Shouting from rooftops but wont as I'd prob fall off ;)

Tomorrow is my LAST CHEMO SESSION - Wooooooooo Hoooooooooooooo! A yay, a yay and thrice a yay!!! And a Whoop :slight_smile:

Anyone who has followed my SEs knows I’ve had a really bad last few times of Taxotere and how pleased I’ll be to get chemo out of my system.

Just this last one now and I’m through! I’ve got my painkillers/Imodium/Lactulose/Omeprazole at the ready - do your EFFING worse and then DONT COME BACK - EVER. You’ve caused enough grief in our family to last a decent long lifetime!!!

Just have to say all of that - sorry to all those still going through it - but you’ll be this happy when you’re on your last one - trust me!

Well done! you got through it! now hopefully you can put that part behind you and get on with the next part of your life. With all good wishes, Julie xx

Well done you!

Here’s hoping your se’s are minimal.
Very best wishes

Well I have steroid induced wakefullness - always get this from them even though my last lot were 12 hours ago!!!

Hurrah! And good luck for the future.

Yeah! El K

I had my final TAX yesterday!!! , I too got same meds at the ready!..dex had ne up at the crack of dawn!.. but so glad that these days of SE’s will be my last too, and so like you, EVER I hope!!! as you know I have done this whole journey before and didn’t want to have to do it again…but I did, NEVER want a repeat either…EVER,EVER!!! Hope it goes well for today…let us know

Much love, sharing the relief you feel
Jeanette xxx

Hi girls, El K congratulations on your woo hoo moment. Can I share it. Today is my last day of rads after chemo (also had horrendous time on Tax) and Mx. Having a glass of bubbly tonight then off on hols on Friday. Never thought I’d get to this point. Good luck to all still with ongoing treatment.
Love Polly xxxx

Congratulations El K, this thread should be shown to the new people just starting out.

It is an amazing feeling isn’t it? Had my last one last week, and all through the se’s I’ve been thinking “for the last time”… beginning to feel human again… will potter at clearing the ironing slowly then plannign session for rads Friday - 2 weeks hols on Monday! Can’t WAIT! So BIG WOOOHOOOO here too!!! (does a little dance) (in a chair!) To the others - you WILL get there… I asked for a sleep fairy tablet from the onc - no problem… don’t take them every night St.Eroid robs me of sleep, but every other night really helps… Jane

How lovely that you are all at this point - you’ll get to the end of this cycle and instead of going back for a dose, you’ll just feel stronger and stronger. You’ve done it - you strong brave fabulous women.
Polly, you two - free at last!
I hope you all feel great in the coming days and weeks and that this is it and you never have to do this again
thanks for posting, good news is lovely!
I agree that it would be good for people starting out on chemo and rads to see this
good luck
mon xxx

It’s a brilliant feeling to know that there’s no more chemo on the horizon. I cried with relief when I knew I wasn’t going to have any more. Now you can all focus on looking after your poor battered bodies and spend some time recovering from it all.

Nymeria x

Good job done!! It’s a great feeling isn’t it. I found the SE’s were better for the last one so hope it is the same for you. Now 3 months post chemo and feeling better everyday. never thought I would feel this good again and enjoying it. x

I had the biggest grin on my face all through chemo and was so chirpy, just knowing this is the last one.
No more agonising pains, no more painful SEs, no more hospital visits at weekends from SEs, no more A&E etc.
Not all treatment over yet but the worst bit is.

I’ve now got 3 weeks til Rads pre-assessment appt, then I have 3 weeks probabaly of rads - the worst bit being the travelling part every day, but 15 sessions better than the 20 worse case scenario. I’ll also go on Tamoxifen, think as my bone profiles been good that I shouldn’t suffer from joint pains due to my age (cross fingers) on it. I will prob get Hot flushes but am on Citrolpram anyway so may not suffer too bad.

Then in a year theres the decision about a reconstruction and what state I’m left in. One is a lot smaller as the lump was 45mm and then they took a 2cm clearance margin on it.
Think I want implants if I can and I have a keyloid scar on my SLNB that’s quite bad looking and very wide.
That’s for later though.

Just knowing i wont be crawling in agony, chemo mouth, piles, contractions and diahorrea, constipation, cold sores, fatigue from hell, need I go on?
Whatever happens, my BCN says after the chemo I’ve had the rest will be a breeze in comparison.

Yes, and the 5 year “all clear” is not great but can’t control that, other than to loose this weight, control my wine drinking and up the exercise to make my body more resilient with regards to lifestyle elements.

So yeah - HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY this milestone is over with at last, it does come finally!

Hooray…you did it…this bit is over… I have felt ruff today ( and the day after is usually the best) and yet, like you knowing that’s done, it makes SUCH A BIG difference eh? good on ya girl!!!


Well done, seems like my chemo is going on forever, as I started in March and still haven’t finished :frowning: but my last is due 17 th Aug so getting nearer now. I will be ecstatic on that day.

Brilliant news El Katrano. :slight_smile:
Im just going in for my second WLE as 1st showed cancer on the margins, then maybe MX of left boob and Chemo :frowning:

Your post has given me goose bumps as I see a positive ‘slant’ on the whole thing.

You MUST be really pleased, well done for getting through what can only be described as the Cancer ‘hell’

Take Care
Wendy x