Seroma/heamatoma worries

Hello all.  I am new to this group.  I had bilateral mastectomy on 6th April together with axillary node clearance in one side.  Operation went well but I am now dealing with recurring seromas - had them drained 3 times and the last was a heamatoma as well. My swelling comes back again within 24 hours.  I am worried that this won’t go away in time for me to start chemo in a couple of weeks time. Has anyone else had this issue - I read online that the body should naturally absorb the fluid but I also read that if they are there for too long they can form hard permanent lumps.  Anyone happy to share your experience of similar would be gratefully appreciated.  Sending you all positive thoughts and best wishes.

I had mine drained twice I was about to have it done a third time when it just disappeared overnight which was such a relief as it was so uncomfortable - each time I had it drained it pretty much filled right up immediately !!

Im not sure whether it’s something that would prevent you starting chemo ,maybe  you could ask in the Ask the Nurses section . I will post you the link .

Hope it resolves soon x