September 2024 chemo starters

Hi Lovely, thanks for the information. It is good that you got the guidance from oncologist. Sometimes it is better when we get the steer as already we go through much other stresses. So if the oncologist who has the experience states so, go with it…and if you can, why not, give yourself a break.
For me, this is a worry, which is why I was asking. I have to go to work… for the financial side of things.


Thanks Linda… appreciate your details. I would try to do the same…decreasing office time especially with winter approaching. I am in an open office and if one person coughs, we all catch it soon after. Dreading it…

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Last time they all knew so stayed away or most of them did when they had an infection. I’m having a flue jab soon. Not sure re covid jab. Does anyone know about them? I got a flue jab through work.


Flu jab will be in stock at pharmacies as from 15 Sept but based on ‘advice/NHS or governement’ they can only sell and start doing jabs from 4 Oct.
COVID - sorry, not up to date as so many of the vaccines have been removed from the market.


I’m not 100% sure if I can afford it either tbh. We had saved up to go on 2 huge holidays this year, both of which obv not happening so really hoping the insurance pays out soon (:flushed:). Not what I imagined I was saving up for! Have you had a consult with the MacMillan welfare advisors? They will talk you thro anything you are entitled to in terms of financial help. There’s not much but it is worth doing.

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It is bizarre that with all the “guidelines” there are so many big differences trust to trust, altho tbf that is still a version of dose dense from what I’ve read. I just want the best possible outcome with the least bad side effects! Im not sure what to make of Oncology so far, it all seems very “white coat clinical” if that makes any sense whatsoever. I guess what I mean is I felt a depth of connection with my breast care nurse and my consultant & now I’m referred to a different hospital for oncology & it just feels like it’s a tick box exercise - right get her bloods, age, height & weight & pump the drugs in. :saluting_face:

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Yes it’s very clinical isn’t it. The breast clinic has a very different feel to the oncology unit, although my oncologist is really lovely.

Well, the last weekend before it all starts is upon us! I’ve been having palpitations today so although I don’t particularly feel too stressed my body is obviously processing it :grimacing:

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I am on the same dense dose as you. I actually started yesterday 30/8…so keeping an eye on August group but feel this will be more relevant with people going through treatment at similar time.

I had picc line inserted yesterday, that all went well… My ECG results from 21/8 weren’t on the system so my prep 30 mins cold cap was 2 hours as instead of starting my “cocktail” at 11.30 it was 1pm.

I felt nauseous and headachey and not myself before I started treatment…I guess that’s a very unfortunate set of events for my first time. I started to feel better when I released the cap at 4pm (it’d been in 5 hours🥶) it helped when I was offered a heat pad so may ask for one of those from the off next time. I will give it another go, but if I feel as rough next time I may call it a day and say I tried.

At 4pm I was given a whole load of meds and the injections to take, but luckily hubby came in for that part as I was still feeling a bit queasy. By 4.45 I was home having travelled 30 mins home and felt much much better. I had something to eat. I had to be careful as I’d had a tooth extraction 4pm the day before (53 years and first extraction before chemo next day) but it was high risk and given the regimen I was to be on it was considered best.

Slept from around 11pm to 3.30 am. Feel okay …maybe queasy 2/10 rating but got some meds to take soon with breakfast. So I will see how that goes.

R&R for me but will be trying to get my brother and niece some highly sought after Oasis tickets. Will be a source of joy today if I get some :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover:.

Good luck everyone about to start the journey. For anyone thinking of giving cold capping a go take a look at the details online I didn’t get my info until late Wednesday …Thursdays check up then become extraction and never really felt up to spending all that time the night before preparing for this and other things.

Sending love and positive vibes to you all Xx


Hope you’re feeling OK. Sounds like an unfortunate delay but glad it all got sorted. I have a dentist appointment 2 day’s prior starting and did query that. They said it was OK. Just been to see my Mum who lives 3.5 hours away who’s in a home aged 92 nearly. Not sure when I’ll get there again. Set off at 6.30 and usually stay overnight but we did it there and back in a day. My echo was OK I had yesterday so looks like it’s all systems go for Friday.


Good luck with it all Linda…
Yeah roll on Christmas. I’ve never been looking forward to the Gavin and Stacey Christmas special.
I know we are wishing the days away…but every day closer to the end of Chemo is a blessing.
Take care and speak soon X

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Bless you. Glad you managed to see your Mum, even if it was a long day for you.

My dentist got a 2nd opinion from a specialist who dealt with lots of cancer patients through his hospital work. He was very confident it was the best time even 1 or 2 days before chemo because when treatment starts the white blood cells are affected and risk of infection and bodies ability to heal are compromised.

Just explain the details and they will take care of you.

Try to make the best of the next few days (easier said than done) but I think the treatment is okay …as others say it’s very doable and mine was unfortunately extended somewhat and did add time. My next appointment should be 3.5 hours. Got to go in a bit earlier to get ECG done before going for my cocktail and coldcap.

As for any side effects, today I feel a bit tired and slightly vague …about 80% with it…and managed a short walk to the post box about 1.25 mile round trip! Go me!!


I’m oestrogen positive, HER2 in lymph nodes but Occult in breast ie couldn’t be found. Had lymph node clearance and start chemo + Herceptin tomorrow, 2nd September. I’m quite calm about it because no matter how many times I hear about the awful side effects I can’t imagine they’ll happen to me. I’m probably living in a fool’s paradise. I’ve spent a fortune in the Cancer Research online shop - creams, lip salve, toothpaste, soap, beanies - and aren’t sure if I’ll need them.


Good luck for tomorrow @magl, let us know how you get on :slight_smile:


Hi All,
Im part of the May thread, I just want to send positive thoughts and hugs to you all for the start of your chemotherapy.I remember how amazing this forum was when i started my chemotherapy.My biggest tips would be ,take each day as it comes.Make sure you speak with the chemo nurses for any changes,trust me there is a tablet or cream for everything dont suffer in silence​:grin: Never be afraid to call the 24hr line,thats what they are there for.Its better to have a nurse tell you that what you feel is normal,instead of you worrying.On the flip if not they are there to ensure you stay well. Be as kind to yourself as you would if a loved one was going through what you are.You are so much stronger than you think and you will get through this​:heart::heart: xx


I went in last week to sign consent forms and confirmed I wanted a picc line. Waiting for start date but asked for 16th Sept, the BCN gave me a voucher for a wig and I just can’t get my head round all this.

I am 54 and literally just reached menopause and came off HRT in April after being on it for 3 1/2 yrs. I’ve had two ops, margins not clear and cancer in sentinel so second op superior margin clear and cancer only in sentinel node but they removed 14 in total. I did do the oncotype & got a score of 31 so onc recommended chemo. I am having 3 rounds of EC and 3 rounds of T all 3 weeks apart, which if I get the 16th will mean my last treatment is 30 Dec. Then radiotherapy and HBs (which at the moment I am not wanting to do). Just waiting on dates.

I have bought some poly balm for my nails and I have a really short pixie haircut already and I have never been too fussed about my hair & not to worried about it falling out but really hadn’t thought about eyebrows, nostril hairs, eyelashes etc etc. I am not cold capping.

I have been told that kefir water is good for the tummy so have bought 2 types from Agua de Madre and some of their Remedio. I take electrolytes which I have been doing for 10 months, these help with water retention and keep you hydrated I also take brain powder when I need a kick up the arse both these from Willpowders. My nutritionist has said she’d like me to get onto a keto diet which I’m trying to do but it’s bloody hard and even harder now my HRT has done one and I can’t be bothered about anything……

I have also been told my husband can come in for the first treatment but then I’m on my own, which is sad but on the other hand I’d rather him not see it happening tbh.

One thing I would like to ask and see if anyone else feels like this but I really am feeling just so meh. I regularly cycle and do weights but I just can’t be arsed which I fight with as I know I need to exercise & I know how important it is to help keep C at bay but it’s like I’m playing Russian roulette with my life and I’m not bothered and I think if my hormones were balanced I’d be fine & positive & proactive etc etc.

And of course I am bricking the chemo, want to run to the hills as quick as I can. My whole body is crying out noooo but having read threads on other topics the general consensus is it’s the unknown which is frightening.

Good luck all September starters and hoping for the best possible outcome for us all, we’ve just gotta roll with the punches hey?


Thank you Charlou. I will.


Are you taking painkillers half an hour before coldcapping? I managed it 6 times last time doing that.

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Did you feel a lump? I have a lump in my axilla but nowhere else and lymph nodes are clear but they still want to remove them in case it comes back. I had cancer before though. Only afew in 300 get it in the axilla though I was told.Feels closer now as last free day to clean etc. Goo luck tomorrow.

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No I didn’t have a lump. I had a pain in a lymph node in my breast. They did a biopsy and found oestrogen position, HER2 cancer in the lymph node. They did loads of tests to try to find a lump - CT scans, MRI scans, ultrasound scans - but they didn’t find anything anywhere but in my lymph nodes. It’s called Occult Breast Cancer.


A nurse told me about her sister who was the same I think. In her lymph nodes but nowhere else they could find.