Seroma moths after surgery


I had a right mastectomy on New Year’s Eve 2018 with full node clearance. All went well. Had rads 15 sessions after and had 5 months of chemo previous to surgery. After 6 weeks post op I started to develop a swelling around the scar under my arm. It’s been drained 3 times but still not gone. It’s sore to sleep on so impacting on my quality of sleep. 

Anyone else had this and any advice? 

B x

Hi Beckett, 

I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing this discomfort at the moment. 

As you haven’t had a reply from the community yet, feel free to give our breast care nurses a call. You can reach them on 0808 800 6000. 

Take care, Becca at Breast Cancer Care. 

Hello Beckett, 

Sorry to hear about your situation and discomfort.  I am not in the same position but I have a small seroma coming up from my mastectomy scar.  Initial surgery was just over 2 years ago. At last check theyy did say they could drain it but it would very likely come up again. I have just left it and live in hope that the liquid will reabsorb into body with time. However, mine is relatively small, unobtrusive and I can forget about it for most of the time.

Hope you get relief soon. 

Chick ? x