September 2023 Chemo Starters

You have a boob and a bum surgeon! :wink:

Iā€™m so pleased you have a date and your peachy rear is on the mend. Sorry to hear the port is still in place but as you have said they have their reasons.

As far as work is concerned I would suggest double checking with your team, depending on what you do for a living will depend on what and when you are able to work. I saw the surgeon 2 weeks after my double lumpectomy and was told not to drive for 4 weeks from the surgery. I work in a school so Iā€™ve not been back to work since my diagnosis. You have to be 100% to teach a class of 30 children.

Take care and keep us informed of your progress. Lots of info above regarding wires from myself and @pinklilli3s ( hope you are recovering well and you Mum is taking care of you)


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Congratulations :clap::tada: am doing slowly betterā€¦very tired but better. Have just come back from mound check and I was more worried about seeing ā€œherā€, than the actual wound check. God she was a delight. I think itā€™s because I said something to the nurse and her secretary, asking not to say anything but we always know that people talk and good if if it did, cause my experience Sunday was awful and traumatised me!!! I said to her secretary -not sure what happened on Sunday but I was told off and humiliated in front of the nurse and physio, I donā€™t need to be bullied in my spare time, working in HR it happens for free in my work life :joy: (although I did get paid for it but the bullying from staff and manager is always a free bonus :joy::joy::joy:)

I hope all goes well for you. Ask away any questions and if I can help Iā€™ll try to help. I started taking ibuprofen and now I have quite a bruise as it can make it bleed so if youā€™re able to do ok with paracetamol only then it sounds thatā€™s better. Am going to wind myself down off the diclofenac, it does really help me in the morning but going to stop taking in the evening.
Bra wise, in hindsight, I used a simple Flexi fit from m&s not any of the post op surgery bras. Thatā€™s because where the cancer was for me, sort of 9pm if your faced me on right breast, I ended up w quite a bit of swelling what we called bra fat round the bra strap so post op, I felt straight away it was cutting me in half and swelling could go down passed my rib cage. I would buy a size up round the bra strap. The cup is the same although swollen and it will go down, the Flexi fit bra is super flexible. I added an extra insert boob support just so it doesnā€™t move as much :sweat_smile: and itā€™s well supported. I have stitches inside the boob thatā€™s why I need (and we all probably have to) to wear the bra.
Anything feeling weird get on that phone. Now got to pray no seroma and infection when plaster comes off Monday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Doing good and Iā€™ve been told two weeks not to drive . I asked again today and she said nice try :joy:
My landlord suggested I tried teaching assistant, cause obviously am awaiting payment from Universal claim. God that came from a good place but he clearly has no idea that could only be the worse thing that could happen to me :joy::joy: nest for germs and the energy required, oh my goodnessā€¦

I hope you get a bit more clarity. Feel free to message me if you have any more questions. Hope meeting goes well :two_hearts:

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Hope youā€™re doing alright @daffodil1 . 135 is high. Mine would go to 140 doing nothing! I also had the heart monitor and they prescribed me a drug to slow it down. They insisted it wasnā€™t chemo related. However, I decided to stop taking the drug after a week and 6 weeks on from chemo my heart hasnā€™t raced.

Best wishes for the rest of your radio , nearly there xxx

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You got this. See you on the other side of your surgeryā€¦ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi Ladies, Thank you all for your kind wishes it means a lot.

I am home after the op today. Been taking it easy and watching trash television. Below Decks on Channel four and new walking programme with Bill Bailey and friends on channel four. Plus I have just seen there is a celebrity stand up for cancer on channel four tonight. That is tomorrow sorted for a bit.

As you all said the wire and the injection sort of werenā€™t too bad. Bit of pulling but bearable. But the doctor completely f*cked up. She did the procedure, I had the mammogram and went back to get dressed. I said would she mind if I asked a silly question, she kindly said no question is a silly question. I said, ā€œhow do you know you have the right titanium seed?ā€. She said ā€œwhat do you mean?ā€. I explained I had two seeds one in a fibrodema and one in the cancer. She said, ā€œsit down, let me checkā€. She had put it in the wrong one!!! She had to do it all again and the literally rip the wrong wire from earlier out. FFS eh. If I hadnā€™t asked they might have taken out the wrong thing today. So the lesson is always ask. Professional butā€¦fallible. Still a bit scared as to whether they got it right but spoke with the surgeon today and told him again where the cancer was so hopefully he got it right. Not sure what to do to try and make sure this doesnā€™t happen to someone else. Doesnā€™t fill you with faith eh! Will speak again with surgeon and macmillan nurse at next appointment and ask what they think they can change about the procedure to prevent someone else going through this.

Anyways I have dull pain but other than that am good and am looking forward to two weeks time when the dressing is off and I can drive. Not religious at all but praying to the universe for clear marginsā€¦Three weeks from now, 15th March I should have an answer.

@plum1 glad you have date for surgery and it is not too far away.

Echoing @daffodil1 who is impressively on top of our stages and treatments @pinklilli3s, @annemanc hope your recovery is going well and @daffodil1, @naughty_boob and @Camy_Radika I hope you are coping with the rads.

Right I am off for a mega glass of water and pee that looks like a blue lagoon cocktail! Almost want to cry to see what it looks like. Love to you all.


So pleased youā€™re at home and watching trash TV.

OMG why do we always need to advocate for ourselves? Surely they read your notes and knew there were two seeds and where they were located.:sleepy: Well done for considering talking to surgeon and MacMillan nurse about your experience and how they can prevent it from happening again. But if you donā€™t speak up they will never learn.:heart_eyes:

Sleep well :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Oh dear thank god you asked :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:this is terrible. I tell you they never want you to ask questions but you gotta keep checking whatā€™s going on and what they do.

Went for wound check and my breast consultant said it looked okā€¦she was even lateā€¦1h, and apologies, omg she was a delight last night unbelievable. My mum w her broken English did add another layer and said sometimes you know she has questions :rofl: you go mum you tell her. I truly believe that most of those things are happening because I am alone and on my own to these appointments. Anyway next week Iā€™ve got pembro. I feel quite tired today and low energy. Wondering if Hb is low or something is up w thyroid. Guess Iā€™ll find out next week at blood tests.

Am glad youā€™re op went well. Were the meds good? Thatā€™s the only plus if they were :joy:
Take it easy, do your exercises but donā€™t overdo it. Ask for help, donā€™t raise your arm above your headā€¦ Although I do have the little tif w mum am so glad sheā€™s around. Am still stuck on the cooking though :see_no_evil::rofl: I donā€™t dare ask her, sheā€™s not the best cook bless her!! Good timing as well, she gets to see my flowers bloom which I planted last year as one of the first sign to look forward to once this cancer pavlava is over ! The results are in the back of mind obviously but trying not to think about it :kissing_heart:


Hello all
Frazzled, Iā€™m so pleased you have the op out of the way, that youā€™re home and doing well. Hope you have an easy day watching TV and relaxing.
Well done for asking that question, though Iā€™m really sorry to hear you had that experience, not what you needed just before your op, but thank goodness you asked. It is shocking that could happen. A lot of people simply wouldnā€™t think to ask that.
It sounds like there have been too many bad experiences for all of us in amongst the good. Last year, when a second lump was found in my breast which they were investigating via MRI (after they had found the initial cancerous lump), the report was very unclear and read as though the wrong lump was cancerous. When I subsequently saw the radiologist, we discussed it and she agreed it was misleading as to which lump was cancerous and wrote a note on the file. That caused me a lot of anguish pending starting treatment and reduced my confidence in the hospital. Again, I think many people would not have questioned things.
I have my last radiotherapy session today. Not sure how I feel or how to feel. No more targeted or hormone treatments available for me right now so it will feel very strange. Going to have a chat with Maggieā€™s next week.
All the best to everyone of you


@daffodil1 well done for finishing your radiotherapy. I can imagine itā€™s hard if you have no further treatment. Iā€™m continuing with Herceptin until September with Letrozole tablets but I feel I have been dropped by the oncology team. I had a follow up with the breast care nurse with the surgery team and she has referred me for some complimentary treatments that the oncology team could have offers but didnā€™t and to the menopause clinic for help with debilitating symptoms.

Breast cancer now do have a moving forward course Moving Forward | Breast Cancer Now

This was shared on the June chemo group about what happens next written by a clinical psychologist.

Keep us informed about your heart issues.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Glad you have your op behind you and youā€™re home ok. Enjoy the trash tv while you can !

Good you were on it with docs! No such thing as a stupid question. Definitely should raise it as a matter of concern so it doesnā€™t happen to anyone else :frowning:

Sending all good vibes for positive results when you get them :hugs:


@frazzledmcsazza how you feeling a few days after the op? Is the pain any better?
Mumā€™s gone back home, that week flew by! Spend some time in garden this morning,y flowers are blooming :two_hearts: and TV here o come this morning. Extraordinary on Disney plus is really funny. Just started watching


Extraordinary on Disney is hilarious, Jizz Cat! Season 2 just released so will have to start that. For anyone without Disney season 1 is on ITV player

Take it easy this week @pinklilli3s



Been wanting to watch Extraordinary for ages but donā€™t have Disney+. Thanks for the heads up about ITVx @naughty_boob !

How are you getting on @pinklilli3s now your mum has gone home? Lovely your flowers are blooming . Itā€™s a great sign of spring on its way :hugs:

Hope youā€™re doing well @frazzledmcsazza after your op too. Take it easy :hugs:


Thank you for asking :heartpulse: Yesterday was quite hard when mum went. Everything is more quiet and the house feels bigger itā€™s hard. But today I had a kind friend who collected me for a meal at the pub w her husband who also had breast cancer recently so I donā€™t feel the odd one out and the conversation flows on various topics. Sheā€™s also a rider so lots to gossip!! They did few bits of shopping for me, I knew they wouldnā€™t want me to pay for it so only ask for a couple of things and they even paid for the pub, although I insisted on paying and for ince made sure I had cash. I didnā€™t feel they did it out of charity because of my cancer but genuinely cause they wanted to help me since am not working and I left the restaurant a good tip instead. I got some lovely flowers too :star_struck:
Then I a thank you, I put them to work :joy: :crazy_face:and asked them to move the heavy pots of my little made up nursery in the back of garden to closer to me so I can enjoy the flowers that are blooming otherwise I donā€™t see themā€¦also Iā€™ll be testing the squirrels and whether or not theyā€™re going to dig them nuts again in my pots before I get all my pots out lol

Have started week 2 of exercises. Tomorrow the plaster should come off. Itā€™s like so stuck on my skin I hope it doesnā€™t give me a rash. I started peeling some of it gently today and will do more before bed.
Am also loosing a lot more hair again. Itā€™s started to re grow and I think itā€™s either EC week 2 catching up w me or something wrong w my thyroid. Have got blood tests tomorrow ahead of prembrolizumab Tuesday so I will see if it was EC or Pembrolizumab causing the hair loss. My tongue is funny again. Itā€™s so ancient history and am so done w it all itā€™s boring. Usually things go back to normal week 4vwhich is next so letā€™s what happens receiving pembro on its own.
Picture of the flowers

@annemanc how are feeling? Recovery going ok post seroma?

Big hugs everyone


Flowers look lovely and yes you want to see them!

I would recommend a shower or bath before evolving the plaster. I had help from my husband who was very careful not to hurt me. The main problem was the butterfly (plaster) stitches over the top, they stuck fast. But I found soaking it made it easier to remove.

Take carešŸ„°


Hiya @pinklilli3s so glad you had a good night out. :heart: Iā€™ve been leaning on my friends a lot recently, a good conversation with a friend does the world of good. Your flowers are beautiful too.

Iā€™m ok thanks, starting to get more back to normal. The last few days Iā€™ve felt tired though, like my legs are heavy and my bones are creaking like an old lady. Not sure why!

Got a tough day tomorrow though, appointment w my surgeon to find out if any of the lymph nodes they removed during the clearance were cancerous. I donā€™t think itā€™ll change my treatment plan just has implications for my life expectancy (which I know they wonā€™t talk about but Iā€™ll be thinking about)! Been feeling a bit wobbly about it but doing nice things to take my mind off it. Xxx


@annemanc will be thinking of you tomorrow :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Will be thinking of you too annemanc xx

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All the remaining lymph nodes removed in clearance were non cancerous. Phew.

Am thinking of all of you waiting for results and hoping for the same for you xxxx