September 2023 Chemo Starters

@naughty_boob congrats on your last radiotherapy. That’s great news. It sounds like tough going but you have got there. What a difference some sympathy from the treatment team makes too. What may seem like a small gesture to them can make the world of difference to us. It sounds like you got a good one. I have yet to get too teary but at times feel like I am just about clinging on. Have a feeling it might all flood out after my last injection on Thurs. We’ll see. Take it easy and good luck with the recovery from the radiotherapy side effects.


congratulations @naughty_boob on finishing radiotherapy and ringing the bell :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Understandable you feel emotional. take care and be kind to yourself these coming weeks xx


Hello everyone,

so nice to read that many of you are finishing up or almost done with the chemo! And hope @plum1 that they get it sorted in hospital and you are back home soon. So glad they found out what it was and antibiotics are helping.

I have another 2 out of 12 pacli to do. and I have to say feeling a bit anxious about the ‘after’. No radiotherapy for me (which again I wonder if it is the right decision) and on to Tamoxifen… hopefully. with blood clots in the family I am going to do a genetic test and if it comes back positive- I will not be given the Tamoxifen option which will be more difficult- or so I am told… So the short of it is that whilst on chemo as hard as it has been - I have been feeling a bit ‘protected’. And now back into the land of uncertainty. Does anyone else feel this? Not complaining about finishing chemo of course. It’s been a super hard journey but at least there was predictability and action :slight_smile: And of course then there is the expectation from friends/family/colleagues that ‘you’re done, so time to get back to normal’.

Courage to you all and hope we can all stay positive or as positive as possible! xxx


Hourrayyyyy what an amazing news !!! :clap::clap::clap::clap: I hope you did a victory dance or zoomie round the house lol
I found it took me while to get round to the news, to sink in. only now have I properly realised I can say am recovery. madness.
Did I tell you guys that my vision changed? It actually improved!! Bought a new cheap pair of glasses for the time being…I suspect it’s either the chemo, steroids or less vdu or all 3 combined. But now I can’t see with my current glasses nor without :rofl: hopefully I get them right before next chemo round next week and the usual TV packed exciting sofa schedule awaiting for me!!!
Hi @Louise07 I totally get it and I think a few of us this. BCN has a support section on their website and there are courses talking about moving forward. I will register interest and so them . I will also continue counselling and pay of my own pocket (£40) to make sure I have that support and keep those negatives thoughts at bay. I will also try to do as much of the things I love. TNBN there is no pill, immunotherapy for me (which wasn’t in place just a few years back so guess am lucky) and then that’s it.
I’ve for 3 more EC and I can’t wait to finish chemo. Still got a long road anyway as op is coming and RT. I feel everyone will reach to the finish line before me!


Make sure you chase them…I wouldn’t wait especially with the NHS. Get on that phone asap and book it so you more comfortable that things are moving forward :kissing_heart:

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Congratulations :clap::tada: on your last radiotherapy!! :clap::clap::clap: Yes all good on my side. Went riding wooohoo

Look at his cute face soaking the sun - not mine-Squirrel! Love this horse so much :heart_eyes_cat: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Going to ride as much as I can this week and meet with lots of dog owners before next chemo week next week. Handover at work is nearly over and I can taste the freedom. I’ve never been happier to leave a job lol Freeedom!!! :rofl: I’ll be poor but happy.

Thanks for sharing how you feeling honestly it’s reassuring to know what might happen. I’ve just come to accept the tearing thing. Don’t enjoy it but feel better afterwards. The pain sounds horrendous but so glad it’s over for you :blue_heart:


Hi naughtyboob
So pleased to hear you got through the radiotherapy ok, well done on that. Really glad to hear you had a kind staff member. I want to give you a hug when thinking about you quietly ringing the bell. Really hope you get to rest up now.


Hi frazzled, well done getting through each day. Hopefully a little better after today. Glad to hear you’re taking it easy. Know what you mean about the irony too.
Hopefully we can both start feeling a little better after tiday


Fantastic news Plum1, really the best news.
Sorry about the extra surgery and hope you recover well


Thanks @daffodil1. Definitely a bit better today on some fronts and nice to think from here on in it should be slow and steady improvement rather than waiting for next cycle and getting worse again. Two more days of injections and then hopefully free from meds for a bit. How are you doing? Hopefully on the upward trajectory too. That’s the only good thing about reaching the bottom yesterday, the only way after that is up.


@pinklilli3s lovely photos of you both and so nice to see blue skies too. I saw you still have a way to go on Chemo. I know some of us are getting near the end but I will keep checking in until we’ve made it through. You will get there. I re-read one of my posts from September when we all started. I didn’t think I’d make it but here we are. When are you due to start EC again and what’s your target finish date?

Plus like you say a few of us still have surgery and RT to go yet so I think the messages will keep coming for a bit.


Hey! I sure do hope we keep in touch even post chemo :blush:

First EC was 2nd Jan, then every 3 weeks after that, next is 23rd Jan next week and last one is 5th march.
I started chemo 1st week of October but was due to be in September and couldn’t happier to be surrounded by a group of duck string and wonderful ladies sharing our highs and lows.
In a way I kind feel blessed because I truly benefited from the information shared from.those that were a few weeks ahead and it allowed me to be better prepared mentally, logistically and physically!

So all in all, not long now w the chemo!
I hope you’re doing ok? Your next injection is soon? xxx


A lot of the threads do all keep in touch they set up WhatsApp’s groups by sharing info in the private message bit on here :+1: our oct17 gang do :+1: and still talk everyday :+1:and meet up throughout the year too and we did the pink ribbon walk as a gang together :+1: just sharing if you guys wanted to stay in touch with each other like the other threads do :+1::heart::two_women_holding_hands::heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Hi pinky ladies :gift_heart:
Sorry to hear you have been in hospital @pinklilli3s and @plum1 , hopefully you are better now.
@naughty_boob congratulations :clap::tada: hopefully you are fine after radiotherapy.
@copperycat, @daffodil1 , @frazzledmcsazza , @Louise07 big hug :hugs: and good luck with your treatment :revolving_hearts:

I had a busy week with the children and daily radiotherapy, and today I had the 20 session and last one. After I met the doctor I rang the bell :bell:,I am not so enthusiastic about, I don’t feel as the treatment end, but the hard part hopefully is done. In a few days I will start the hormones therapy, Tamoxifen and Zoladex injection.
I wish you all the best health and all scans and tests to come back clear.


Hi frazzled, well done on getting through the Monday to Wednesday and really pleased you’re starting to feel better.
Like you, I still have two more jabs to go. Still very constipated! Too much information?!


Well done Cami, really great news. How are you feeling now the radiotherapy has completed?

Wishing the best for all of you lovely ladies


Hi Pinklili, I agree, the ladies on here have all been amazing. Thank you to all of you who have shared your experience for her benefit of one another.


That’s great news , congratulations on finishing radiotherapy, such a milestone ! I hope your side effects are not too bad and things go smoothly afterwards :hugs:

I start my radio on Monday and am apprehensive . But I accept that is the way , anxiety beforehand but manage ok once I get started!

I’ve been so tired this last week . Not sure why , I’m 4 weeks post chemo. Trying to tell myself it’s because my body has been through a lot these past seven months.

All the wonderful ladies on here have been through so much. And it’s such a massive thing to have each other for support. Especially when sometimes it feels you are the only ones who understand xxx


Well done for going through your last session!!
Yesterday was my last day of antibiotics so hopefully no relapse :pray:
I hope all goes well with the hormone therapy and injection :heart:


Hiya @daffodil1. I hope you are feeling better now we are getting to the end of the week.

I still have some low level tummy issues but soooooo much better than previous days. Feel like my body is recovering. Think it is a long road as I have some very weird symptoms (dead/numb leg on one side) as well as the more normal ones which I think will take time to resolve but it is nice to know from here on in my (hopefully good) cells are regenerating and my body can start to rebuild all the bits chemo has damaged.

@plum1 are you home yet? I hope the additional treatment has gone well and you are on the mend.

@Camy_Radika congrats on the last rads session. as you say not the end but hopefully the end of the hardest part.