Shoulder Blade & Breast Pain

I know without examination that you can’t really say but I am really worried about a constant pain in my right shoulder blade and right breast, I went to breast clinic in April this year due to pain in my nipple and had an ultrasound everything turned out fine & I skipped out feeling happy however I have and have had this pain in my shoulder blade radiating through my right breast for quite some time now prior to my April app and I am petrified, I have large breasts with dense breast tissue so it’s difficult to feel, however the pain is uncomfortable and getting worse some days it’s feels like I am being stabbed in my back, I have called my gp and have got an appointment on Wednesday but because the pain is always there I can’t get away from the bad thoughts, I know that the last thing you do is google because it tells you the worst but I wanted to see if the 2 were connected and obviously it throws me here, I’ve no idea if the 2 are connected but I’ve managed to convince myself that there is something really wrong as it’s not right

I do do breast examinations but I’m scared I am going to find something, I’ve done all the fitting of bras & taking starflower but the pain is still there is both parts, I stupidly read an article about a lady who’s breast cancer started out as should blade pain so now have convinced myself, I know also by keeping checking my blood I’m probably making things worse or aggravating things but I can’t help it, I’m driving myself mad…

Hi Emma - I know you have also sent your question to the lovely nurses on here, but I wondered if you have now seen your GP and whether he/she has reassured you or found a reason for your pain? We are all here for you should you need us. Sending you hugs. Evie xx