September 2023 Chemo Starters

Haven’t had a pension money yet! Not even sure when I’ll get it, probably end of September as I officially finish 31 August.

As I’m still having Herceptin, I feel that I’m still in treatment. I had an injection last Thursday and feel very achy, tired, need to rest more after a walk and even falling asleep mid afternoon. I could suggest I’m just resting my eyes but I’m really tired and do take a nap. I’ve learnt to listen to my body. I’m fatigued most of the time and struggle to get out of bed before 8am, some days it’s after 9am. I wouldn’t be able to work as I had to be in by 8am.

Hoping with my new medication my sleep will improve and hopefully the fatigue will reduce. I remember the Moving Forward course mention cancer related fatigue and that everyone reacts differently.

We are away for a short break soon and hoping to book something end of September after my Herceptin finishes, not sure where yet.

Hope you get your fencing sorted soon and you can enjoy more dogs. Having our dog has been great, he snuggles when I feel rotten and we play when I’m well. He seems to know what I need.

The menopause and cancer charity are doing an event in September at Coworth hotel and spa in September, I looked where it is and it’s not so far from Windsor Great Park (I think you mentioned you’d ridden your horses there) so it made me think of you. Unfortunately for me I would have just had my last Herceptin and don’t think I could drive the 2 hours.



What date is it in September? I have a small spare room (one single sofa bed) but you’re welcome to stay at mine or we could simply meet up for a coffee, if you feel like it. Let me know. I have a holiday mid September xx


That is so kind to offer. I still don’t think I could drive the 2 hours to the event but I will keep an eye out for any future ones.

It would be so lovely for us all to meet in person at some point. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi Pinky girls, hopefully you are all doing well.
I am feeling well, as I told you I am back to work full time, from May, not bad at all, tired at the end of the week.
Is anyone else on tamoxifen and Zoladex injection? How you feeling about hot flushes and bones pain?
I went on yesterday in Kilkenny, Ireland, for fundraising breast cancer Very Pink Run, we did 4km. Lovely day, and great archives.
Hugs to all and best health wishes :gift_heart::hugs:


Lovely photos ! Congratulations on doing the 4k. Good to see you are getting through this next phase despite the side effects of the meds :hugs:

I’m doing ok. Have good days and bad days , mostly good . But anxiety rears its horrible head unexpectedly. I did a moving forward course, which was really helpful. And met some lovely women in similar circumstances and we are going to meet up next month.

I still have back pain but my MRI isn’t showing anything has changed with my tumour. They are going to review it again in a years time . In the meantime I have gone privately to see a pain specialist who has recommended a host of things to try , including physio and some meds to help block the pain. All working so far :crossed_fingers:t2:

Hope everyone is ok. This after phase is so tricky. I didn’t expect it to be this hard. Totally lost my confidence . Time will help I’m sure. I have three counselling sessions left so I’ll make good use of them .

Sending hugs to everyone :hugs:


Hi dear, I am sorry for you, I can understand you how you feel.
I had been on the similar mood and is horrible to have no power to stay alive, mental or physical.
Ask your doctor if you are allowed to take Magnesium bysglicinate, I start on the same time with tamoxifen and Zoladex and I can say that everything changed, I am happy, I am full of life, I want to be more active, and my feelings to, I am very optimistic.
Hopefully your group meeting will be beneficial for you, sharing our feelings with someone else is good for us.
Please keep your head up and don’t give up.
I am looking at the back and I am impressed how better I am after all.
Big hug :hugs: take care :kissing_heart: