Sex and the city movie!

Any other fans out there?I haven’t seen the film yet but i am absolutely wetting myself with excitement to see it(not literally!).Ok here’s a question,which of all the men that have been in it did you most fancy??Mr Big will always be my favourite!

Hi Dita,

I went and saw it on Wednesday with my sister…it was brill and well worth seeing…we had a jug of cosmopolitan cocktail between us in a nearby Frankie and Benny’s restaurant both before and after the movie…which made it all even better.
The cinema was packed with women and there was about 5 men…we were trying to guess if they were gay or not…still don’t know…well worth seeing…and Mr Big is my fave too…
Love Deb xx

Dear Debbie,I’m so jealous that you’ve seen it! I definitely have to go one night this week.Don’t tell me what happens though!What exactly is in a cosmopolitan? I’ve always wondered but have never tried one.My cousin saw the film on the night it opened and,funnily enough,she said it was all women and about 2 men!Hope you are well.Lots of love x

I went last night to see it, 7 of us girls went. I put on my dress with the skulls and roses on it, my red shoes with the silver heels, my red wrap and my BIG sunglasses. I felt so glam for a split second LOL. We all met in the Sports Bar, dead SATC, for a drink till everyone arrived and then headed up to the directors lounge. The Odessey, where we were, has loads of glass at the front and this is where the directors lounge is, so we had lovely views over Belfast and the river beside us. Mind you it felt like a sauna as it gets the sun all day. Then we went in to watch the movie and had the VIP suite for it, huge big recliner chairs. I was the only one who managed to get mine fully reclined and it was just perfect to lie back and watch the film. I thought the film was great, I laughed so hard I almost cried and I got sad so much I almost cried. Then we all had to run out to get taxis to the restaurant. Everyone was queueing to see the next show. They were all in their cinema gear and the 7 of us ran past them all in our glam dresses and glitzy heels. I had a brief moment where I felt very Carrie Bradshaw. We then went to the restaurant and we had no sooner sat our arses down than the food arrived. We had cocktails all night and I boogied my little bum off. By the time taxi came at 1 this morning to tak us home I was just getting started, very easily could’ve gone onto somewhere else. I will post a photo of me in my dress on the facebook page as it may be the last of me for a while, well until tonight LOL.

It was a great wee night

Good for you Leeloo and i must say your outfit sounded FABULOUS!!! I really want your dress it sounds gorgeous.Glad you had such a fantastic night.Big hugs x

Hi Leeloo,

Wish id been too, havent seen it yet, but will be in Odessey on Sat nite as kids going to see Avril Lavigne…Belfast is rocking!

Hope you are well,

talk soon,
