Hi it must be this time again shortage of the teva brand of tamoxifen, thankfully my chemist has a few of the 10mgs, does anyone know why this keeps happening, they are a huge company!
Hi Arl,
is is it definitely a shortage or is your chemist/ pharmacy company not buying the TEVA brand in. I have used TEVA Venlafaxine for years and often one chemist won’t have it and says they can’t get it, and I go down the road to another and they either have it or say they can order it. It appears that it is down to the cost and the high street pharmacists have a sliding scale of what they by depending on what’s the cheapest. Saying all that…you probably know all this and have been told they can’t get it and there is a shortage. Last week I got a TEVA tamoxifen, yep, in 10 mg lol so I guess it’s onto two tablets in one go for everyone.
Hi Charys
I’m not sure what the problem is this time with getting the teva brand, you get told alsorts. Chemist managed to get me the 20mg, having to phone around, very nice they were and got told yesterday they’ve put a couple of boxes on hold for me for next time. I thought it was all down to money ect! But tamoxifen are supposed to be cheaper am I right, if I’m wrong ignore me.