should i be worried???

hi everyone. i am 27 years old and 3 days ago i woke up to a sore right nipple i figured it would go away but it has just got worse and the pain more intense and i now have a lump on the inner side of the nipple kind of pushing it outwards it has gone very red and the best way to describe the pain would be as when u have given birth the soreness u get then but its more intense. this problem is only 3 days old (i hope) i havent got a clue what it is and i have searched high and low online and i dont see this as being a popular symptom of breast cancer but nor can i find any alternate diagnosis so i am kind of worried but unsure i am also very very embarrased and havent told nobody. has anyone had a simalar problem or knows what it may be please?? thanks so much in advance for any responses u wonderful people may give xxx

ps i am not sexually active and im on depo injection so im deffo not pregnant and my youngest child is 7 yrs old

Hi bigmac! This is probably just an infection, but you know what I’m going to say, don’t you? You need to go to the doctor to sort it out! That’s what they’re there for, and they see hundreds of boobies so please don’t let embarrassment stop you from going. Ask to see a lady doctor if you feel more comfortable with that. It’s a pity to go on worrying when a course of antibiotics will probably clear it up. Whatever it is, the earlier you get it looked at the better, so please make that appointment!