September 2023 Chemo Starters

Wonderful news Pinklili, you can relax a bit now xxx


Thatā€™s amazing news . So pleased to hear this :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Fantastic news @pinklilli3s ! So pleased :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi @plum1 . I initially got two post surgery bras from Asda . Front fastening and really soft. I used them immediately after surgery but I still wear them now 6 months on! I also got some nice post surgery bras from M&S. one was a lovely raspberry colour and it was so nice I ordered another in black . Iā€™ve had a mastectomy and donā€™t always want to wear a prosthetic so Iā€™ve ordered a uni bra from a company thatā€™s just started to make bras that are flat on one side . They make them once you order - waiting for it but excited to see what itā€™s like .


Donā€™t forget Primark are doing a good range now too and have also donated funds and are working with bcn :heart: really pretty range :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thank you! I spotted the Asda ones so have some arriving this week, as well as M&S, am sure some will go back but good to have a choice.

Iā€™ve seen some fab uni bras online recently, Dr Liz O Riordan was talking about one the other day on instagram , it was gorgeous!

Thank you x


Yes! Thatā€™s the one Iā€™ve ordered. Love Dr Liz, rely on her for info so much! :hugs:


Hi all
Iā€™m really excited to hear they are finally making a uni bra. I would definitely like to order one so will look that up.
I have a question. Finished 15 days of radiotherapy nine days ago, supposed to be to chest wall and to levels one to four lymph nodes. I have a bad rash and itching and redness on my chest wall but have not had any reaction whatsoever in the underarm area. Has anyone else experienced this? Itā€™s making me wonder whether they actually blitzed the axilla at all.
Hope all of you are doing as well as possible


The site is if you want to check it out. As I said , Iā€™m going in Dr Lizā€™s recommendation so have high hopes!

Sorry you have issues after radio. Have you asked your team? I did have an area that was persistently itchy and red for some weeks after but I just kept applying cream several times a day. And it eventually went away. I used Udderly smooth extra care cream . Itā€™s quite expensive but I thought it was worth it . And I only used it on my scar and chest area .

Hope it clears soon and you get some relief :hugs:

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Daffodil :heart: worth getting your team to check everything over they might give you some medi honey :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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I had some itching and red rashes which they said was normal. Encouraged lots of moisturising. Everyone is different so my rash and yours could be totally different, so I would give the radiotherapy team a quick call to check.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks for letting me know about your experiences.
Iā€™ve arranged to see the consultant so we will see what he says. Iā€™m more concerned about the lack of any reaction in the axilla, when compared to the chest area, so need some reassurance it was radiated!!


@daffodil1 glad you have an appointment. I think we have all learnt over the duration of our treatment to ask and be sceptical. It feels like we have all had professionals make mistakes at some point in this process. So getting reassurance seems not only sensible but actually necessary.

I am due to remove my waterproof dressings today post surgery. Anyone got any advice. I am a bit nervous. Never had surgery before so I am not sure what to expect. I did have an appointment at the GP but this has been cancelled due to staff illness so I think I am going to go DIY.


Hi @frazzledmcsazza

I had to do my dressing DIY, they didnā€™t even offer an appointment to do it! My husband helped and it took a while. I would suggest a shower or bath to soak off. We found that the butterfly stitches were the most difficult as they stuck to the glue.

Good luck :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Must be nerve wracking having to do it yourself. I had mine done at the hospital by the BC team and the onco looked at it and said it was fine. I was advised to pat it gently dry with a soft towel after the shower and not to use any shower gels etc for a while until the stitches had dissolved and the wound healed . Was nice to be able to get a proper shower again though :slight_smile:


Thanks @naughty_boob and @copperycat for replying. I spoke to the BC nurse and she was quite good. Its all done. All the steristrips came off around the nipple scar which was scary but hopefully getting some air to the scars will help. Thanks @copperycat for the bathing advice. I will take it slowly. I donā€™t think it will get checked over until 15th or 22nd when i get results and find out if it is more surgery or not. Canā€™t believe I have up to two and a half more weeks to wait for resultsā€¦

Hope everyone is doing okay. @pinklilli3s how are you getting on now your mum has gone home and @plum1 when is your surgery?


Hi lovely,

Itā€™s Saturday- Iā€™m so ready for it! Had to give pre-op bloods this eve and also saw my bum surgeon, heā€™s happy with how things are and doesnā€™t want to see me again for 6 weeks, Iā€™ve had silver nitrate to stop the wounds overhealing so a little tender this eveā€¦ but fab news really. He said I can ā€œfireā€ the district nurses but Iā€™m going to see them one more time tomorrow just to make sure I know what Iā€™m doing with any remaining wound careā€¦

Then I have the extra tracers and dye appt early Weds, my Phesgo Thursā€¦ Iā€™ll be ready for a rest on Saturday! Parents coming Friday afternoon, Iā€™ve decided Iā€™m going to take myself in on Saturday morning, canā€™t cope with them both sat staring at me while I wait to be taken down to theatre!

Well done for being brave with your dressings etc.! One thing I have learned in my bum adventures (!) is that kitchen roll is really great for carefully patting delicate areas dry etc as it doesnā€™t flake or disintegrate or leave any fluff behind.

@pinklilli3s, how are you doing? Xx


Hi Lovely ladies, thanks for checking in. Post pembro had a little fright, temperature, swelling in the breast, herpes, and thought thatā€™s it, Iā€™ve got seromaā€¦ But no, got it checked and my oncologist was super good at sending me for an ultrasound Friday morning to get it checked. No abnormal amount of liquid in there. It was a pembro reaction.
Still got pain in the bra fat area, could be nerve pain am told. It can be quite painful especially cause thatā€™s where the bra ties around. Feels like being sliced.
They are thinking of delaying radiotherapy by a few weeks to allow me time to recoup cause havenā€™t had much of a break in between each procedure. Am still only 4 weeks post chemo and 2 and a bit post op!

My body is run downā€¦Iā€™ve got a sore throat/cold
Spent too much time in garden past sunset! A friend came round this weekend to help since Mum is gone and helped me w few jobs and it was nice to have company.
Got blood tests later this morning, as am always cold and shivering often, lost more hair now and last few weeks than during chemo, have no appetite and got flaky skinā€¦ apparently itā€™s not thyroid related so possibly could be cause am still anaemic or something else :woman_shrugging:t3:
The boob is healing, I can feel the swelling is going down and and if it wasnā€™t for nerve pain or maybe post op node pain, all is fine!!:joy: Iā€™ll mention it to surgeon again at next wound check, sheā€™s still on holiday!

Glad your bum is better and good Luck with surgery @plum1
@frazzledmcsazza good luck with getting the results. It does go quickly. Hope the blood and scars look okšŸ˜˜


Hi @plum1

So pleased you are ready for your surgery on Saturday. Glad the bum surgeon is pleased with your recovery :peach:

Remember to do your exercises after surgery, do as much as you can, donā€™t worry if you canā€™t do as much as they say, take your time. It will help in the end.


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Iā€™m sorry to hear how youā€™ve been, your body has been through so much. Fancy your doctor still being on holidayā€¦ how dare they!!

Our bodies are so good at telling us to slow down and recover but we also want to do things to make us feel better. Itā€™s a fine balance. At least the weather has perked up a bit here, weā€™ve had 2 sunny days albeit a bit chilly. Spring is on the way!

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: