Early last year I had a microdochectomy to remove a papilloma after having bloody discharge from my nipple. Luckily the results came back benign, however I have now got more discharge coming from the same breast and it has been quite tender/ pain behind nipple. This time it is white, clear and greenish (different from multiple ducts) also sticky. The doctor has giving me antibiotics that I’ve been taking for 3 days now but no signs of improvement, possible got worse?i have a follow up appointment next week as may need to be referred to breast clinic again if it hasn’t cleared. I would have thought the antibiotics would have worked by now and getting a bit worried. I have family history of breast cancer (mums mum) but am only 25 so have been told I’m too young. However I was also told I was too young to get papilloma… Should I be concerned or am I just being paranoid??has anyone else had this experience, any help or advice would be much appreciated x
Hi AXM and welcome to the BCC forums
In addition to the help you will soon have here please feel free to call our helpliners to talk through your concerns/queries on 0808 800 6000, lines are open weekdays 9-5 and 10-2 Sat
Here’s a link to the BCC ‘Worried about breast cancer’ section of the site where you will find lots of information and further support services :
Take care
Lucy BCC