Share your views on a proposed study to help early detection of cancer recurrence

What is the project about? 

The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and Institute of Cancer Research are planning to conduct a study using blood tests in women before, during and after treatment for high risk Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS), to see whether DNA from the breast cancer is found in the bloodstream, and detect its return before the usual methods would pick it up. 

The researchers would like your views to see if the study is acceptable to patients, and whether they would take part if given the opportunity. Your views could help identify any potential barriers and help inform changes to improve uptake of the study. 

Who’s organising it? 

Dr Peter Barry and Professor Nick Turner 

Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and Institute of Cancer Research 

Contact email: 

Contact phone: 07874282787 

What are the criteria for taking part? 

You don’t need to fit the criteria for the study to take part in this survey – if you’ve been affected by breast cancer as a woman or man, through your own personal diagnosis or that of a loved one, then they’d love to hear from you – just complete the survey to share your views. 

What do I need to do? 

Please read the lay summary and complete the survey to share your views. For more information, please contact Dr Peter Barry 

When’s the deadline? 

7 February 2021