I had a mastectomy and full axillary clearance last October, followed by chemo and then radiotherapy which I finished at the end of April. I sailed through the last unscathed, I thought, but began to experience severe pain under the skin which seems to match my muscles. I also had an unassociated rib injury so exercise was well nigh impossible. GP pain meds to the rescue.
5 months on, I still have some of the burning pain but I can massage this away in order to exercise (essential for the cording and nerve damage). However, I have a very soft swollen area which arrived with the rads pain (it’s around and above my side tattoo) - the physio just dismissed it as a seroma. It’s no problem, apart from feeling a bit uncomfortable when I’m wearing a bra. Is there a way to help disperse the build-up of fluid and prevent it spreading? I’m reluctant to ask for it to be syringed as it’s not that important in the grand scheme of things. Any advice appreciated :)