shortness of breath and cough ..TC-H

hi all… ive just had my 3rd chemo a week ago and after the other 2 ive had a few bad days and they rest of the days pretty good . after my 3rd one ive struggled so much with shortness of breath and a cough and it feels like my heart is going to pop out my chest and it beats so hard … im having TC-H chemo .and just wanted any feedback if people are suffering the same as me . i havnt had one good day yet since this 3rd dose of chemo

Hi angel77

I’m sorry no one has replied to your post yet.  This post should bring it back to the top and hopefully someone will notice and offer you some support.

It might also help to talk this over with one of our Helpline staff.  They’ll be open again tomorrow at 9.00am (9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays).  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


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