I can’t find the ‘What not to say thread’ but I just have to share a few recent ‘words of wisdom’ that well meaning friends have imparted to me recently which sometimes left me in sheer disbelief or at worst, really angry.
I am currently receiving another chemo drug which appears to be failing. I know this because my cancer is very visible - put it this way, I don’t need scans to tell me if lumps are shrinking or growing. I also have a brain met.
Strike 1: When explaining to a very religious friend who had been praying for me, that I was very sorry to tell her (I was concerned about HER feelings) but the cancer was still progressing, god may decide to heal me in the future, but he certainly wasn’t now. She said ‘perhaps you’re not open to recieving healing. When I was having problems with my hubby and my prayers weren’t being answered I realised it was because I wasn’t behaving the right way’. Yes, thats right, ITS MY FAULT cos I’m a bad person! What about murderers and dictators and all the other evil people in the world who seem to live long happy lives???!!! I told her (in a very calm way) that I was not to blame for my cancer. Nothing I was doing or not doing was causing it to kill me.
Strike 2: My cancer has paralysed my facial nerve and to most people it probably looks like I’ve had a stroke (in fact some people have likened it to that… to my face…!). Anyway, as a result it affects my eating and speech. The worrying thing is that the other side has started to head the same way and I was expressing my fears to the same friend and telling her that I cope with one side but I was worried I would’nt be able to eat it the other side was paralysed to. To which she answered ‘Yes, but you’d still be able to eat through a straw wouldn’t you?’ Thank goodness I have her to solve all my problems! I told her (again calmly) that, sorry but to be that just wouldn’t be something I could accept easily. Thats like saying to someone whose lost their legs ‘thats ok, you’ll be able to get around in a wheelchair the rest of your life - chin up!’
Strike 3: During the same conversation when I was just generalsing about how sad I was that I was slowly getting worse she told me ‘it doesn’t have to be awful’. (I too wondered exactly what she was talking about). Her stepfather died of cancer in a hospice. She continued…"richard was so peaceful at the end, in no pain and he just slipped quietly away…and he was a horrid man’.
So, a) even bad people (like you becky) can have good deaths. and b) so thats something to look forward to almost!!! I told her (again in a calm way) that I’m not scared of dying per se - yes pain can be controlled - I’ll probably be so drugged up I won’t even know about it. What I object to is that I’m 35, I have a 7 year old son and and its bloody unfair!!!
Strike 4: Another friend (who knows what I’m going through on a daily basis and is often very good, but then will pull the rug from under me) text me one day to ask how I was. I replied I was feeling good except my neck was particularly stiff (my cancer is in my neck, head and shoulders and I have daily discomfort). ‘Oh well, mustn’t grumble!’ Was her reply! Well If you don;t want to know - don’t bloody ask! As it turns out i grumble very little considering the amount I have to grumble about.
Strike 5: I am only 35 and was fairly pretty up until 6 months ago when my face blew up like a balloon on one side, became paralysed and my hair fell out! I don’t mind admitting that it has affected my confidence pretty badly. People stare yet won’t make eye contact and treat me differently. Anyway I was telling my mum (who bless her has supported me wonderfully for 7 years since diagnosis) how much I hate it and she said ‘well, we’ve all got used to it’ in a matter of fact tone along with a shrug of the shoulders. I know she was trying to say it doesn’t matter, we all love you just the way you are. But I thought 'oh, thats allright then… as long as YOU can all live with it thats fine then!!!
A final one which even I had to laugh at:
I popped into work to see colleagues who i hadn’t seen since before my face ‘went’. I glammed myself up, was having a ‘well’ day and felt pretty good. They had been warned about my face thanks to regular email updates and I have to say they were all fantastic when I saw them. The were genuinely pleased to see me, didn’t appear shocked, joked with me and paid me compliments. It wasn’t till I was on my own with a male colleauge and good friend when I was talking about my face and he was being very kind and saying i was still gorgeous, then he held up his had to shield one half of my face and said ‘if you do that, you wouldn’t even know’. He mean’t well!
Well ladies, there are many more where that came from, but I hey - musn’t grumble!!!
So when people say stupid insensitive things, smile sweetly, bite your tongue, sigh inwardly and repeat to yourself ‘they mean well… they mean well…they mean well…’
Bex xx