should i insist on a ultra sound?

hi ladies my breast problems started five months ago i had an abscess drained from my left armpit, a few weeks after this i noticed that my breast on the same side was constantly painful,i waited a while for my period to see if there was any change, anyway ended up at the docs who could feel a lump under my nipple where the pain comes from i was sent to see a specialist who asked a few questions, once i told her it was very painfull she just seemed to dismiss me (Cancer isnt painful) she had a very quick feel then told me to take evening primrose oil, 1 month later back for check up still no change so 1 more month later mamo, at which time the consultant wasnt there just the lady that did the mamo i had to show her that i now hav a visible lump on the top part of my breast also but now where the pain is coming from, im not back to see the consultant till the 17th march wat im wondering is if my mamo has come back clear should i ask for a ultra sound as im only just turned 36, also infection was ruled out by a blood test that my doc done but shes refusing to do anything else till the specialist has found wats wrong?
thank you in advance for any help and or advice u can give me

I am still new to BC, diagnosed on 1st of Feb.
My symptoms started as a strange itch under my nipple, then pain, then lump…
In my mind, any changes to the breast need to be examined.
If you are really concerned, I cant see any harm in asking for an ultrasound


I can understand where your GP is coming from as, like you she does not have any results. I can also understand your concern. I think that in your position, in pain and worried, I would telephone the breast care nurses at the hospital where you had the mammogram and ask their advice. If you do not want to do that perhaps you would feel better phoning the helpline here and talk to one of the nurses.


Anyone under 40 should always get an ultrasound with a mammogram and mammos dont always show up things on younger breasts. Id push for an ultrasound.

I’d definitely insist on an ultrasound. I found my lump while undressing, got referred within 2 weeks, had mammogram (which DIDN’T show the lump) and then ultrasound. I was told that I had ‘young’ breasts - I was 49 at the time - in other words, my breast tissue was quite dense. This is part of the reason why they don’t routinely offer women under 50 mammograms. If there’s clearly a lump there, they have to find out what it is, and the likelihood is it’s not sinister, but having an ultrasound would put your mind at rest. Let us know how you get on.

I had an absess under my left arm that I had to have drained and take antibiotics for about 18 months ago. I found a lump on the same side 7 months ago that turned out to be cancer. I am not saying that you will be the same, but an ultrasound would give you the peace of mind that you need. I was told by my doctor, surgeon and onc that there was no way the absess and the tumour were related but if a scan will put your mind at rest, then it is worth pursuing. Good luck.

Hi kazz

It sounds like you’re going through a pretty worrying time at the moment. I have included here the link to the BCC information booklet ‘referral to a breast clinic’*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/59/

It includes lots of information on the different test which you may have.

I hope this is helpful

Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

I’m in a similar situation as you … but I have already had one breast removed … My right breast started to play up in december after having mastectomy of left breast in October 09… I went to my consultant who did ultra sound needle core biopsy which showed nothing…
But I would insist on getting a ultra sound done … I am only 39… and they offered me primrose too … but i’m getting my problem sorted now… thank the lord


Hi Kazz, My first mamo came back clear this I could not understand when my lump was then visable, I went back to my DR`s and asked for US, luckily she agreed, I had a very aggressive tumour and was operated on just before christmas.
Don´t beleive when people say cancer isn´t painful, mine hurt like hell, also under my armpit, this they removed 22 lymph nodes 16 were positive.

I´m not saying this to scare you, just please ask for the US.
Good luck, love Teresa xxx

thanks so much ladies for taking the time to write

it is a worrying time sometimes im very positive but some times it really gets to me i know that the odds say whats going on is probably not cancerous but its just this damn constant pain thats driving me mad and the not knowing wat else to do, i did phone the helpline on here and the lady i spoke to was great to talk to and sent me some booklets to read,ive tried doing everything yr supposed to do ie reduce caffeine eat healthy take evening primrose oil and still nothing.
it does feel like since i got the abscess nothing has been right with the breast and im generally very lucky and never get ill, so when i go on the 17th im def going to push for the us,(fingers crossed i dont hav to go another month) is there anything else you think i should ask about?
many thanks ladies
keep well

Hi Kazz,

Just thought I might add that it may be a good idea to take someone with you on the 17th, as sometimes I think we feel braver about being assertive when we ask for tests to be done if we have someone to help back us up.

Hope it goes well for you,
Esme x

Hi Kazz, definately push for an ultrasound.
I also had a lump that my GP said wasn’t typical for cancer, so she referred me on a routine appointment after I insisted!!
At clinic had to have urgent mammogram, scan and biopsy done. My lump was painful and visible.
It turned out to be an aggressve cancer and I have since had a mastectomy.
I did question whether GP’s maybe need further training in the detection of breast lumps!
Be assertive and then at least it may put your mind at rest.
Hope it turns out ok. Take care. Debbie. xx

Hi Kazz,

Yes, there is something else you should do. If you are refused an ultrasound then firmly ask for a second opinion. You are entitled to that. If this does not work out you could have an ultrasound done at your nearest private hospital. Yes, I know it will cost but it will surely be worth it for your peace of mind.

Hope all works well for you.


good idea about taking someone with me i dont know about the rest of you but i tend to clam up and revert back to a 10yr old in front of teachers and doctors lol, so i think i’ll take my mum she can be quite feisty (shes a 4ft 10 glaswegian, and a bit scarey)

i did think about going private a few weeks ago (my lovely boss has offered to pay and i can just pay her back when ive got it) but i decided after all this time i can wait two more weeks, im going to try and insist on a us but if she wont then def going to go the private route, there is a breast clinic that does everything in 1 day not far from me that takes private patients, does anyone hav any idea of the cost? they did hav a price list type thing but my computer wouldnt let me download it
Many thanks again ladies
take care x

Looked on google and I think it’s around £100.

I was hoping to have my annual mammo private this year to save the stress of waiting for results. I was told mammo about £100. When I phoned I found that it was actually £160 for mammmo and £260 for ultrasound, so I went NHS and am currently enduring the long wait.