Hi, I had a mastectomy and LD flap reconstruction on 6 Sept. My breast feels very hard and my back is swelling around the scar site. What are other women’s experience? Am I worrying unduly? Thanks, Debbie.
Hello Debra
I had a similar experience just over 2 years ago - it felt like bags of jelly on my back and under the affected arm. I believe it is caused by a build up of fluid and was told it would eventually disperse. The thinking was that it was better not to drain it as this could result in infection. Some of it is still there but I’ve learned to live with it as I prefer not to have further unneccesary surgery, but if you’re really concerned please ask your breastcare nurse for advice just to set your mind at rest.
Hi Debbie,
i had LD flap recon just over 2 months ago now. My ‘new’ breast felt hard for several weeks but is now much softer and has dropped slightly so is a very realistic match for the remaining breast. I’ve still got a haematoma on my back near one of the drain exits, but it’s shrinking now. I’ve been back to work for several weeks and doing everything else as normal too so am very pleased with the outcome.
If your scar site is swelling best to get the BCN to check it out for you. Good luck. Hope things soon settle down for you.
Hi all had LD flap oct 31 st was in surgery for 9 hrs quite a long time all went well had 3 drains all removed on the 5 th day I left hospital. slowly everyday getting stronger . Had my back drained wk after my surgery the pocket it filling again so will be back to seroma clinic tues . I’m quite swollen under my arm but been told this will go down . I was wondering when any of you had a bath would love to have one as my back aches a lot and feels bruised and sore I know it’s only early days . Keeping up with pain killers it was not as bad as I thought glad I went with this then implant as I’m very pleased with what I have apparently my surgeon said I have very thick skin which helped make my boob bigger to try and match the other one just have to see how it turns out when all the swelling has gone down . Well hope your all doing well stay strong and positive. Jo ?