack of it. I won’t get into the details as I don’t want to bore you but the crock of it is that he still lives w his parents in London in a box room is a part of it, because as a result he’s the one who got to do the driving all the way here to my house. He’s been a bit closed off lately and when pushed yesterday, he said his good friend who has terminal cancer discovered something in their lungs and his mum also discovered something on their lungs - this is new and awaiting test results. That plus couple w other stuff (debts I recently discovered about) I think he’s overwhelmed and whilst am happy to support, if he’s not prepared to change a few things in his life I can’t see how we can move things forward. I didn’t sign up for a long distance relationship and as much as love him he needs to wake up a bit and take care of his debt and work/life situation so he can be there for his family and take care of himself at least, even if we’re no longer together. I don’t think that him not coming over at the weekend will make things much easier for him, but I guess when the gf has cancer herself, though, in recovery, I think the conversation hit home.
So yeah great weekend!!! A break from chemo sort of but definitely not a break from life!!! I swear I should be writing a novel… The drama that is happening is my life, am surprised I haven’t had a call from coronation street or east enders yet!


@frazzledmcsazza the stairs are my nemesis I have to sit down once at the top systemically so I think it’s " normal"
@annemanc good that you started feeling more yourself. It’s a fantastic feeling isn’t?! I can’t wait for chemo to be over myself and feel likey new self!!


:heart:pinklilli your writing reminds me of fleabag (don’t know if you’ve ever seen it) and im sorry to hear on top of everything you and oh have had conversation but hope just sharing here has helped you in any small way :heart: :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


No I haven’t seen it or don’t have I have but sounds like I should!
Ans yes sharing always helps :wink: at least for me. Spoke to mum she was furious that he’s done that during chemo, thank god he’s in another country she said :joy: she did make me laugh and pretty much end up almost defending him, cause there is not a bad bones in his body and his very kind but I also think v lost! And I’ve only so much energy.
I’ve had counselling this afternoon which helps offload. Just wish I had my family close by :frowning:
Any I’ll check out Fleabag…it rings a bell, but I hope I haven’t watched it. I never watched things twice except for home alone!!!


Glad you’ve been able to speak to your mum and counsellor, there are 2 series of fleabag and another one you might like is motherland :joy: but you concentrate on you and look forward to more riding in the spring and summer :heart:any the happiness and freedom riding gives you :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


@pinklilli3s so sorry you re having to go through this as well as everything else. I cant even imagine. I hope the counselling and talking to your mum helped a little. Be kind to yourself and yes conserve your energy! I can second @Shi 's recommendation for Fleabag too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@annemanc so good you are starting to feel better. Best wishes for your next treatment steps :hugs:

@frazzledmcsazza hope you’re energy and mojo comes back soon. Its hard when chemo is finished but our bodies are still dealing with it all.

How’s everyone else doing? It’s been a long January so far! First radio done today, 4 more to go. Also oncologist has decided against a PET scan for my spine but is instead doing a more detailed MRI on the advice of Musculoskeletal radiologists. I’m not even sure what that means or how it’ll differ from an ordinary MRI !

Hope everyone’s week goes as well as it can xx


@annemanc so glad you are feeling so much better after your chemotherapy. Be thinking of you when you have your operation next week.

@frazzledmcsazza I think reading the June and September Chemo threads some people get over their chemotherapy quicker than others, although I think we all have a low threshold for feeling better compared to being on chemotherapy. I had a 4 week gap after finishing chemotherapy, still having Herceptin injection, and then radiotherapy. I had just started feeling better when the radiotherapy started. Different side effects now, although I still have swollen ankles if I stand too long.

@daffodil1 i agree with you on the incline, we live in quite a hilly area so most walls include an incline. I now have very achy joints, not sure if it’s menopause, chemo, Herceptin or Letrozole that I’ve been on for 6 days, all say can cause this.

@pinklilli3s sorry to hear your situation, it can’t be easy living away from each other and him living with his family. Being honest about your feelings is important and like @Shi says sharing with others can help. I can’t believe your oncologist mixed you up with someone else and went back on what you had already agreed regarding your surgery. I hope you feel better with your low grade fever. You need to be well before surgery. Glad you are having counselling, I hope it is helping. Speaking to a stranger is sometimes easier. I must arrange some soon, I’ve put it off as I’ve been feeling physically rough after radiotherapy.

@copperycat Well done on day 1 radiotherapy, it’s very tiring travelling for 5 days in a row and it’s surprising how tired and achy I’ve have been. Take care.

You are all brave, strong and compassionate people.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: