I am 47 & was called for a routine mammogram 10 days ago. Yesterday I got a letter asking me to return for secondary screening today, I was abit shocked at the speed of the appointment.
I went back today & thye said my right breast loooked different to my left which was the reason for recall. The second mammogram was the same & showed calcification… I then saw a consultant who did an ultrasound. This showed a 5cm area of calcification which was suspicious ?? I then had a biopsy done & they took 10 samples of tissue.
So…should I be worried? I am not by nature a worrier & I do tend to think everything will be ok. However, the speed of this has knocked me a bit if I’m honset.
Thanks for reading xx
Hi Cath and welcome to the BCC forums
In addition to the support you will soon have here please feel free to call our helpline, our team are here to offer you further support, information and a listening ear on 0808 800 6000. Lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 today.
Take care
HI Cath,
The doctors like to be thorough, so will investigate anything that looks suspisious. It may be nothing to worry about, but it is best to be sure.
Hope the results are good, however if you do get the dreaded bad news please stay on this site as you will get wonderful support and make lots of new friends who understand what it is like.
Take Care
thank you Lucy, I will call the helpline next week, I have been working today so missed it.
Flip flop, thank you for taking the time to reply. I get my results on 10th June so will try to stay calm till then. xx