September 2024 chemo starters

This topic is for anyone starting chemo in September 2024 to share thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment.

You can find more info on chemo on our pages Chemotherapy for breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now


I have an Oncology appointment on 21/8. I donā€™t know any of the details yet, but since my diagnosis of triple negative on 17/6 Iā€™ve known Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy is on the cards for me.

I hope it starts early September as I had surgery 25/7 and am healing well physically, its the emotional side thatā€™s harder when you are in limbo and not sure what to expect. I guess itā€™s the loss of control since having this ā€œinvaderā€ in my body.

I hope to be able to get support and guidance from those that join this forum and also to give back to those joining this forum (which none of us really want to be in)

Try and stay positive as much as possible on the good days and whilst waiting for next steps to be known.

Sending positive vibes to all reading this thread :pray:


I also had surgery - double mastectomy - on 25 July and waiting for my results appointment. Not now until 28 August.
I am Es positive HER2 negative - or at least I was at biopsy, but have no idea if spread to nodes or oncotype score so waiting for those results too to see if chemo or not. Totally agree with the lost in limbo feeling - itā€™s impossible to plan anything.
Itā€™s a long five weeks wait since surgery.


I had a mastectomy and full node clearance on 22july, just a tiny bit to heal now. My results appointment is on thursday, its estrogen positive and her2 positive so will be having chemo, its the waiting for the next step and how quick the oncology appointment comes after results. Good luck everyone x


Good luck everyone.
Glad youā€™re recovering well Jules. My five-week wait is apparently a delayed oncotype and surgeon now on holiday for two weeks.
Iā€™m at the stage where I donā€™t care the outcome I just want to be doing something. Feel like the summer/year has been lost. xx


Its horrible waiting, i knew i had to have chemo before surgery i had a ct scan which had shown it spread to lymph nodes , all the best with your results x


I have an oncology appointment on the 23rd, echo on the 28th and follow up consultation for echo on the 2nd. I was told today that they are organising my picc line and chemo so I think Iā€™ll start early September. Well I hope so. I saw another onc on the 12th and was referred to a closer hospital to where I live. Iā€™m having chemo first as itā€™s oestrogen and HER2 receptive. Iā€™ve been here before in 2018 but have moved since then. I have private insurance through work this time fortunately.


Hi I had tripple negative breast cancer in October2022 I had chemotherapy first then surgery then radiotherapy I now have yearly checks and I had lymph nods removed also 8 off them.
I wasnā€™t poorly with chemo was just really tired and radiotherapy was fine for me. I wish U all the luck x


Hi all,
Sorry to meet you all here but hoping that we can all keep each other company.

I had a bilateral therapeutic mammoplasty and reduction on my ā€˜good sideā€™ on 7th May where one of my three tumours was found to be 70mm and Grade 3, along with a positive lymph node. I then had an axillary node clearance on 23rd July, where one more lymph node was found to be positive.

At my results appt last week I was told that I would be having chemo, followed by radiotherapy and hormone treatment.
Iā€™m just waiting for an oncology appt but think that I should be joining the September group.


Just had it confirmed I start on the 6th September following my PICC line insertion. I have a nursing assessment on the 3rd September. Happy to give more info etc as we go along. I have 12 weekly treatments of Paclitaxel and 3 weekly HER2 treatments of Herceptin and Pertamuzub. Roll on the 22nd November. I have booked a hair cut on Friday to go short. Eek.


Hi all,

Just had my oncology appointment; Iā€™ll be getting my picc line on 3rd September and first treatment will be on 5th. Iā€™m having 8 cycles, 4 of EC and then 4 paclitaxel. Bit terrified but if it has to be done so be it.

Iā€™ve decided Iā€™m going to give cold capping a go; I suffer from migraines so not sure Iā€™ll stick it out but Iā€™m willing to have a bash.

Good luck all xx


Iā€™m using the cold cap too but thought it best to go short first as it matted last time and ended up with a no.8.x


Iā€™ve gone from bra length to shoulder length as I thought gradual changes might help me come to terms with it a bit better. Iā€™m a bit like Jo off Little Women - I think my hair is my one beauty!

So sorry you are going through this a second time xx


Hi everyone, im 54 and about to start EC-T on mon 2nd September. This is my 2nd diagnosis, first in Dec 2010 er+ pr+ her2 neg Sentinel 0/2, MX and Diep.
This time the same, also er+ pr+ and her2 neg Sentinel 0/2 but inflammed inner mammary chain nodes. Had lumpectomy and 2nd excision, now clear margins and scans all clear apart from these inconclusive inflammerd inner chain nodes. Surgeon said recurrence and radiotherapy but oncologist disagreed and said pos new primary. Sent off DX Oncotype which came back score 37 so chemo it is.
Bricking it but trying to arm myself with as much info and support as possible. Prepare for worst hope for best. Going to try cold cap, having my lovely long hair cut into a bob next week. Look forward to chatting with you all and comparing notes over the coming weeks/ months. Good luck to all. X


Didnā€™t you have chemo 1st time round? Assume this is on the other side as you had another SLNB.

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Hi Linda, no i had an MX followed by Diep and onto Tamoxifen first time around. Never had chemo or Radio and getting both this time! SLNB both times was clear. Even my oncologist said it wpuld be strange for it to jump over to the inner mammary chain if my armpit is clear right by the tumour in my side boob so maybe it is inflammed for some other reason but they have to treat as if suspicious


Iā€™m not sure where they are. In the breast? I have a lump in my axilla. He said on Friday itā€™s in my lymphatic system but my lymph nodes were clear on the CT although I need a clearance. My consultant said in case it comes back in my lymph nodes as she wonā€™t be able to operate there again as Iā€™m small in that area. X

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Iā€™d never heard of them before either!

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Right interesting thanks. I donā€™t think they know for sure until they are removed. Last time I had a lift in 2018. She said I donā€™t ned a mastectomy as not in my boob. Iā€™m 57 nearly 58. Canā€™t believe this is happening again. He said on Friday (oncologist) it can come back at any time. The previous onc said it may not be a recurrence (different place, 6 years ago and also HER2). Iā€™m going with him as heā€™s very experienced.

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The problem is they cant remove them to biopsy bar cracking my chest open, which isnt viable. Thats why they must treat as if suspicious. Thats my understanding anyway.
Its hard 2nd time round, i hear you. And we have to put so much faith in them that they understand far more than we do. Its a real postcode lottery too, im so lucky to be in London at Mount Vernon.

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