Seroma in men

Hi, I had a full mastectomy and lymph node removal on 19th August, since having the drain removed I have had an infection and temperature for which I’ve been given anti biotic, the main problem is a Seroma which feels very tight giving more discomfort than pain, I have sent photos to my team but they don’t seem overly concerned. Is there anything people could recommend to ease the discomfort?

Thanks in advance John


Welcome to the forum John . Is the seroma under the lymph node scar ? I had one of those , it was very uncomfortable. The surgeon did drain mine which was a great relief but unfortunately it just filled back up within a day - I think that’s why they generally tend to leave them to resolve on their own , there is also a risk of infection when draining them . My seroma just disappeared overnight about a month after my surgery. Hope you feel more comfortable soon .


Hi John
I have sent you a message

Hello John

I had a nasty seroma in 2019, after my first mastectomy. It started off just swelling and fluid retention, which I had drained in total 6 times over four weeks , eventually a draining bag was fitted until it sort of dried up… then I got cellulitis……

In 2022 I had my other breast removed and again after about three weeks developed another seroma, it was drained three times then it was decided to leave it.

After a few months I knocked my chest one day, the day after a huge hematoma occurred two years on it’s still there about 5 inches long 3 inches wide….its still painful, but I’m told it will dissolve in time…

If your Seroma bothers you ring the breast nurses again for advice.

I hope you get it sorted mate, but they can take some time,


Hi, its where I had the breast removed, it feels so tight when I move. There is some under my armpit but that’s not causing so much of an issue.


HI, sounds painful, hope your ok now.

Sadly the tightness in my chest remains but that’s more down to the radiotherapy in that same area.

Seromas can be very painful that’s why telling the breast team is important because they will know whether or not it needs aspirating ( draining off) the problem is it’s drained it can fill up again, and eventually they stop draining them.

Try and soak in the bath with just warm water, place a water bottle around it at night, but not to hot…

Good luck, I’m sorry mine haven’t improved but that’s me and yours could be totally different.


Ps……make sure you do your exercises from hospital post mastectomy, if it’s hurting to do due to seroma, tell the breast nurse. Stretching is really important early on as you need to stretch the area in order for it to recover , remember you’ve had a big operoration and as such time is the greater healer . Men have less breast tissue too so, it’s going to be sore for a while.


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Absolutely get in to see your team
I had a reluctant seroma/ haemotoma for months after my surgery and had it drained/ aspirated several times

It will be drained to help ease the ache and pressure but in between visits for further drainage i used a small cherry stone bean bag ( heated in the microwave) and a heart shaped pillow or rolled up towel to put space between my arm and boob area

If heat doesn’t work try cold instead, so a cold flannel from the fridge, cold cushion ( amazon) on your boob area and take ibuprofen if you can to help with any inflammation

Once it settles gentle massage with bio oil will stretch the skin and flatten the scar

Good luck xx


Hi, mine is mainly where the breast was and slightly under my arm, I did speak to the team at the hospital this morning and they said to alternate between paracetamol and ibuprofen , the nurse did also say to try using a ibuprofen gel.

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