Hi all
Just noticed some research showing that BC is serotonin positive - ie BC feeds on serotonin and also makes it from what I can gather tho I may have this wrong.
I wondered therefore about meditation, which is supposed to increase serotonin - is it a good thing (reducing stress, blood pressure etc) or does it actually make BC worse?
C x
Can you tell us where you read about this, Chicci?
Hi Jen
It was posted by another member of the forum in a diferent section - here’s a link.
C x
This is worrying. I knew about the link with tamoxifen…but…??
Could anyone expand on this ??
Julie x
What an interesting link to breast cancer food do and dont
Spent all morning reading it learning a lot feeling more positive in beating this dreadful disease.
Thanks Chicci
Better new year for us all, Pat xx
Forgot to add on last post, Vitamin D, also Selenium helps with ache and pain can be taken with tamoxifen, but check with ONC first,
i also take Manuka Honey.
Take care Pat
I’m not terribly impressed with the “study” that is quoted. It is well known that anti-depressants that use the same receptors as Tamoxifen prevent the Tam from working so well, which is why Prozac (fluoxetine) and some other anti-d’s are not advised for BC patients taking Tamoxifen.
That is not the same as saying that serotonin is bad for us.
Look at the conclusions from the studies that are referred to. I quote from one of them:
We found no association between SSRI use and breast cancer risk, overall or by hormone receptor status. Odds ratios were elevated in older women, particularly for ER− and PR− tumors, but the confidence intervals were compatible with no association. "
Smoke and mirrors, scaremongering and frightening us unnecessarily.
Hi ChocM
Thanks - hadn’t read it properly, probably. Feel like I’ve had a logical thought bypass just recently!
C x