Shampoo during chemotherapy

Which shampoos have you been recommended or have helped your hair during chemotherapy if cold capping. I want to try it but not sure if I’ll be have it throughout depending on effectiveness

I’m using the MooGoo shampoo and conditioner. They also have a scalp cream and other products that are handy and natural for during chemo☺️ have found everything I’ve used really good so far and my scalp/skin have felt great

I used Kitsch rice water protein solid bar, and the conditioner.
Still using them as my hair regrows.
I used cold cap and lost half my hair I would say, quite evenly across my head.
Hope all goes well!

I washed my hair gently with averno shampoo and Tropic hair feast conditioner ( both used prior to treatment)
Once chemo finished i then added Watermans serum to encourage re growth and thickness

There is a great hair session run by look good feel better charity supported by cancer hair care charity

Good luck

I bought Aveda Nutriplenish. I’ve got fine hair and it cleans nicely, smells great and I don’t have greasy hair. My husband uses it too, so we just bought a large 1l bottle which makes it cheaper.

I was recommended Grow Me shampoo and conditioner by a specialist hair loss hairdresser. On Enhertu I lost about 50% of my hair at the beginning (despite using the cold cap) but it immediately started growing again and was back to full thickness a few months later. I continued using this shampoo and my hairdresser said she could see baby hairs growing through for about a year. I don’t know if it was the shampoo that did it but I was happy to keep using it. It also has a very mild minty smell when I couldn’t bear other stronger-smelling products.

Has anyone tried Plantur 39 shampoo/conditioner? I’ll be attempting the cold cap and thought this might help strengthen my hair? xx

I’m on chemo cycle 26 and have used a cold cap the whole way. I still have a full head of hair. I lost patches, especially on crown during EC & paxiltaxel but it started to grow back during kadcyla, albeit curlier than rest of hair but it is hair. I used Green People shampoo and conditioner throughout. I used the conditioner as a mask whilst the cold cap was on. Best that hair is damp, not wet as it hurts more. Comb conditioner through before putting on cap and make sure you have contact on the crown.

Hope this helps others xx

@Thetawave may i ask what type of green people shampoo and conditioner you used?