should I shave my hair?

About to have breast surgery, and from reading up it sounds like my arm mobility will be pretty bad for a while afterwards. My hair is currently past my shoulders and I’m worried that washing it and keeping it tied back will be more than I can cope with.

Due to covid I’m not willing to go to a hairdresser - in fact, I’m supposed to be shielding from tomorrow so too late anyway! - so I feel like my options are leave it, or take a shaver to it (longest it’ll allow, but still about 1inch of hair).

I did it before when I knew my hair would be falling out from chemo. This time that’s not an issue, thank goodness, but is hanging on to my hair just going to be a huge heap of trouble when I’m already struggling?

Hi bookish

I had a no 6 buzzcut after my first chemo and loved it. In fact I held onto a fair bit of it to the bitter end (I suspect it was sheer cussedness). As for surgery, which I had before chemo, I had my hair cut fairly short In preparation because I suspected I’d find it hard to wash and impossible to dry. I was right. Although you have one perfectly good arm, it’s a two-armed job so you really need a sympathetic partner or, if it doesn’t bother you, go for that buzz. It’s very flattering and may lift your spirits.

I hope the surgery goes well and recuperation isn’t too tough. Have plenty of loose-fitting front-buttoning tops and pjs ready!

hello my hair is also long. I had lumpectomy and all nodes removed last week have braved a  bath once since with shave as my legs were starting to look like king kong lol. Lifting my arm above my shoulder has not been a issue for me from day 1 after op but was told not too till week 2 so i havent, i have asked my mom to pop round and wash my hair over the sink as im not sure how much pain i would be in if i try it myself  have you got someone who would be willing to pop in and wash it for u. If not i wouldnt stress too much you cant go out for 2 weeks anyway so enjoy the pj days and messy hair while you can lol. I have not been dressed in over a week and tbh have enjoyed lazying around lol. I have 4 kids youngest 9 oldest 17, so obviously not all day lazyness just when there at school.