Shampoo recommendations

Hi there, am about to start chemo and have been looking into shampoos that are free from sulphates, parabens and other nasty stuff. Found two that sound ok (The Cornish Seaweed Bath Company, and Mediceuticals), but wondered if any of you would recommend one? Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @mermaid77

Have you booked a hair course? They are really helpful. Jasmine from generally runs them alongside the charity. Jasmine has lots of information on her website and YouTube videos.

I remember she recommended Faith in Nature which can be bought in supermarkets, Boots and Holland and Barrett. I used Percy and Reed strengthening shampoo and conditioner with their serum but it is more costly. Both are SLS free.

Are you cold capping? Might be helpful. Jasmine has videos with Paxman team aswell.

Look good feel better do lots of different course and you get goodies!

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the info, didn’t know about those courses so will look into that. Have made the decision not to go for the cold cap, but thanks for your shampoo suggestions…I appreciate it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve been using baby shampoo.

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I love shampoo bars, some contain conditioner too, eg Gruum, but I’ve tried as few brands and have been happy with them all.

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