September 2024 chemo starters

Yes mine will be! I have a fear of needles (hence the picc!) so wanted to avoid them as much as possible. Urgh

I’m having pegfilgrastim injections the day after EC. I did it myself at home, really wasn’t bad at all. I’ve got some muscle pain, mainly around my shoulders and rib cage (but ribs are inflamed anyway), but touch wood it’s not been too bad really
(I need to stop saying that, feel like I’m tempting fate!)


lol don’t even talk to me about tempting fate:
Me before my first chemo doing the questionnaire with nurses: “no not allergic to anything, no allergies whatsoever”.
Me on paclaxitel: :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::hot_face::face_with_spiral_eyes::nauseated_face:

Did you do anything special to get the perfilgastrim as opposed to the filgastrim? As it’s the filgastrim she’s said about
and is clearly (as most would i suppose) much prefer the one injection

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Have you bought any headgear? I bought a bamboo beanie online two weeks ago and they’ve just emailed to say it won’t be sent till mid-October. I think that’ll be too late for me. I had my second chemo yesterday. The steroids they add make me feel as though I’m on speed for a couple of days afterwards and I get loads done at home.
Recommendations for headgear welcome if anyone knows of a good supplier.

No, didn’t make any special requests for the single injection, I was just automatically offered it. I think I would have been a bit more apprehensive doing it over five days
 You are 100% not allowed to tempt fate any more!

Not bought any headgear yet
well, I had my NHS wig fitting. I wasn’t too taken with it at all really, which makes me feel guilty as I should be grateful we get them for free. But I didn’t feel particularly at ease in it.

I’m going to buy some head coverings, I just haven’t decided what type yet. Some of the scarves look amazing on other people but I think they’d look silly on me, I’m not very girly.

Yes the steroids energy rush is something isn’t it! Today is my second day without them and the tiredness has whacked me a bit :frowning:

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I haven’t seen the wig lady yet. I’ve been told NHS wigs don’t look very natural. My husband suggested I get a Jimmy Wig like Scottish footballers wear.

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Hi there 
 how did it go yesterday ? Hope all went well and you’re feeling ok. Mine tomorrow dreading it but sure I’ll be ok. Please rest and take care keep in touch :kissing_heart:xx

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Haha that’s like something mine would say!

Good luck @jules8 :slight_smile:

Thank you :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

:heart:sorry to hear you’ve had allergic reaction :heart: it can happen and it’s :flushed:when it does, happened to a few of us who had docetaxol over they years. Your team and onc have seen it all before and will know what to do. In the meantime if you don’t feel right at all ring your rapid response number immediately so your team can keep close watch on you :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Good luck.

And @Linda_Corinne look at polybalm for your nails. My first treatments on Monday so I haven’t used it but will start over the weekend.


Does it work though?

I will let you know, but I found out about it on other starter groups and there were many success stories.


I was a bit put off by the £50 price tag! I’ve bought so much stuff already, who’da thunk cancer was so expensive :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


How are you feeling today @sunshineandunicorns?

Loads better thanks! Got mega paranoid in the middle of the night when I got abit shivery but I think it was just cold :rofl: I’m still meh that I’m no closer to ringing that end of chemo bell!!!


Hope your bloods get sorted okay today @Linda_Corinne

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