Should I stop chemo?

I have had 3 FEC chemo and am due to start taxotere soon,.but I have been so very ill whilst on it that I really dont want to do any more.
I have had embolisms,a mini stroke ,fainting constantly and my heart has been weakened.I never did really recover from my last fec, even though its been 4 weeks.
My prognosis initially wasnt too good, i had multifocal IDC, largest being 8mm and 22 nodes positive,
Whilst I realise that my best chance is having all of the chemo offered I just dont feel that I’ll make it through the treatment.
I feel between a rock and a hard place, to carry on with the chemo that I feel my body cant handle or take my chances with the cancer.
My onc said th other day that it was completely up to me and he was really suprised that I’d managed 3 fec under the circumstances.
My question is, has anyone discontinued their chemo and come to terms with the decision? has anyone had a recurrence after refusing treatment?I’m so very scared and in a very dark place right now.

thanks for reading


Hi Stillstanding

It sounds like you’re having a really tough time at the moment. Whilst you wait for the other forums users to reply with their advice and experience it may help for you to talk this through with one of the trained members of staff on the BCC helpline. Here you are able to share your worries and concerns with someone who can offer you a listening ear as well as support and information. The number is free phone 0808 800 6000 and the line is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturdays 9am to 2pm.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

Hi Stillstanding,

I’m so sorry to read of the difficult time you are having, what a lot to cope with.
I am not in this situation but I do hope someone will come along that can advise you.

Take care
Moonshine xx

I have had three FEC and one taxotere. I found the FEC hard going with depression and other side effects. Didn’t think I could manage taxotere after reading some of the posts on here and the onc asked if I wanted a break before continuing. I just wanted the whole thing over and done with as soon as possible so went ahead. Due for second taxotere next week and can honestly say I have felt better on taxotere than FEC. I found the first week hard - felt very tired, thrush in mouth and some aches in legs - don’t know if that is from the 5 injections I have to have after each chemo but recovered quickly after that. I found with FEC that I didn’t feel right until three days before next chemo but with taxotere have felt alot better for the last two weeks. Hopefully my next one goes the same way. Everyone seems to have different side effects - I just want to give it my best shot but I understand it is difficult when you have had such a hard time. Hope someone can offer you the advice that you need.

Take Care

Hi Stillstanding!

I’m not in your position, but your side effects sound really dreadful and sometimes you wonder if it’s all worth it. I have a friend who now has dreadful PERMANENT side effects from chemo which has just devastated her entire body - no immune system, osteoarthritis, stomach lining “stripped”. I refused chemo because it would only have given me a small increased chance and I decided to do without - and I shall have to live with that decision. However we’re all different - and whatever is right for you, you should do regardless of what others think.
My very best wishes to you.

Just wanted to add my support - even though I’m sorry I have no answers for you. I Hope you can get some good advice

Hi SS,

I am so sorry you have had such horrible s/es and finding chemo very, very hard.
Most of us given the choice of chemo would reluctantly go for it for obvious reasons but needless to say it isnt that simple for you as it makes you so poorly. It is such a fine balancing act, physically and also mentally. I couldnt advise you either way especially with your serious side effects. The best thing I can do is to advise you to ring the BCC helpline which you have been given above and talk to people who really can talk through this with you.

best wishes
Chris x

Hello still standing, like others above I am not in a position to offer advice, but I want to offer support at this very difficult time. You are obviously facing some very difficult decisions and I hope you receive the help and guidance you need to make them. Sending moral support in abundance xxx carmel

Sending love to you, and moral support also,

Hi SS,
how are you doing?
I hope you have rung the bcc site for some support. Please dont leave it and worry alone because they are there for all of us, we are here for each other too,

take care
Chris x

I thought I’d sent a reply yesterday but i must have done something wrong. I found AC - which is similar to FEC far more difficult than my second chemo which was Taxol. Why not discuss going straight onto the next type which may suit you much better. Also, ask your onc why he recommends Taxotere over Taxol. From the posts I have read on this site, Taxotere seems to have worse side-effects than the alternative. I can understand how life may not seem bearable at the minute, but different drugs have different effects and affect people differently. Good luck I’ll be thinking of you.

Hi Stillstanding

I just wanted to post that I found taxotere much easier than FEC, I felt constantly dizzy, sick and tired on FEC and had to have a dose reduction, when I had taxotere I knew there were days that I would have overall body aches, I got ingto bed and got alot of rest and it was much much easier to bear. We are all so different, just wanted to say its entirely possible you could find taxotere quite bearable.


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply,
I have completed the 3 fec, and was due to start the taxotere on monday but as I had yet another unexplained loss of conciousness and fitting they have postponed it yet again.
I dont really know why onc prescribed taxotere as against taxol, I really dont know too much about the different drugs, only really heard about peoples dire side effects on taxotere.
I know, with my poor prognosis that I really should have the taxotere, but I’m so scared that with these recent recurrent embolisms and mini stroke and now unexplained loss of conciousness and fitting, that I would just be pushing my luck just that bit too far.
The onc has explained the risks and then just left it completely up to me to decide.
thanks again for your replies, I really appreciate it


I just wanted to say how very sorry I am for you that you seem to be having such awful side effects and what a terrible place you must be in at this stage of your life. I have no wise words to share with you other than we’re all here for you and are thinking of you.

I too am in a similar situation as yourself in that I am considering not continuing with my chemo due to the adverse effects and quality of my life.

Please keep in touch and am here for you okay?

Deb x

Hi SS,

I can’t give any personal experience of either tax chemo as I am having 6 x FEC and that decision was based on an additional 5% increase in survival without such a poor prognosis as you face. I just wanted to add some hugs and love and suggest that you speak to the BCC helpline as regards the effects FEC had on you, what the differences are between the tax chemos and what likelihood/types of side effects you may face to help you make your decision.

What difference does it make to your chances having only done 3 FEC? Surely something gives you some protection or do you need the whole course? I don’t really understand enough about chemo to know whether you have to do 6 or the course to make a difference or if only 1 gives you a better chance let alone the risks you face with or without it. What are the side efects of taxol or taxotere? Are they the same as with FEC - do you risk more heart damage/strokes etc?

Maybe once you understand the difference side effects of the different chemos, the reasons for each being given etc you can make a decision as to which, if any, you want. It maybe that FEC was particularly bad for you but the tax chemo wont be so bad or have so many risks.

What I am trying to say is I don’t think your Onc has helped you, from what you say, to fully understand why he is offering you the treatment he is, what it means for you, what it means for you if you don’t and what your options are. I think you should speak to someone on the helpline who can perhaps clarify things for you so you can make an informed choice.

Love and hugs whatever you decide, xx ((((((((((()))))))))))))