shoulder pain still not gone

shoulder pain still not gone

shoulder pain still not gone Hi Folks

It’s been a while since I visited you lovely people as I have been trying to just get on with life, chemo and all that stuff, and decided my worry about shoulder pain was having a negative affect on my recovery and mental state.

Well, I am back worrying again and could do with any advice on offer. I have continuous pain in my shoulder that isn’t eased by anti inflamatories and paracetamol. I use a warm wheat bag but even that has minimal effect.

Have had an xray and bone scan, both clear though scan brought up wear and tear consistent with age. A CT scan was mentioned to my GP in onc’s letter to her (news to me, I was told all clear, end of story). If this didn’t right itself, but no time span was given.

I returned to GP last wk, she thinks it is muscular and showed me how to massage (or get OH to) area and take pills mentioned. She did say come back if no improvement. Am also waiting to see physio for this pain but also poor mobility in affected arm.

So I suppose what I would like to hear from you lot is any instances similar to mine. Should I insist on a CT scan?

Any advise very welcome. Absolutly shattered with lack of proper sleep through worry and pain.

Thanks, Irene

I too have had various pains and stiffness in my shoulder. At times it has felt like a trappped nerve and other time it feels as if a weight is on it. I finished all my treatment last Nov and then had an abscess which has only finally healed this month so I feel that my body is just takng longer to heal. Various other joints in my body hurt too and I get very stiff.
The main comment I can say is that my shoulder is gradually getting better though for me it has taken a long time. Hopefully yours will improve too. I used to think that it never would.
I just want my body back to having the capabilities it used to have instead of feeling like an old woman and having a constant reminder of what the last year has been.
Just keep doing the exercises gradually as able and hopefully things will improve.
Take care.

Hi Irene,

Is this on your surgery side? If so it’s quite common that after initially doing all the post mastectomy exercises it can stiffen up again. Seeing the physio should be able to give you exercises to improve that

Your bone scan and x-rays have come back clear - that’s good news! A CT scan is not as good at showing bone probs so doubt there would be much to gain there, if anything an MRI would make more sense but your medical team will have their reasons for each type of test.

As with anything if it doesn’t go away your GP will want to do more tests. I know the fear of secondaries is very worrying but please take comfort that your tests thus far have been clear.

Love Twinkle xoxo

Hi Irene Ive had a pain in my shoulder since diagnosis and chemo. To be honest I think its anxiety. To be honest Im sick of finding new problems with myself and I think its just me thinking about this awful disease and my mind going haywire. Sounds like your GP is quite happy with the fact it could just be muscular. (dont worry if they thought anything else they would soon send you further).

How about some relexology - it does you the world of good.

Lots of hugs Diane