Should I have Supraclavicular Fossa Radiotherapy?

Hi, I was diagnosed with Triple Negative BC in September 2013 followed by left mastectomy. Tumour size 1.9mm and 3 lymph nodes involved. Lymph node clearance showed further two nodes with micro metastasis. I have had six cycles of FEC-T and am just about to start radiotherapy. My surgeon told me that my cancer was aggressive and invasive and I needed chemo, followed by 6 weeks of radiotherapy to the neck area. When I met with my consultant radiographer recently, she told me my treatment plan involved 3 weeks of radiotherapy to my chest wall. I told her my surgeon’s initial suggestion, to which the consultant told me that she was now thinking that maybe I should receive radiotherapy to the chest wall and the neck area (which is called supraclavicular fossa or SF). She explained that is radiotherapy to the SF is quite rare for breast cancer patients and that the side effect is an increased incidence of stroke in later years. Also if 4 or more nodes are positive that can be criteria for SF radiotherapy. She decided to suggest both chest wall and SF radiotherapy and basically told me to go home, research and make my decision. She said it was ultimately, my choice. I am confused and worried about the choice I have to make and it would be really helpful too hear from anyone else who has radiotherapy treatment to the SF. Thank you.

Hi debiday and welcome to the BCC forums

In addition to the support you will find here please feel free to call our helpliners for further practical and emotional support, they may also know of other users who have undergone this treatment

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Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi debiday, I looked up the forum to check for discussions about RADs for SF and the chestwall and came across your message in April 2014.  I am going thru a similar experience and need to make a decision about whether I should do RADs. Please can I ask if you obtained any further information/research and if you are happy to share the decision?


Hi debiday, sorry I missed your original post. I’m TN too (MX, ANC, FEC-T) finished rads to chest wall, axilla and SF in March. Just to let you know I was concerned about rads in general but decided to go ahead for the same reasons as you xx

Hi debiday


I’ve been reading your posts, and I wondered how you are doing?

I have recently been diagnosed with TNCC in my right breast and 1under arm lymph node. The tumour in my breast measures approx 3cm  x 1.5cm. I received my first dose of EC chemo on Thursday, and have developed a chest infection, so i am now on antibiotics. I’ve been told that I need to have another 3 cycles of this EC chemo every 3 weeks, before 4 cycles of three weekly Taxo chemo, at the same time as 4 cycles of weekly Carboplatin chemo. After that I am going to be offered a DNA test for the BRCC1 & 2 gene (I am 48 with no known family history of breast cancer), prior to a right mastectomy, with axillary clearance and chest wall and supraclavicular fossa radiotherapy. 

My world has been turned upside down in the last 4 weeks, but I am trying my hardest to remain strong and positive and to focus on taking each day at a time!
