September 2024 chemo starters

I’m not aware of it at all physically, it’s my brain that is the problem :rofl: I think because I felt ick about it beforehand I can’t stop thinking about it. But if I can just get my head around it I won’t be aware of it at all, I can’t feel it and don’t notice it unless I knock it as it’s still a little tender. It’s just this weird paranoia I have that something is going to go wrong with it, completely irrational and bonkers. I’ve got my education appointment today and they’ll be checking it so I think that might settle me a bit. Honestly of all the things I could fret about and it’s this blummin’ line that’s got me frazzled!!

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Oh about picking up your child - the nurse assured me that once it has healed I will be able to do absolutley everything I could do beforehand. I’m going to get a cover for it (Etsy do some jazzy ones) once it’s healed to keep it all neatly packed away :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your kind message means a lot. I’m not sure I will get through but will try my best. My 3 month wait is not good and feel I’m being penalised for some reason. Just reading different forums other people seem to start treatment quicker :heart:


:heart: you can go to pals office at your trust and raise it with them to investigate :heart: step by step and day by day :heart: it’s hard because you just want to get on with it and throw kitchen sink at it :heart: please read mountain lion by strawberry blonde in the hooe and inspiration bit (hopefully someone can pin it to this thread for you, sorry I’m not tech savvy enough to know how to do it) it’s helped lots of us over the years :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Did you chase up the onc appointment? I would have been. I haven’t heard from NHS re my referral from Bristol but was told a letter was sent to the onc who’s dealing with it privately. I was referred privately too but whichever was first I was going with. I was told if a 4 week delay go back to Bristol (that was 4 weeks ago on Monday night). They start chemo within 2 weeks I think at Bristol. I start tomorrow so getting nervous now. PICC line is being inserted first.

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I had no problems with mine before. If you go away you can shower with cling film.


I tried to go private with the oncologist and then revert back to nhs for treatment but they wouldn’t see me private so had to wait for the nhs appt. Only one oncologist available as one on leave! Few weeks ago got another one from another hospital. All been a nightmare. Glad you’re starting tomorrow after such a short wait. Let me know how you get on :kissing_heart:


Thanks for this. Ohh I do hope so! I’m also worried it will freak her out (as well as me haha). How did today go for you @sharlou ? :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

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It wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I was expecting! The cold cap was manageable and the whole thing went very smoothly. I’ve been sent home with an injection to give myself tomorrow and some pills for three days. I was shattered when I got home and had a three hour nap! I feel a bit queasy and have a slight headache but nothing major. Bit worried about what the next few days will bring but just got to ride it out!

Have you got a new start date yet? :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh glad to hear this. You were EC first weren’t you? You’ll be bossing the rest of them out the way in no time :muscle:t2:should be next Tuesday provided I am well enough - just gotta have a GP listen to my chest beforehand & hope the few wheezy cackles still sat on it go before then :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:


I had a PICC line in for 5 months and did all sorts of weight training and picking up heavy things (up to 20-30kg) whilst it was in without too much bother once it had gotten past the initial insertion soreness. @sunshineandunicorns just pop a PICC line sleeve on it like @sharlou recommended (I used a limbO one I got off Amazon) so that there’s less risk of LO pulling on it and avoid lifting heavy overhead (no overhead press type motions or doing handstands :joy:).

The cover I used:


Hi ladies, hope its all going well for you. I’ve had a real bumpy start. I was due to have my first round of EC on monday but the cannula leaked and I was sent to another hospital to have it flushed out as any leaked chemo will give ulcers etc, its nasty stuff, can’t take any risks. The hospital was over an hour away too, but needs to be done by a plastic surgeon and they cant do at my hospital. 3hrs sat in A&E he thought it looked ok and sent me home then called the next day insisting i came back and had it flushed. Not a nice procedure! I think he got told off for not just doing it the first time. So i was asked to come back in to my hospital yesterday, Thursday, for them to put in a picc line and finish the chemo we started on monday but after 3 failed attempts they couldn’t get one in :weary: seems my veins are very fragile and kept collapsing. So now im going back monday for them to fit a port and try again with my EC. Feels like im never going to get round one done! Its been a real emotional rollercoaster.


Oh no you poor thing! It’s a stressful enough time without all of that :unamused: I really hope they get your port sorted and you can get your treatment started xx


@sharlou Thanks. A restful weekend needed to recharge and go again.


Goodness this sounds horrendous! I’m so sorry this happened to you, what a dreadful start. I hope they manage to get a port in okay for you and you can start soon xx


Sending lots love your way the waiting is so tough.

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Soz forgot to wish you luck but sounds like it went well.
Yes went well in the end. Felt tired and abit sick when had antihistamine drip and forehead hurt with coldcap. I have been told if you stick a sanitary pad/ panty liner? On your forehead it won’t move and works better. I also took paracetomol beforehand.
Home about 4.30. Had to wait to get PICC line cleaned and it’s still bleeding but should be OK and to get meds etc (just anti sickness tonight and for 2 days and as and when). Just got extra dressing and cover on it. I also got some covers from Etsy which I’m using again too. I was given a waterproof cover too.
They couldn’t find my ECG but then the lady I saw on Tuesday said where it was.
I’ve rinsed my hair backwards in the shower over the bath but my T-shirt got drenched so not sure the best way to rinse it unless you just have a shower.


@Linda_Corinne aw I’m glad it went well in the end! How are you feeling today? My forehead was ok with the cap, but I’m not quite sure I got the right fit. Might ask to try a small next time.

I’ve not been too bad today really. I managed to do the injection but made the mistake of looking at the potential side effects…they don’t look great! Managed to get out with the dogs for a little while but just feel shattered now…although that might just be the olanzapine :rofl:


Since I got home I fell asleep for abit on the sofa. Felt abit cold so put the heating on to warm the house up for half an hour which keeps warm. Feel OK now. Not brushed teeth after eating as they bled earlier. I couldn’t get in to the hygienist in time which the dentist recommended.

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:heart:keep drinking lots of water flush things through :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx