September 2023 Chemo Starters

I am still very impressed Frazzled, working from home or not xx


Coppery, I agree with naughtyboobā€™s assessment of that individual


Thank you @naughty_boob , definitely agree heā€™s an arse! I was made to feel bad for even asking . But I have every right to ask why and expect a reasonable answer :grimacing: sorry youā€™re having radio SEā€™s. Hope they donā€™t give too much trouble and they disappear soon xx

So sorry to hear youā€™ve been in hospital and have Covid @daffodil1 . Hopefully youā€™re home now and you make a speedy recovery :hugs:


Hi all
Just wondering, has anyone else had COVID whilst on chemo? I feel so much worse than last time I had covid-19. This time I cannot get warm, goosebumps and aches, shivery and headache. Feels like flu.
Hope youā€™re all going on OK


@daffodil1 I havenā€™t had it whilst on chemo but had it just before chemo in September last year. Was second time of having covid and was definitely worse than previous time and felt exactly like having flu. I hope you feel better soon.

Sorry you have Covid. Iā€™m assuming you feel worse as you are immune suppressed. Did the doctors offer anti virals? During the main few years of the pandemic they were giving them to the most vulnerable.

I havenā€™t caught it as I tend to mask in busy areas. I get unwell enough being asthmatic without bc.

Hope you feel better soon :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks naughtyboob, pretty sure my son passed this to me, heā€™s at secondary school where bugs are rife.
No offer of antivirals but weirdly Iā€™m on strong antibiotics as a precaution for my chest. Doxycycline which makes me feel very sick. Honestly, just after chemo nausea was passing!!!

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Thank you frazzled, useful to know that. It was good you got it prior to the start of chemo I guess. Iā€™m not sure whether I will be able to/should have radiotherapy on Wednesday now. Think itā€™s likely to be postponedā€¦

Thanks coppery, and good luck for you scan on Tuesday too xxx

@frazzledmcsazza glad you connected w your manager eventually. Hopefully that continues!

@naughty_boob how are you feeling after your injection now?

@copperycat anymore news from MRI or oncologist?

Mine apologies when I saw him face to face on Friday and I reminded him not to pack his bags next time he speaks to me in the phone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :see_no_evil:

@plum1 how is the :peach:? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

@daffodil1 sorry to hear you have COVID :weary: thatā€™s how I felt when I had my jab and 3 y ago when we didnā€™t know what it was. Wiped me out in 4 days then was ok. But when I got it last year, I ended w some long term COVID, most breathing issues, and sinusitis and COVID insomnia. It went , lungs were clear, sinusitis I did rinse to help inflammation and still do, and insomnia went but obviously cancer /hormonesā€¦ Itā€™s back

This week treatment was delayed for me due to low grade fever and rash/allergic reaction to either EC or Pembrolizumab the immunotherapy drug. Mouth thrush or mycosis, take your pick :woman_shrugging:t3:
Been on 16 mg steroids per day :face_with_peeking_eye: :scream: now on 12mg per day, mad hippos doseā€¦am still itchy but less blotchy. Very bloated though and swollen.
Rested this week, but no pain apart from being tired waking up from itching and not sleeping from steroids. First time on 16mg I was speaking out loud to myself until 2am :sob: :joy: I managed to go to bed reasonably ok yesterday 23.30 and only woke up once a twice. I managed a little ride on my :unicorn: to blow cobwebs over and had my first borrow my doggy walk in Friday which was much needed after 2 h at hospital seeing oncologist and waiting for meds as they got prescription wrong! Iā€™ve also registered on dog /cat walking sitting app so hopefully some booking comes through :crossed_fingers:
Anyway going forward lots of potential/unsettled changes ahead which could well explain my stress/allergic reaction but am not unhappy, quite content that things come to an end. We keep going w treatment next Tuesday onco said. Give it another go. My job ends on 31st, I should have been ā€œfineā€ to go in but they are going to have to wait till am better to return equipment. I want to go in and say goodbye. My boss is traveling anyway so no big deal.

If body rejects treatment again, theyā€™ll drop EC, I would have had 2 out 4, fine by me, try to keep immunotherapy which is more important from what I gather (every 3 weeks for 6/8 months as planned but w more steroids :sob:) , and will consider bring operation forward.

Anyway I managed not to buy anything crazy of the internet :grin::heart: please congratulate me!!! :joy: however I am treating myself to a little last minute trip to Cirque du soleil on my own in London. Sunday I would usually see partner (disappointed not heard from him) and didnā€™t fancy mopping around, riding again might have tired me, so since am free as bird and wanted to see the show for a while, am going :facepunch: Nothing or no one to hold me back now Iā€™ll wear a mask I think though.
Have a lovely weekend ladies xxx



You have an up and down week. At least the doctor apologised to you!

Iā€™m glad you feel content with your decision, itā€™s a shame you havenā€™t heard anything from him, no matter what has happened you are still going through treatment and I would have thought he would at least check up on you.

Enjoy Cirque de Soleil, I thinking masking is a wise decision with so many bugs about.

I feel like Iā€™ve got the flu after my Herceptin, achy all over with a dodgy bum :poop:.Hopefully just a few days.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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You would think and you took the words out of my mouth, and was about to write it and donā€™t want to paint him as a bad guy, cause heā€™s not, however especially he wouldnā€™t know treatment was postponed, you would think out of kindness heā€™d check in and drop a text. That would show maturity. Confirms sadly my right decision to move forward in life. You, I canā€™t stand still. Goes to show and reinforce my thinking that heā€™s got some growth to do. He also now got to pick up his stuff. Iā€™ll go through treatment next week, will be a shock after a month off :flushed: heā€™ll unknowingly have another week to make contact . Am not storage box :joy: so if he doesnā€™t manifest, Iā€™ll message and then ā€œoustā€ out. Heā€™s got to pick up his shit!!

Feel better w the injection and bum bum. Heard herceptin take a few weeks to settle in body. A friend husband had a breast cancer and he had hot flush for a while lost some hair but it came back amd hot flushes disappeared eventually xx


Hi Pinklili
Well done on making a decision with your partner.
Did you get to the theatre and have fun?
When is your next treatment due? Hope you manage without the allergic reaction. Must be tricky being on so many steroids tooā€¦


Also a good luck message to annemanc as I think you were possibly having your op today? Hope all goes well. Let us know how youā€™re doing if you get chance


Hi @annemanc Good luck with the operation today.

Take the painkillers they prescribe, if co codamol, you may need senna or lactulose as they can block you up. Do you exercises they give you, donā€™t get frustrated and rush them, to as much as your are able. The exercises will help with radiotherapy.

Thinking of you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi naughtyboob
That doesnā€™t sound pleasant after herceptin either, are those effects meant to get better as your body adjusts?

Thank you @daffodil1 And to you too @naughty_boob :heart:. I mixed up my dates (chemo brain!) itā€™s actually tomorrow.

Will take your advice and have all the drugs (and the Senna!) and will do my exercises. Will let you know how I get on. Thanks so much for checking in, it means a lot.

Hope youā€™re all ok. Am getting so tired of all this cancer stuff nowā€¦ it does drag on doesnā€™t it? :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face: But am trying to stay positive, Iā€™ll be one step closer to the end of treatment. Xxxxx


@annemanc Be thinking of you tomorrow :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi @daffodil1

The flu feeling is supposed to be within a few hours of the treatment, not sure if itā€™s radiotherapy or Letrozole side affects either. I looked through the paperwork on side effects and some are similar!

Hoping to feel a bit better tomorrow but itā€™s 2 weeks since last day of radiotherapy so who knows what Iā€™ll be met with when I wake it or during the night as Iā€™m not sleeping well.

How are you doing?


Good luck @annemanc for your op tomorrow . All good advice from the ladies above! Also take all offers of help and be kind to yourself :hugs: