September 2024 chemo starters

Thanks for the tips @moonsox! It was my second treatment last week and the shedding has started in earnest today (day 18 since first treatment) - if it keeps up at this pace I think I’m going to lose an awful lot. But what will be will be. I’m on a dose dense regime so having treatments bi-weekly, still feel like I’m fuguring out how it’s going to go. Counting the days til December! Xx


@Guida that is really surprising. I was bi lateral with one primary in each breast which was also rare (5% of bc cases). One was smaller than the other and had different stage and receptors. It could be similar to me but they picked them up at the same time with me. With the sizing of 0.9mm and 20mm they ‘could’ have started within 6 months of each other. Nobody really knows.

I’ll be keeping an eye on this thread and your progress. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m a bit late but just wanted to say yaaaaaaaaaay!!!

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I hope you don’t mind but I am going to use this as a bit of a place to offload/moan today as I don’t want to do that too much in person. After my allergic reaction to Phesgo on Wed I got my chemo in on Thursday (docetaxel and carboplatin) and to be honest, I think I was pretty lucky Fri, Sat and half of Sun. Very tired and a bit nauseous but still eating, managed a couple of slow walks etc. Last night my body just totally freaked out though and I had violent d&v followed by 24 hours of badddd nauseous. Ended up in the assessment unit being monitored for a few hours - thankfully I am not neutropenic yet so they aren’t too worried and I wasn’t admitted. Not been out of bed except to go into hospital and barely ate but have managed some toast and a dry fishcake and kept it down…dreading the night though and just had my first injection too. Really just want to feel well (or a bit better?) tomorrow and I’m only on day 5 :cry: It must be zapping the cancer good and proper if its wiping me out so badly right!!!
OK moan over, determined to stay positive but today was a legitimately rough 24 hours.
Strength and stamina, fellow warriors! :fire:


Well…that sounds truely horrible and totally dont blame you for your rant. I think its so hard and feels like you no longer know your own body because you expect the worst effects straight away (or I do) so when something happens a few days after some good days its like WTH!
I really hope you feel better in the next few hours. Its totally sh*te and you are well deserving of feeling fed up.

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Thank you for the empathy. Some days are just shite aren’t they?! Appreciate the lift up over the Internet waves.


So my day has finally come. So scared tbh. Just hope I can have the courage to get to chemo unit ! the thought of what’s to come as in - who knows what side effects I will get is so worrying ! 3 x ec and 3 x dox. Here goes !!


Good luck @epic1. Get there and let them do the rest. You will be fine once you’re in the process. It feels like a long haul right now but you are underway with it. One towards the end of it all i say!!


Good luck. You will be ok. I was terrified to and cried when they called me in as got myself so worked up but it was fine and not half as bad as I thought it would be. Had sandwiches and yea half way through from a lovely lady who came round. Nurses were lovely as well xx

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Aw so sorry to hear you’ve had such a rough time :frowning: But that is absolutely what this forum is for, sharing the ups and downs! Really hope you’re feeling better soon xx

Good luck @epic1 xx

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Good luck @epic1 I also start today, just arrived and waiting to be hooked up. We have got this :muscle:t2:


Good luck to you too lizk xx

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You got this @epic1 @lizk & anyone else being pumped full of chemo drugs today!!! Xx


I wonder if the Carboplatin makes it worse as my mate had 2 blood transfusions when she had it. It was mentioned to me that it could be added in but was told it’s for TN which I’m not. I was thinking it was for the lung nodules if they get worse when I have a CT in November. Hope you feel better soon.x

Wow @ake you are going thro it right now aren’t you. It’s such a shitty time it makes me laugh now when I think about all the things I was really worried about just 3 months ago when I was not yet diagnosed! (A mark on the spare bedroom ceiling being one of them :rofl::rofl:). This truly puts life into perspective! I hope you are feeling better today & yes think about what it must be doing to the cancer, that’s a great way to frame it! Xx

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Best of luck to you. The thought is worse than the doing but you’ll only realise that tonight. Take each day as it comes and be bloody kind to yourself. X


Best of luck to you, as I said to @epic1 the thought is way worse than the doing but you won’t know that till later. X

Moan away, we’ll all moan and whale with you. You have been through it. You will feel well at some point that is unique to you and slowly but surely you’ll start to feel like you and my god those little wins (you’ll have many) are bloody amazing. Just be kind to you, be kind, be kind, be kind.

I’m 8 days post first round and generally I feel OK I was so happy to get past my last injection and think OK that’s all meds done for this round (a win for me). But this is a huge learning curve that none of us know what to expect, we’ve all got different things happening to us, different symptoms, same symptoms etc etc and we’ve got to find the best solution for us.

I’m finding food a bit hit and miss, after treatment I was getting alot of acid reflux/heartburn which I’ve never suffered with ever and I think @sharlou said about Gavsicon but I cannot get my head round taking it so I’m writing down what I’m eating and what makes that worse, better etc etc. I have eaten through these first 8 days, not a lot but I’m eating. My husband made a chilli on Saturday and I was thinking shit, spicy (we love spice) rice (trying to cut back on carbs) and I had a fairly healthy portion and I got no acid reflux/heartburn then yesterday I had a chicken sourdough thing and I felt like I’d got a log in my throat and considered making myself sick. Trial and error but I am waking up starving so trying to find healthy snacks before bed any suggestions much appreciated. I did read somewhere about cheese and crackers which I’m happy to do.

I’ll have a moan a friend came round to see us on Saturday and was just so flippant (not intentionally) but like oh have you finished your treatment? It’s preventative so just get it done and move on, (I’ve shortened that down but nutshell and all that) and I just thought you bloody pump this toxic shit in your body then let me know! It really knocked my socks off and made me really miserable and I wasn’t much company after that. But I suppose I’ve got to learn that people just don’t know what to say or how to act but then I think should I point things out to them if they really don’t get it :woman_shrugging:t3:.

I hope your day today picks up and you start to feel like you, sending a big hug. X


You got this!!! Let us know how it goes. :muscle::muscle::muscle: