Hi can anyone give me any advice who is also on Zoladex.The hot flushes are getting me down a ,the sweat literally runs off my forhead and face,its so embarrasing.It dosnt last for long but by the end of it my make up has dissappeared.I know its a small price to pay but i have a couple more years of this(Tamoxifen did not agree with me so they changed me to Zoladex)does anyone know of anything that works.
I was put on low dose prozac and that helps reduce the flushes a bit but it also calms me down as I’m a real ogre from the zoladex, losing it over absolutely nothing at all. At least the doctors and nurses treating me appreciate the horrid side effects and understand how much of a debilitating effect they can have.
My hot sweats are worse at night and I have one of the chillow pillows which I couldn’t be without - even got a mini sized one to take on hols.
I’ve been on zoladex for 2 yrs now and will remain on it as long as it works. I hate the effects but needs must and at least that, along with arimidex and zometa, is keeping my bone mets etc stable. I take the arimidex at night as that’s supposed to help rather than have it in the morning. It sounds melodramatic but I personally feel the side effects of the zoladex and arimidex are far worse than those of the chemo I had.
Hope you get something to relieve the flushes soon.
Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time Topsey (and lizcat)
I had Zoladex with my primary bc (now have bone mets) at the age of 41 and the first 12 months were awful - loads of hot flushes. I thought I’d never wear long sleeves or synthetic material ever again. The 2nd twelve months weren’t quite so bad but I was glad when I came off it after 2 years. I was still on Tamoxifen so I know that it wasn’t the cause. I can’t give any real suggestions though, I certainly had to keep away from any plant oestrogens that are often used in complementary/alternative menopause relief. On a different note a friend of mine who was suffering big time with her natural menopause was also put on a low dose anti depressant (maybe prozac like Lizcat) and this definitely helped her when the symptoms were so bad. She is a teacher so, again, suffered badly with hot flushes but had nowhere to hide!
I hope someone else can help a bit more than me.
Hi Nikki and Lizcat,thank you for your advice,i have my 3 monthly check up in December so i will defo ask the doc about the Prozac,sounds could to me.
Keep smilein ladies
Love Sam xx(topsey)
On a purely cosmetic level, until the flushes subside, this product really worked for me, under extremely testing conditions (ie hot date, hot flush whilst caught in the rain!)
It is called Urban Decay All Nighter and you spray it on your finished makeup. debenhams.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/prod_10001_10001_123932999199_-1?CMP=OTC-GOOGLEPS
Won’t cure your hot flushes but does wonders for my confidence!
thanks kittybutoon i will have a go at that sam x