

so I got my result on weds 2nd stage but I’ve not read through my notes properly as yet. 

it’s in my lymph nodes too so surgery for me on the 2nd sept then chemo.

im having a lumpectomy 

Crazy things are going through my head but I’m staying focused, like I will cut my hair short before the surgery or maybe after and before chemo 

my family all know now, well most of them do.

and the people who matter at work.

im still going to work until I have to isolate 

I just seem to be in a daze now xx

hi @confused22  

sorry to hear that you have recently been diagnosed. 
I am also having a lumpectomy this week and understand the feeling of being in a daze, it’s like a bad dream that you cannot wake up from. 
I have found this forum so helpful over the past few weeks, ladies that have gone through or are going through this too who understand exactly how we are feeling.

Good that you are focused, we will get through this one step at a time xx

Hey honey,

how you are feeling is normal. I was a bluer for weeks and only just now coming to terms with how life has and will change. You will reach a point where you can make sense of all the treatment, but I’m not gonna lie there will be wobble times, and that is ok. Let your thoughts and feelings flow, be kind to yourself, do what is best for YOU, no one else. You have got this and we are all here for you.

Hiya hun

You sound positive and in control, which is great to see.

Well done on the yummy treats, what a great idea. 

Stay strong will be thinking of you
