
I had a mastectomy on the 29th January. I was doing really well until last Friday when the site where my breast was filled up very suddenly and I suddenly felt really faint and passed out 3 times. My poor husband thought he had lost me!

Hi georgieb,

I had my mx and ance 27th Jan, I have had my seromao drained twice last week and it has really filled up again.I think it needs draining again today so will ring my bcn when they start later.
How ate you feeling? I get my results on Thursday and am feeling really scared.hope no mote bad news.speak soon Debbie x

Hi Georgie and Mollie

I had mx last November and also suffered with seromas. I had them drained 3 times and each time within 24 hours they would fill up again. My bcn said sooner or later we will have to stop draining them and let your body re-absorb the fluid. I found doing the exercises really good - maybe it helps the body re-absorb the fluid faster?

Good luck for your results on Thurday! Hang in there!


I had seromas after double mx which needed repeated draining - one cleared up after I got an infection following a draining (about 2 months) and the other after about 6 months. They do go in the end but at the time its really annoying.
Best wishes

I too have a Seroma which has been with me since surgery in August,it has been drained about every 10 days,but during 5 weeks of Radiotherapy it has not been drained,and because my skin is so sore and split doctors will not drain for fear of infection,I am trying to let it absorb but it is very tense and rather large, a mini boob all by itself over the Mastectomy scar.I am lathering my skin with cream to keep the taut skin area moist, underarm skin is broken, so employing Trimovate on that area.Can you or anyone out there had this problem and can offer me some advice,I am trying valiently to do the prescribed exercises but everything is so tight in the Rib area under the Seroma it is hard to complete the sequence of exercises.
Sorry to rant on,but wish you all,Love and Light

So sorry you are having this problem. It sounds really painful. I didn’t have radiotherapy so I can only guess how uncomfortable this is and have nothing really to recommend. I was expecting to have radiotherapy but in the end I had the mastectomies - but I did have manuka honey based creams ready to apply. However, if your skin is broken then that does limit the creams which are suitable. I’m sure you’ve asked your BCN for advice… Although difficult it is good to keep going with the exercises as much as possible - anything that get the lymph moving which might affect the seromas.
Hope its resolves soon - big hugs

After all that it wasn’t a seroma! I went back last Monday for a check up and Holby city style was rushed from outpatients to theatre as it was a haemotoma! I am back home now and due back in outpatients to get my results on Monday

Poor you! I hope you’re feeling a bit better now you know what you’re dealing with. Good luck with the recovery…

This business is like a comedy! I swelled up again and panicked. I texted my Surgeon (I bet he regrets giving me his number) and he told me to go to out patients that day. It needed draining again which he did and now 48 hrs later it has swelled up again! Makes wearing a bra really difficult!?