September 2023 Chemo Starters

@annemanc good luck for tomorrow. I hope it all goes smoothly and you are soon messaging us with positive news from the other side.

@daffodil1 are the covid symptoms receeding? Did it affect your treatment plan?

@pinklilli3s glad you are feeling positive about your decision about your relationship. Onwards and upwards and hopefully more fun trips to the theatre lie ahead. I read about this group online which you might like as a newly single person. .

@naughty_boob I hope your side effects subside soon. You sound like you are very much in the middle of that storm.


Omg I had the best time.

It was also so liberating to go on my own and not having to wait on someone or being held back for one reason or another! I mean sure I had no one in the moment to share the experience w but I shared it w my family and friends and you guys. I felt so content. I even did my nails :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Highly recommend the show :heart_eyes:
Steroids are steroids, hate them love them. Just hope tomorrow goes well and body doesn’t reactđŸ€ž

@annemanc good luck tomorrow!!! Hang in there one step closer indeed. Sometimes in life we have to do things we don’t want to do to get where we want to be :kissing_heart: how it goes when you’re able xxx


Ah that looks so lovely! You look so happy! Really glad you had a good time. So many more adventures await you, and all of us. :heart::heart::blush:

Thanks for the good vibes for tomorrow xxxxx


Thank you! I actually feel there is a such a stigma in the UK about being single, especially single girls, ladies not so much men. It’s irritating. Single doesn’t mean lonely. I am such a valuable individual as anyone else but it’s like here they treat you like your beneath “a couple status”. It’s like you’re not seen when you’re single, unless you’re w a man or group of gf. Like yesterday at the theatre the scanner lady at the entrance was waiting for me to whip a 2nd ticket :joy: at the entrance, she was surprised and waited w her scan in the air and only after a second let me go through. Like me just buying a single ticket for myself wasn’t a right a passage enough !!! She was like oh huh one ticket? To which I said yes, there only one of me :joy:
It’s like to be seen you have to have double the sass
than when you’re a couple, cause it’s almost like society accepts you more easily if there’s a man by you.
There isn’t so much of that in France and Europe I do feel actually that women are seen more like a prey or more likely to be chased for who they are than for the miserable feelings they might be single and we’ll offer them a drink out of pity or they need to be saves.
I mean it may well be the steroids talking!!! I am happy on my own. I’d rather have someone in my life to share memories with ofc but I want someone who wants me. Never a better feeling than that. I chose me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, horses, dogs, cats, pets.

It’s this feeling of being single that “people” (not you guys) read “social media” insist on picturing making simgle ladies feel that you should chose to be miserable and unvalidated, that I reject!
Rants over :joy: and thanks for the support as always!

Picture of a lovely dog I went to train to keep of the sofa this evening at owners home and helped her reclaim her space and stop him barking at the door :kissing_heart:


Hi frazzled, thanks for asking, still not feeling great and radiotherapy postponed. Will have to see how I go these coming days

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Hi naughtyboob it’s confusing isn’t it, when the cause could be lots of different things. Hope the side effects calm down for you very soon anyway

Resting and drinking lots with COVID here

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Hi Annemanc
Lots of luck for today. Hope you get down early and home quickly and sleep well tonight too.


Hello ladies just had treatment and I feel so woooozy from the drugs and drunk!! Apparently it’s normal on EC. They took my BP before I left looked normal. Feeling so drunk :flushed: :face_with_spiral_eyes: any of you had that feeling?!
Going to drink loads of water to try to get rid of drugs as much as I can before bed and sleep it off. 8 don’t like afternoon treatment I feel I don’t have time to look after myself afterwards and left w side effects the next day :confused:


Hi @pinklilli3s yeah I always felt really drunk/stoned after EC. Like I was high to be honest (shame Manchester’s famous Hacienda nightclub closed in the nineties cos I could have gone there)! It took a few days to go away. I lent into it as a weird but less unpleasant side effect to some of the others.

I get what you mean about women who are single too, I think there is a stigma in the UK. It’s horribly sexist as it doesn’t apply to men. Things are changing but not fast enough. I felt it in my 20s before I met Dan, I have friends in 40s now like me and can see they get it. Go to all the shows and ignore it. :heart:

Thanks all for the love too, operation was ok. Having chemo as a yardstick makes other things seem not quite as grim (though to be fair the very hardcore drugs haven’t worn off yet so I may be changing my mind tonight). Going to pop some pills and start my exercises tomorrow xxxxx


@annemanc glad the surgery went well. I have my pre-surgery appointment tomorrow so it is good to hear some positive news and that so far its not been as bad as chemo.

@pinklilli3s loving the dogs pics and you are definitely finding fun ways to fill your days and enjoy the freedom of flying solo. I enjoyed my single days and am sure you will too. You have a great attitude and that’s half the battle.


Good luck for the pre op. :blush: What surgery are you having? No need to say if you’d rather not. I’m getting to be an old hand at this now
. Lumpectomy, sentinel lymph node surgery last summer and now aux lymph node clearance. Make sure they give you the exercises to do after xxxxx

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Really struggling today. Am considering this will be my last EC out of 4, I’d have 2. It’s really hard and being on my own makes it harder. I also feel my body run out of energy and mentally exhausted. Need to speak to oncologist when I go for injection I’ll ask for an appointment sooner than the 3 weeks one and consider my option.
Made today harder as I booked an opticians appointment since my vision improved but they lowered it too much and now I can’t see w old neither w new glasses. The nausea are in full force and this lady in the shop hasn’t washed :flushed: :nauseated_face:
@annemanc do you mind me asking what is the difference between lymph nodes and auxiliary lymph nodes clearance? They couldn’t do it all at once last summer? xxx


@pinklilli3s sorry to hear you’re feeling so rough. It can’t be easy without somebody there with you. I know I wouldn’t have managed without my husband being around. He has managed to work from home for most of my treatment.

Sending you good vibes that you feel better soon.

@frazzledmcsazza Hope you’re pre op went ok. Mine was just a load of filling in paperwork, a blood test and MRSA swab. It seemed to take ages. When is your date for your op?


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@pinklilli3s sorry you’re having tough time. EC is a really hardcore treatment, that spaced out feeling is not nice and it must be harder if you’re riding it out solo. I also think the second round of drugs (in my case doctaxel after EC) is hard as you are just so knackered from it all.

It might be worth considering continuing at a reduced dose maybe? I def found the point you are at now the toughest, still having 2 treatments to go. Once I had the penultimate out of the way I felt I could handle the final one. You know your body best and what you can do. Sending you a big hug.

So, sentinel lymph node surgery is when they take out three lymph nodes in your arm pit to see if they have any cancer in them. They usually do it if no obvious signs of cancer in your lymphs in your scans, alongside the lumpectomy or mastectomy. The sentinel lymphs are the first few where breast cancer usually spreads. In my case they found some cells in one lymph node, so they went back in to take the rest out (auxiliary lymph node clearance) in a separate operation. It’s considered bigger surgery cos you have a higher risk of getting lymphodema which can happen at any time for rest of your life. But there’s lots you can do to mitigate the risks. Xxxx

In more positive news, the dog you are pet sitting is so lovely!!! Xxxx


@naughty_boob it’s defo harder solo!!! But equally it’s not so much the loneliness, as I would be on my own during the week anyway, it’s defo much easier with someone like when I had my family, for sure don’t get me wrong!!! the perspective of being on my own this weekend doesn help but it’s not whats making me take this decision. I have been put through the works w EC, and I noticed a massive decline over my health overall, going from hospital A&E trip, multiple transfusions, fever and multiple rashes. I can feel my body is giving up and I feel I have to hear and listen to this little voice inside me which guides me which I so ignored much last year and stayed in a job I shouldn’t have!
So this is an honour to my gut feel over possibly science and I hope I am making the right decision. I’ve started using Language like this chemo is killing and I feeling no longer hopeful from it so that’s when I feel I need to draw the line.
What reassure me is that all the 3 nurses and oncologist were supporting me and supportive of the decision, so it reinforces this feeling of moving in the right direction. I wanted to have another go yesterday and see how I felt. It’s not going well. I have the option to bring operation forward so that’s what am going to do :crossed_fingers:

@annemanc I know what you mean about the penultimate treatment. I had that feeling before Christmas but not feeling like this now. So I think that when I need to call it. It feels like a dread if I was going to continue and I feel psychologically I feel would be counter productive.

Thank you for explaining the difference. It’s very clear and explain the 2nd surgery :blush: I asked a few questions to the lead nurse. Guess I have to get my head op questions to ask now.
Plan is to have sentinel lymph nodes removed alongside lumpectomy. I will ask about auxiliary lymph nodes when I have consultation with breast consultant. She’s in London. Operation could be on 24th Feb or 2nd March and I am hoping my mum can make it. Alternatively maybe staying at a friend’s place for a couple of days.


@pinklilli3s there is no doubt chemo gets harder each cycle. Our bodies take the hit and then can’t recover before we go again. What got me through was thinking what I could see and feel in my body was also happening to the cancer i.e. it was getting hit harder each time with no time to recover. I had my ultrasound after the fourth cycle and they couldn’t see any sign of the cancer at that point but I still did the last two cycles presumable to make sure but it is possible I could have stopped at four and nothing would have been any different. So hopefully it is the same for you. It sounds like you are at the worst point of the first week post chemo. Cling onto the fact that other than fatigue, taste and hair loss hopefully you’ll feel a lot better in a week and the worse of the acute symptoms will have subsided. One day at a time. You are nearly out the other side.

@annemanc your technical breast cancer jargon game is well ahead of mine. I will be having lumpectomy and from your description sentinal node clearance (today they just said we take out some lymph nodes to check them) all on 22nd February. Then depending on if they find anything further surgery (presumably at that point auxiliary nodes). But I won’t get results until around 14th March.

@naughty_boob - no tests today. Think there is a separate appointment for that (I feel like they could have combined them). Sometimes I think they forget we are all trying to live our lives around this and every appointment is hours out of our week. Ho hum.

In today’s good news they confirmed i can eat what I want now (much to the surgeon’s surprise who didn’t know you had to follow a low risk diet on chemo - every day is a school day even for a high flying surgeon). Although I might hold off going crazy on the pate and soft cheeses until next week when my taste might have improved.

I also asked what I could do to reduce risk of reoccurrence and exercise came out top. They all said exercise is very much proven to reduce risk. So I will aim to become some kind of athlete once surgery etc is over. Perhaps this bl**dy cancer will be the making of me


I can totally understand the going with your gut, like you e said before you know your body better than anybody and you need to weigh up your overall well-being with ongoing chemo. @Camy_Radika stopped her chemo early due to her ongoing chesty cough. I’m glad the staff were on your side and you have the option to bring your surgery forward. Have you had recent scans to see how much it has shrunk?

I’ve isolated myself a lot for fear of catching illnesses and need to start getting out a bit more. I have my husband here and speak to people out walking the dog but since the weather got cold, less people want to meet outside. I used catch bugs so easily before cancer so I feel being immune suppressed would make it even worse. I acknowledge Ive become anxious and it’s something I need to talk to the counsellor about. I don’t feel lonely as such and am happy within my own company a lot of the time but it would be nice to meet up sometimes. I do wonder if my anxiety has stopped people from contacting me.

I see everyone getting on with their life but also hear about Measles, Covid, Flu, RSV, Scarlet Fever in the local area. I get quite poorly with just a cold with my asthma let alone other illnesses. I have been masking in busy shops etc. I want to get on with my life but the fear of catching something is holding me back. Hopefully counselling will help.

Funny story I had eventually plucked up the courage to organise some via work, they sent two options of time and date and it said to reply ONLY with a 1,2 or 3 number, so I texted back ONLY 2. Suffice to say they didn’t book the appointment and I didn’t even consider I hadn’t had a confirmation text or email! I think some chemo brain is still lingering. I contacted them today and asked why nobody called, they just sent another text and I replied just with the ‘1’ this time. They added another message to say reply with a number only no words! :joy::smiling_face_with_tear: I wonder how many others have read it incorrectly!

Take care all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@frazzledmcsazza absolutely, the accumulative effect has now gotten to me. The MRI before Christmas revealed the cancer shrunk. They couldn’t see it. I understand they need to do wide excision and take more than the actual 2.1cm around, out the dye and see which sentinel lymph nodes it goes to remove them. I’ve had 11 cycles last year, 2 nearly killed me :joy:, now EC this year, planned 4, done 2, which until recently was only 3. I do plan to carry on w immunotherapy which will protect me, which again they didn’t do until 2/3 y ago. If it turns out that’s what is also diminishing me, then I’ll review w oncologist. Am definitely trying to cling on to those future moments and I feel a huge dread been lifted off my chest. The taste bugs and nausea is the worse right w not sleeping, I probably woke up 18 times last night. Need to keep an eye on my peeing, EC seems o overwork my kidneys and I go every hour or so. I’ve drinking a lot too to get rid of this drug :joy: literally not gone anywhere without my bottle of water! I’ll keep an eye on the temperature. I’ve also visualise LD the cancer being wrapped in a nice little tight plastic cling film not spreading anywhere and I keep repeating to myself that’s it’s locked twisted away there! Thank you for the support my dear.
Sounds we might be having the operation round the same time. Also sounds it might mean another op if they find cancer in sentinel lymph nodes, I wonder how many week’s apart they’ll go back for auxiliary:/
It’s great that you can eat what you want that’s a win! Are your taste buds back to normal now after chemo? Been told to use Difflam 6 to 8 times a day to try to keep on top of it.

@naughty_boob MRI couldn’t pick up the cancer before Christmas, it was all gone. So am going on the basis that w EC started in January, these additional 2 sessions+ immunotherapy going forward I will be fine. They said the right breast was "quiescent and I had an excellent response to neo adjuvant chemotherapy " :woman_shrugging:t3: I do wonder if Breast consultant will want to do another CT or MRI/exam.

With regards to your anxiety around germs I totally get it. I was a bit overwhelmed at the beginning. To put your mind at rest, I still mask in public places or confined spaces like trains or planes, I treat it like COVID, post reopening. So at the theatre once I sat down, I removed my mask (rightly or wrongly) I only had someone sat on my left not my right and if anyone would start coughing around me I’d whip my mask out (w given them a free look of disapproval :joy:). Do talk to the counsellor, however am confident that at times go on, you’ll feel less worried about it cause we’ll get stronger by default anyway. What also helped me, was to understand my blood tests, neutrophils and all that. It made me feel have some control so then, I knew if it was good going before chemo, there is only such much chemo could take away from me. Psychology it helped!
I’ve not had to go to the office and I don’t have to that right now. Horse riding is outside and so is dog /walking. I see absolutely nothing wrong in masking in the shops and I’ve got some gel in my car and in me. Totally normal for me, especially on the tube in London! I be always done the gel pre COVID anyway. When I meet new dog owners, I tell them about my cancer, and you’d be surprised how many people either gone through it themselves or their families so they understand about being immunosuppressed and so far I’ve not met w someone who was evidently ill or purposely tried to “infect” me out of ignorance :sweat_smile:
I decided last I won’t watch the news. You can’t escape it but I purposely switch channels. It helps. Nothing good comes out of it anyway and I can’t change the corrupt government!!!

You did make laugh about these options. That would be me all over! I tell you something that will cheer you up. I’ve ordered some probiotics, paid for next day delivery to make sure I’ve got it in time. The irony is, I’ve never been there in the afternoon (let’s glide over that now post is delivered in afternoon grrrrr) so I’ve had 7 attempted redeliveries. SEVEN. None of them which got delivered, after even begging and leaving a note on the door to say PLS leave the parcel. I’ve gone on the app and told them to leave by porch. Nothing. I spoke to not usual post man who didn’t care to help today. The jokes on me for being organised. 42 min on hold w post office this evening , not being able to go through. I’ve bought a different unknown brand from pharmacy today and bought my usual brand one -again- to be delivered normal delivery in 4 to 10 days from optibac, not next day am not going through that if it means signed for :rofl:. Hoping that between now and end of this week the parcel 1 will turn up at my local post office eventually Friday :pray: I think I’ve finally earned the option to tick that box on their app (wasn’t there before! Or chemo brain, I doubt) . It’s ridiculous :sob:!! Let’s hope vag thrush doesn’t come back now cause I’d be well pissed off as I’d manage to stay on top w Optibac!


:two_women_holding_hands:pinklilli, you’ve been so busy doing so much your amazing do you know that :heart: pace yourself, you can do this :muscle: your kick ass :muscle: we’ve got you :two_women_holding_hands: your not alone :two_women_holding_hands::heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Am so excited for the future knowing that I am making all these right decisions for myself now. I am excited as in the process of securing my first dog sitting. No pacing here and no stopping me now :joy: