September 2024 chemo starters

Round 2 for me today. Dreading washing my hair before I go in as I think it’s going to be one big tangled mess.

Hope everyone is doing ok today!


Good luck @sharlou x

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I don’t have one, I’m typically very warm! But thanks @nicnac17 - I think that is going to be a great shout if last night is anything to go by!

Has anyone come across a drug called Bimatoprost? It’s sold in the UK under the brand name Lumigan - its glaucoma medication but is used off-label in cancer treatment to help grow eyelashes. My lovely pharmacist says it’s regularly used for this. Have managed to get my doctor to prescribe some & going to pick it up today so will let you know how I get on. I just want to retain as much visible normality for my daughter as possible.


Sorry to you both for having alergic reactions …please keep us informed of how you go on. And I read all of your tips in case it comes down the road at me. The blanket sounds heavenly… and I totally get the wanting to look normal thing. I needed my wig on standby and havent done anything about my eyebrows so will have to draw those on when the time comes. I know its silly in the scheme of things but neighbours, school gate folk etc dont know whats going on and I kind of want to keep it that way. Im basically in denial i know!


Good luck with it today

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How many treatments have you had so far? My onc told me lashes brows don’t fall out until the end of treatment, he said it’s so cruel that it works that way. Is this happening for you now? I was hoping to cope with one lot of hair loss at a time but appears I may be wrong. Gawd there is so much to consider, stress about, work out for yourself. This truly is a godsend of women’s knowledge right here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@nicnac17 Only 1 (well 2 technically but the first one I didn’t tolerate much). That is interesting I had no idea that was the case with brows & lashes, all I got from my onc was “you will lose all your hair”.
So thanks for the heads up, this is useful info (I can only imagine how gutting that would be to finish & think you’d got away with your brows & lashes then they drop out). Not started losing them but thought I’d try & get prepared. Also been told I will be on Abemaciclib once chemo & radio finished - trying not to think too far ahead but the side effects element of that makes for grim reading & makes me feel like I need to protect as much as possible now!


I’ve only told the bare minimum of ppl & been told I’m in denial too @nellyh but in fact I think this is a very normal & healthy way to be - I don’t want to me “that woman who has breast cancer” (until it becomes completely evident & I have to be but even then I think the visual effects can be mitigated). People love to gossip, if I bump into someone I loosely know I just want to talk normally not about bloody cancer which is all anyone seems to want to talk about once they know.


I used rosemary oil before to help but I had to use an eyebrow pencil whilst having chemo. I have eyebrows now as they were so feint so I get them microbladed and topped up annually but she couldn’t fit me in before I started.

Half my left eyebrow fell off after only one treatment! Absolutely bizarre, was washing my face and a big clump just came away. Nothing on the other side and just light shedding in terms of my hair up to now. Very odd :rofl:

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I don’t mean straight after…it was day 12 :flushed:

Me too, I’m telling the ones that need to know and everyone else just keeping it quiet. Like you I don’t want to talk about cancer all the time either. And people do like to gossip, mind you if someone out right asked me I’d probably tell them, especially when my eyebrows or lashes have done one, like you say they are obvious signs.

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Oh now that sounds unique, and you’re round 2 today? Well good luck and it’s really good for us all to gauge where we are with each other and compare and discuss. X

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Hi all. Late to the party but I start my chemo on Tuesday. 3 x EC and 3 X DOC over 18 weeks. Have to say I am petrified and hope I make it to the chemo chair! Been reading your posts and you are all so brave. I’ve not had a chemo chat so no idea what to expect xx.


That sounds similar to me then. 3 x EC and then I’m dowm for ‘3’ lots of Paclitaxol but I’m doing that one weekly to spread the dose toxicity (I think). Im on day 11 now, my first EC was on the 9th September. The first dose was okay just some low level nausea and very tired then and by Sunday I felt almost normal. However I probably should not think all okay as today feel wiped out. I struggle with thinking should I phone that rapid response number if I feel a bit ‘fluey’ because frankly arent we expected to feel like weve been poisoned?
Will see if a vegetative afternoon helps!!

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Basically same as me too! 4 EC and 4 paclitaxel. The end feels a long way off right now :grimacing:

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My energy levels dipped right before the second dose, I’d been ticking along thinking all was ticketyboo then Monday and Tuesday this week I felt really flat. I really struggle with knowing when to call the line too :flushed:

Definite R&R day needed! Hope you feel better soon x


Hi [quote=“nicnac17, post:220, topic:122452, full:true”]
Hi Janie, it’s all so bloody disjointed isn’t it. And like you find this site so helpful and helps me make my mind up about things. But I think for me fear of the unknown has driven me the craziest. And we can only do what’s best for us in a way we see it. I had huge fear of drug leak with cannulas (I know it doesn’t happen to everyone) but I didn’t want to risk it so elected to have a picc line, which so far has been behaving (I also know they can have their issues). I had my first treatment on Monday and was offered the cold cap when I’d got in even tho my notes said I didnt want to do it so they may do the same with you depends on your unit. So good luck, we’re all here to help any way we can. X

Hi nicnac, I start my chemo on Monday too. We’ll have our journey together. I get my Picc line in tomorrow, I’ve picked up so many good tips on here it’s been invaluable.
Good luck to you and everyone here, I think I’ve made a mess of replying here, I’ll get the hang of this posting malarkey soon, I hope.
Janie x

Thanks @ sharlou! Helps knowing alot of this is ‘normal’

Luckily alot of mindless telly to distract me!

Take care of yourself too xx

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